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Shoulders back translate Spanish

277 parallel translation
Shoulders back.
Los hombros atrás, mírame.
Shoulders back.
Hombros atrás.
Shoulders back, shoulders back.
La mirada al frente.
Shoulders back, eyes front.
¡ Mirada al frente!
Shoulders back. Get that gun up.
Fusil bien alto.
This man stands up straight with his shoulders back.
Este hombre se para derecho con los hombros atrás.
Shoulders back.
Hombros atrás. Cabeza arriba.
Put your shoulders back.
Hombros atrás. Ahora ve y vuelve.
We took the shoulders back when we greet.
Echamos los hombros hacia atrás cuando saludamos.
- OK, shoulders back, chin up.
- OK, hombros atrás, arriba la barbilla.
You will stand with shoulders back and chin high, like this.
Se pararán con los hombros alzados y el mentón alto, así.
Straighten up, shoulders back.
Erguida, hombros hacia atrás.
Shoulders back!
¡ Espaldas atrás!
Ride with your shoulders back and your head held proud.
Cabalga con la cabeza erguida.
Chins in, chests out. Arms by your side, shoulders back.
Pecho fuera, brazos a los lados, hombros atrás.
Oh, very important. You must keep your shoulders back at all times.
- Debes mantener los hombros atrás.
Now, then, hands in position. Shoulders back.
Las manos en su sitio.
Shoulders back!
¡ Hombros atrás!
Shoulders back.
Hombros hacia atrás.
Get your shoulders back, Mr Jones.
¡ Hombros atrás!
- Shoulders back!
- ¡ A la derecha! - ¡ Hombros hacia atrás!
When you stop for a pause, as here, for a turn, put your foot back and pull your shoulders back.
Cuando os paráis para giraros, echáis atrás el pie y los hombros.
Shoulders back. Look, like that.
Echa los hombros hacia atrás.
Try to pin his shoulders back for five dollars.
Intente sujetar sus hombros por cinco dólares.
Get those shoulders back.
¡ Saca pecho, vamos! ¡ Hombros atrás!
Sit up straight, child. Hold your shoulders back. You're getting a dreadful stoop.
Póngase erguida, eche los hombros atrás, o se estropeará la espalda
Now, shoulders back...
Los hombros hacia atrás.
Shoulders back.
Los hombros hacia atrás.
I've even got my shoulders back.
Hasta tengo los hombros atrás.
Shoulders back!
Hombros atras!
Things kept going from bad to worse, but we all put our shoulders to the wheel, and it wasn't long before I was flat on my back again.
Las cosas iban de mal en peor, pero todos arrimamos el hombro, y no tardé mucho en volver a estar por los suelos.
" Nunca los haré regresar
breast, back, shoulders, hips... and diverse other parts of the body, and with violence did push, thrust and gouge your fingers in his eyes. " Yeah.
y que con violencia le introdujo los dedos en los ojos.
We're putting half the responsibility back on your shoulders again.
Le devolvemos la mitad de su responsabilidad sobre sus hombros.
Shoulders back, eyes front.
¡ Vista a la derecha!
Only way back there you're a little girl with a short dress and your hair... falling to your shoulders, and a little boy is standing, holding your hand.
Pero eres una niña pequeña con un vestido corto, el pelo por los hombros y un niño cogiéndote la mano.
The soft shoulders had a date, but she thought she could fix that... and was going to check right back.
La chica de los hombros suaves tenía una cita, pero iba a cancelarla... y me iba a llamar enseguida.
Back there at the bar, you acted as though you had some big trouble on your shoulders.
En la barra actuabas como si tuvieses un gran problema sobre tus hombros.
My shoulders and my back hurt.
Me duelen los hombros y la espalda.
You gave it back... Go away, go away before I break that pumpkin you carry on your shoulders!
Me los viniste a devolver... ¡ Vete de aquí, vete de aquí antes de que te rompa esa calabaza que llevas sobre los hombros!
You've got that long neck for balance. You got them laid-back shoulders for speed. And you got them big hocks for drivin'.
Tienes el cuello largo para equilibrarte, los cuartos atrasados para ser rápido y grandes corvejones para moverte.
Shoulders back.
¡ Hombros atrás!
Shoulders back!
¡ Hombros atrás! ¡ saque pecho!
You have blue threads all over your back and shoulders.
Tiene hilos azules en la espalda, en los hombros.
He made her get down on her knees and then beat her he beat her for hours, on her back, her shoulders, her head.
La hacía arrodillarse y entonces la golpeaba. La golpeaba durante horas, en la espalda, los hombros, la sien.
Come back for the shoulders.
Vuelva para los hombros.
You're rubbing hot oil all over her shoulders, back and forth.
Le pones aceite caliente en los hombros.
You don't expect Dick Nash here to carry the drugs back on his shoulders.
No pensarás que Dick Nash va a llevar la droga cargada en sus hombros.
Chest in, round back, shoulders down.
Pecho adentro, espalda arqueada, hombros abajo.
Head... back... shoulders... bottom!
¡ Cabeza... espalda... hombros... trasero!
- But the guy had the virus... He had scabs on his back and shoulders he kept rubbing his shoulders on his nose
- Pero el tipo estaba infectado... tenía costras por la espalda y los hombros... y se pasó la pelea restregándoselas en la nariz.

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