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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / Sit down here

Sit down here translate Spanish

1,961 parallel translation
Just come sit down here in your favorite chair have another martini.
Siéntate... en tu silla favorita. Toma otro martini.
Come here, sit down here!
Venga, siéntese aquí.
Sit down here.
Siéntese aquí.
Come on, sit down here.
Ven, siéntate aquí.
Just sit down here, okay?
Tú siéntate aquí, ¿ vale?
A-huh. Well, why don't you come and sit down here old man, or you'll give yourself a heart attack.
Bueno... por qué no vienes y te sientas aquí, viejo, o te dará un ataque al corazón
You and I are going to sit down here and we're going to talk this through, okay?
Vamos a sentarnos los dos y lo hablamos, ¿ vale?
And get over here and sit down.
Ven acá y siéntate.
Here sit down.
Here, sit down.
Ven, siéntate.
Here, sit. Sit down.
Here, sit down for a minute.
Aqui, sientate por un minuto.
There's my sweetie. Hey, sweetie... sit you cute butt down here.
Hola, dulzuraSiéntate aquí.
Come over here and sit down.
Venga tranquilo y siéntese
Here. Sit down.
Come here, sit down.
ven aquí, siéntate.
Come here, sit down and be quiet.
Ven aquí, siéntate y estate callado.
Come, sit down. Come, come here!
Venga, siéntate. ¡ Ven, ven aquí!
here, sit down... help yourself.
Aquí, siéntate... sirvete tu mismo.
Come here and sit down.
Venga aquí y siéntese.
Here is a bench, we can sit down.
Aquí hay un banco, podemos sentarnos.
If Giacomino sits down here, Daniela can sit here.
Si Giacomino se sienta aquí, Daniela puede sentarse aquí.
Come here. Sit down.
Ven aquí Siéntate
- Sit down. Here's some hot broth.
- Siéntate, traje un caldo caliente.
- Let's sit him down here.
- Sentémosle aquí.
- Let's sit down over here for a minute.
- Vamos a sentarnos un segundo. - No.
Just walk over... why don't we go in here sit down.
- Sr. Swelco, sentémonos ahí dentro.
She should be here any minute, and if you sit down and don't move, you'll have a perfect view.
Llegará en cualquier momento, si te sientas y no te mueves tendrás una vista perfecta.
I would ask you to sit down, but as you can see, I'm here with my friend Jane, who respects my intelligence.
Yo le pediría que sentarse, pero como usted puede ver, Yo estoy aquí con mi amiga Jane, que respeta mi inteligencia.
Here, sit down.
- Here. Why don't- - Here, sit down.
- Siéntate.
Sit down, Asok, we have important work here.
Sientate, Asok, tenemos trabajo importante.
Here, you're gonna sit down.
Siéntese aquí.
Honey, I need you to come over here and sit down for a minute.
Cariño, necesito que vengas a sentarte un minuto.
You know, sir, if I may, here let's... let's sit down.
Sabe, señor, si me permite, venga, vamos a sentarnos.
Sit down. Watch me dismantle Howie here.
Mira cómo desmantelo a Howie.
If is this about me coming here or what's going on between us, then we need to sit down and talk about it, figure it out.
Si se trata de que yo vine aquí o lo que está pasando entre nosotros tenemos que sentarnos y hablarlo, descifrarlo.
Steve, sit down over here, would you?
Steve, siéntate con nosotros.
Come on in and sit down. Sit right here...
Vamos, Siéntate, sientate justo aqui...
Look at you! Okay, right over here, actually. Now sit down.
Ven aquí, siéntate.
Listen, come here. Sit down for one second, please.
Ven, siéntate un segundo, por favor.
Come here. Sit down.
Careful now. Here, sit down.
Here, sit down. Sit down.
Mira, siéntate.
If we could maybe come down to this, uh... bar down here at the thing... and maybe just sit there... and have a nightcap or something like that.
Si quieres vamos a un bar de aquí abajo y estamos un rato y tomamos una copa antes de ir a dormir.
Here's our interpreter. Sit down.
Aquí está el intérprete.
I'm gonna sit on down here and study on that for a minute.
Me sentaré aquí a estudiar la situación por un minuto.
I don't intend on going down for this shit, so if any of you take me down for this shit I will kill his ass, or her ass. So we're gonna sit here, on this beach, right now, and work out this alibi until I am satisfied with it.
No tengo intención de irme a la mierda por esto y si alguien me delata lo mataré, sea hombre o mujer, así que nos quedaremos aquí a trabajar en la coartada hasta que esté totalmente satisfecho.
Oh come on, come on. Come here, sit down, relax. You make me nervous.
¡ Vamos, entra y relájate, me pones nervioso!
Here. Sit down, Mr. Clay.
Tome asiento, Sr. Clay.

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