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Standish translate Spanish

191 parallel translation
- ¡ Standish!
Mr. Standish.
El Sr. Standish.
With Standish?
¿ Con Standish?
I don't mind telling you, Mr. Standish, I'm awfully glad Kay was out when you called tonight.
No me importa decirle, Sr. Standish, que me alegro mucho de que Kay estuviera fuera cuando llamó esta noche.
Listen, Mr. Standish, in our flat we ain't got much of a library
Escuche, Sr. Standish, en nuestro piso no tenemos una gran biblioteca.
A fellow by the name of Standish came over to see you tonight.
Un sujeto de nombre Standish vino a verte esta noche.
The Standish guy was here to see you tonight.
Ese Standish estuvo aquí esta noche para verte.
You and the artist, me and Standish.
Tú y el artista, yo y Standish.
Hello, Mr. Standish?
¿ Hola, Sr. Standish?
She's gone to Havana with Standish.
Se ha ido a La Habana con Standish.
This way to the Standish Sanitarium.
A la Clínica Standish.
This way to the Standish...
A la Clínica Stan...
Standish Sanitarium.
A la Clínica Standish.
Stop. Come at once, Standish Sanitarium. "
Venga enseguida, Clínica Standish ".
- Now, look here, Miss Standish...
- Escúcheme, Srta. Standish...
And now, doctor, I'd like you to meet Miss Standish.
Y ahora, doctor, quisiera presentarle a la Srta. Standish.
Doctor, this is Miss Standish, owner of the sanitarium.
Doctor, la Srta. Standish, la propietaria de la clínica.
- How do you do, Miss Standish?
- Encantado, Srta. Standish.
- Oh, Miss Standish?
- ¿ Srta. Standish?
Miss Standish is still out.
La Srta. Standish aún no ha Ilegado.
Look, Miss Standish, suppose...
Srta. Standish, suponga...
- The Standish Sanitarium.
- La Clínica Standish.
You could take over the notes from Miss Standish.
Podrías pagar los pagarés de la Srta. Standish.
I'll report this to Miss Standish.
Informaré a la Srta. Standish.
Yes, yes, at the Standish Arms.
Sí, sí, en el Standish Arms.
- Standish.
- ¿ Standish?
- Standish?
- ¿ Standish?
Do you, Gardner Huntington Standish, take Victoria Stafford to be your lawful wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish her until death shall separate you?
Gardner Huntington Standish, ¿ tomas a Victoria Stafford... por legítima esposa... y prometes amarla, honrarla y respetarla... hasta que la muerte os separe?
And do you, Victoria Stafford, take Gardner Huntington Standish to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise that you will love, honor, and cherish him until death shall separate you?
Y tú, Victoria Stafford, ¿ tomas a Gardner Huntington Standish... por legítimo esposo... y prometes amarlo, honrarlo y respetarlo... hasta que la muerte os separe?
Worked his way through Standish University. Four years, pre-medical. Two years, medical college.
Cursa estudios en la Universidad de Standish, cuatro años de prácticas, y dos más en la facultad de medicina.
Standish speaking.
Habla Standish :
- Tell Standish to proceed.
- Dígale a Standish que proceda.
All right to proceed, Dr. Standish.
Ruede proceder, Dr : Standish :
Standish is about to open capsule "B."
Standish va a abrir la cápsula B.
You may be a brilliant physicist, Dr. Standish... but we do not conduct our work here on a trial and error basis.
Podrá ser un físico brillante, Dr. Standish... pero aquí no hacemos el trabajo por medio de ensayo y error.
Roger, I'm worried about Standish.
Roger, me preocupa Standish.
His name was Peter Standish too.
También se llamaba Peter Standish. ¿ Con soda?
For many weeks... " Peter Standish, Esquire, has been possessed with strange fancies.
Durante semanas... a don Peter Standish lo han poseído ideas extrañas.
It was in the diary of Peter Standish.
Estaba en el diario de Peter Standish.
Peter Standish never went to that madhouse.
Peter Standish nunca fue a ese manicomio.
They had two children... and he died here in this house quietly and peacefully at the age of 63. The man who said he was from the future and could foretell history - The man who was committed to a lunatic asylum... was another Peter Standish - me.
El que dijo que era del futuro y podía predecir la historia... el hombre al que internaron en un manicomio... fue otro Peter Standish : yo.
Peter Standish arrived from America 23rd of April... the same day as this, 1784.
Peter Standish llegó de EE.UU. el 23 de abril... el mismo día que hoy, en 1 7 84.
And this... the letter Peter Standish wrote Lady Anne, Kate's mother... the day he arrived from New York - today.
Y esto. La carta que Peter le escribió a lady Anne, la madre de Kate... el día en que llegó de Nueva York : hoy.
Send to the Blue Boar Inn, and have Mr. Standish's boxes brought here.
Envíe a alguien alJabalí Azul por las cosas del Sr. Standish.
Mr. Standish.
- Sr. Standish.
Mr. Standish, I have considered the matter carefully.
Sr. Standish, lo consideré detenidamente.
Helen has danced with no one else but Standish.
Helen no ha bailado más que con Standish.
Oh, Mr. Standish.
Sr. Standish.
Oh, Mr. Standish...
Oh, Sr. Standish...
Standish San...
Clínica Stan...
- Please, Mr. Standish.
- Por favor.

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