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That is awful translate Spanish

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It is not war that is awful. It's being out of it that is disgusting.
Lo horrible no es la guerra, sino no ser parte de ella.
I see how awful the world is, I get depressed and want to die. So doctors give you medication that numbs your sight and makes you see reality as others see it. You're the ones with the problem, not me.
Veo lo que la cogida es el mundo, con captura la depresión y quieres matarme por lo que el médico antes de suicidarse le dan pastillas para no verlos.... y ver la cosas como la mayoría de la gente
That is, if anything would. It's an awful risk.
Sí es posible... pero es un gran riesgo.
Is it very awful in that world, dada?
¿ Tan terrible era. Papá?
For a celebrated bounder, that is an awful admission.
Para un famoso sinvergüenza, es una terrible confesión.
Thirty, and he's got a grand farm, that is if he ain't an awful liar.
Treinta años, y tiene una gran granja. Esto es, ¡ si no es un gran mentiroso!
But each of us must one day face an awful question that is echoing down through the ages.
Pero cada uno nos enfrentaremos algún día a una horrible pregunta... que lleva resonando a través del tiempo :
Your cream is awful, you admit that.
Su crema es horrible, admítalo.
I know that man is Kikue's patron, but he's so awful.
Sé que es el jefe de Kikue, pero es tan horroroso.
I see now that what this awful letter says is true.
Ya veo que lo que dice esta horrible carta es cierto.
That foreman is awful dead.
El capataz está muerto.
You must be relieved that this awful business is over.
Debes estar aliviado de que todo esto se haya terminado.
I hope it's alright now that you're here. Listen darling, nothing is awful.
No hay nada terrible, cariño.
She is not that awful. Then it's okay?
Entonces está decidido.
- That is the most awful idea!
- ¡ Ésa es la peor idea!
But I have the awful feeling that something is wrong... and I had that same feeling once before, when my mother died.
Pero tengo una horrible sensación de que algo anda mal... y sentí lo mismo cuando mi madre murió.
It seems to me that one little phone call is causing an awful lot of excitement.
Esa llamadita de teléfono está causando mucho alboroto.
The only awful part about it is that Papa'd be sure to shoot you then.
La única parte mala de eso es que papá seguramente te pegaría un tiro.
What an awful word that is.
¡ Qué palabra tan pavorosa!
I say, I've found out what that awful brown stuff is that they put on the table at dinner.
Ya he descubierto que esa cosa marrón que ponen en la cena.
Once he drops that office act, he is awful lot of fun.
- Efectivamente. Resulta muy simpático cuando deja de hacer el papel de médico.
That little Connolly kid is awful sweet on you.
La hija de Connolly está loquita por tí.
Loving you is the most awful thing that has ever happened to me.
Quererte es lo más horrible que me ha pasado.
That awful pooka. - Where is Uncle Elwood?
Ese terrible "pooka". - ¿ Dónde está el tío Elwood?
That simple statement is sufficient to suggest to us the awful solemnity of the occasion which brings you and me face to face.
Esa simple afirmación es suficiente para sugerir la terrible solemnidad del asunto que les ha traído aquí.
I've been listening to the people in the crowd talking and they assume that you-know-who is guilty and all the police have to do is catch him. Oh, I feel awful.
Me siento terrible.
- Is it that awful?
- ¿ Tan peligroso es?
Of course, I know that our English weather is pretty awful, but sometimes, you know, I think we don't realize when we're lucky.
Sé que nuestro clima inglés es bastante malo, pero en ocasiones no nos damos cuenta de que tenemos suerte.
Mistress that Nanako is awful, isn't she?
Señora, esa Nanako es horrible, ¿ no?
I can't get over the awful feeling that this is the calm... and that the storm is going to break out any minute.
Tengo la horrible sensación de que esto es la calma que precede a la tormenta.
- The magician is dumb, that's awful.
El mago es mudo.
The test of an adventure is that when you're in the middle of it, you say to yourself, " Oh, gosh, now I've got myself into an awful mess.
La prueba de que algo es una aventura, es que cuando estás en medio de ello, te dices a tí mismo, " Dios, cómo me he metido en este horrible lío.
I said and did awful things, but what I cannot bear is the thought that you trusted me and I betrayed you.
Dije e hice cosas espantosas, pero lo que no puedo soportar es que confiaras en mí y te traicionara.
Well, I'm sorry, but that awful band is making so much noise...
Lo siento, pero esa banda espantosa hace tanto ruido...
That is, if you can forgive all those awful things I said to you this afternoon.
Si puedes perdonar todas las cosas horribles que te he dicho esta tarde...
How awful that sounds. What is it?
Eso parece muy malo. ¿ Qué es?
That's downright wicked of you To say I have something so awful-sounding And then not tell me what it is.
Pero no está bien, que me diga que tengo algo que suena tan terrible y no me aclare de que se trata.
What makes it so awful is that I keep dreaming a thing like that about Sergeant Shaw.
Lo que lo hace más horrible aún es soñar algo así sobre el sargento Shaw.
All right, so even if it were true, and I don't believe for one single minute that it is, there're an awful lot of other soldiers here that can take care of it.
Muy bien, pero incluso si fuera verdad, y no creo ni por un momento que lo sea, hay un montón de soldados aquí que pueden ocuparse de ello.
I have the most awful feeling that nobody really knows... what is going on or what we're up to...
Tengo la horrible sensación de que nadie sabe realmente... qué está pasando o qué estamos haciendo.
It is a mess after that awful ride.
Es un desastre después de ese viaje tan movido.
Every man is afraid of his brother, and most men try to hide from that awful fact.
Cada hombre tiene miedo de su hermano. Y la mayor parte de los hombres tratan de ocultar ese hecho terrible.
Is that what they taught you in that awful place?
¿ Eso es lo que te han enseñado en ese asqueroso lugar?
What i was trying to tell you is that, well, you know - seeing you dead like that, it was an awful shock and it made me realize that... well, you know what i'm trying to say.
Verás... Verte muerta de aquella manera ha sido un shock tremendo y me ha hecho entender que... Sabes lo que quiero decir.
And the worst of it is, your awful, grasping sister says me and that girl of yours are like two peas in a pod.
Y lo peor de todo es que tu malvada y avarienta hermana anda diciendo que yo y esa otra mujer que tienes somos como dos gotas de agua.
Stan, I'm sure that's exactly the way it happened, but there is an awful lot of evidence - circumstantial, I'll admit - but there's a lot of evidence - plenty!
Stan, estoy seguro de que ocurrió exactamente así. Hay una enorme cantidad de pruebas. Admito que son circunstanciales, pero hay muchas pruebas.
That woman is awful.
Esa mujer es tremenda.
Awful, that's what it is
Es asqueroso.
What is that awful smell?
- ¿ Qué es ese olor a muerto?
Margaret is who, of course, but I don't want to go through courting again- - that was awful.
Margaret, claro, pero no quiero pasar por todo eso de conquistarla. Fue horrible.
It was awful, but at the same time... I feel that it is my duty to say this to you.
- Sí. Fue terrible, pero sigo sintiendo que debo disculparme.

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