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That is not happening translate Spanish

216 parallel translation
That is not happening to me lately, all done me too hard.
No se que me pasa últimamente, todo se me hace demasiado difícil.
- No, that is not happening.
- No, eso no sucederá.
You were the one who was supposed to carry us through, but that is not happening. - We're drowning here, and... - No.
Me quitó un peso de encima y tú ibas a cuidar de nosotros, pero las cosas van mal.
That is not happening to you, not as long as I'm alive.
Eso no te sucederá mientras yo viva.
That is not happening.
Eso no está ocurriendo.
That is not happening.
No haremos eso.
- Oh, that is not happening.
- No lo harás.
Not at all only he who feels it in his blood when he rides through the forest, fights the enemy, or embraces a woman, or picks a delicate flower, only he who feels it deep in his blood that all this is happening on a tiny little star amongst millions and millions of other stars, on a very little, forever-rotating ball riding on a merry-go-round around one of the blooming suns, through the changes of the beautiful seasons and the horrible centuries,
Sólo aquél que lo siente en la sangre cuando cabalga por el bosque, o recoge una delicada flor, sólo el que siente profundamente en su sangre que todo eso está pasando en una pequeña estrellita entre millones de otras estrellas. sobre una pequeñísima bola que siempre está girando montada en un tiovivo alrededor de uno de los ardientes soles, a través de los cambios de las hermosas estaciones y los horrendos siglos,..
not dare as is happening something that should not happen... and that the person has that pretending.
No me explico cómo está sucediendo algo que no debe de suceder... -... y que uno se tenga que escapar.
What's happening is deplorable, sir, but may I remind you that looters are not our main problem?
Lo que pasa es lamentable, señor, pero les recuerdo que los saqueadores no son nuestros principal problema?
They have been informing me that people have not been educated outside... to know what actually is happening here in Uganda.
Han sido informados por mi parte de que la gente de fuera no ha sido educada... para conocer lo que en realidad está pasando aquí en Uganda.
Yes, I know. That is why you find me, I am not a coward... because I know exactly how I am going to die, following all what has been happening.
Por eso me has encontrado, no soy un cobarde... porque sé exactamente cómo voy a morir, según todo lo que ha sucedido.
If this society needs all this police force to defend the people in power, then our only goal is that they assume their responsibilities knowing exactly what is happening in the streets, because, whether or not they see it, today politics are done in the streets.
Si esta sociedad necesita todas estas fuerzas policiales para defender a la gente que está en el poder, nuestro único objetivo es que asuman sus responsabilidades sabiendo exactamente lo que está pasando en la calle, porque, si lo ven o no, hoy, la política se hace en la calle.
What is happening here is serious, very serious. I won't deny it, but I also know that the majority is innocent... and that all of you will cooperate with me, so that the machinations of that subversive anarchist minority, not to call it otherwise,
Lo que está ocurriendo aquí es muy grave, gravísimo, no voy a negarlo, pero sé también que la mayoría es inocente y que todos van a colaborar conmigo para que las maquinaciones de esa minoría subversiva y anarquista,
Because my little personal problem is that in the end not much happens, at least in our small everyday life..., going out onto the street, there's nothing funny happening.
Pues mi pequeño problema personal es que últimamente no ocurren muchas cosas, al menos en nuestra pequeña vida cotidiana..., al salir a la calle, no pasa nada divertido.
[James Lovell, Jr.] There's not much sensation of what's really happening... except we're looking at the computer and the computer is adding up the velocity, and suddenly we really knew that we were really traveling.
[James Lovell, Jr.] No existe mucha sentación de lo que está realmente pasando... excepto cuando miras la computadora y te da la velocidad, y de repente sabes lo que realmente rápido estabas volando.
And as this is happening, I'm thinking even if I can somehow manage to momentarily extricate myself from the proceedings and relieve this unstoppable force I know that that bathroom is not gonna provide me with the privacy that I know I'm going to need.
Y a la vez, pienso que incluso si puedo arreglármelas para temporalmente ausentarme de la tarea y aliviar esa fuerza imparable sé que ese baño no me va a facilitar la privacidad que voy a necesitar.
Do not think that Rome is not informed of what's happening there.
No piensen que Roma no está al tanto de lo que está sucediendo allí.
If what happened on that listening post is happening here... we're not gonna have to go looking for it.
Si lo que sucedió en ese puesto de escucha está sucediendo aquí... no vamos a tener que ir a buscarlo.
I hope you realize now that violence on TV may be funny but it's not so funny when that violence is happening to you.
Ya ven que la violencia en la tele puede ser divertida, pero no lo es tanto cuando tú eres la víctima de esa violencia.
They shall not be aware of what is happening, and those that would, and will tell, shall be silenced.
Ellas no deberán estar conscientes de lo que ocurre, y las que si, y hablasen, serán calladas.
Everybody thinks that what's happening is a medical condition. That's not it at all.
Todos piensan que lo que me está ocurriendo es una condición médica, y no lo es.
I wonder why that's not happening. is that all, sir?
No vayas a molestarla.
Phillip, I'm convinced that something very, very not good is happening to Canada.
Phillip, algo muy, muy no bueno está pasando en Canadá.
Not actually being here, seeing your faces or this Stargate here behind me,..... it is sometimes easy to forget that it's all really happening.
Al no estar aquí, no verles las caras o al Stargate detrás de mí, es fácil olvidar que todo esto está pasando de verdad.
You're not the only one that this is happening to.
No eres la única a la que le sucede esto.
Look, I am sorry that all this is happening but I've known Andre for years. And yeah, he's, uh, he's a little crazy and maybe he screwed around with some other people's stuff but I told him not to touch your things and he said that he didn't.
Mira, lamento que pase esto, pero conozco a André hace años y sé que es un poco loco y quizás arruina las cosas de las personas pero le dije que no tocara tus cosas y dijo que no lo hizo.
My vote is for Sean, as Sean has made a huge mistake in not seeing that Tagi had an alliance from day three on this island, and he couldn't even see anything happening.
Voto a Sean, cometió un gran error al no ver la alianza Tagi desde el día 3 en la isla, No se entera de nada.
- That's not happening here, is it?
¿ Es eso lo que haces?
That is so not what's happening.
No está ocurriendo nada de eso
That's not what's happening to you, Miss Potter, is it?
Ése no es su caso, ¿ verdad?
That-that-that's not what's happening here. What Joshua has done is a miracle. What Joshua has done is a miracle.
¿ Pero qué hay con el pecado y la ley de Dios?
Can you guys tell me what it is about the drum sounds on this that's not happening?
Pueden decirme que hay acerca del sonido de tambores que no están sonando? .
I'm so sorry that this Is happening, but I'm not supposed to be taking sides, except her side.
Me siento tan mal de que esté pasando esto. Pero, no debería tomar partido, salvo partido por ella.
Okay, that is so not happening.
Eso es absolutamente imposible.
With respect, sir, I know that my mind can be overactive sometimes... but that is not what's happening.
Con todo el respeto, señor sé que mi mente puede ser un poco hiperactiva a veces pero eso no es lo que está pasando.
Therefore, I do not understand that he had not dared to tell what is happening here... everyone is naked, they make love in the dunes and...
Por eso, no entiendo porque que no se atrevió a decir lo que pasa aquí... todo el mundo está desnudo, hacen el amor en las dunas y...
It possible that music is not really the expression of it... now as far as relating to world, what's happening in the world.
Es posible que la música no sea la expresión de eso... en cuanto al mundo, en cuanto a lo que ocurre en el mundo.
I assure you, Chancellor, that is not what's happening here.
Le aseguro, Canciller, que eso no es lo que está pasando aquí.
The terminology may not be new to us, but to discover that... it's been happening here in UK has shocked the nation... to then reveal the very health-care professionals, who are supposed to be saving our lives could in fact be endangering them... is an even more disturbing discovery.
Puede que esta palabra no sea nueva para nosotros, pero descubrir que... está ocurriendo aquí, en Reino Unido ha conmocionado a toda la nación... saber que los profesionales de la salud que suponemos que están salvando nuestras vidas las podrían estar poniendo en peligro... Es un descubrimiento preocupante
And that's not the first time this is happening today.
No es la primera vez en este día que sucede algo así.
Whatever is happening in this town, that signal is not the cause.
Lo que esté pasando en este pueblo esa señal no es la causa.
Now I will finish that I can see what is happening, and I do not want to take too much -
Bueno, ahora voy a parar para ver qué pasa, y no tomar demasiado.
if I pray for rain... never rain... because when we pray to something... we are just confirming we know that this is not happening... and thus give more power we want to change. "
Porque rezar para que algo suceda implica que sabemos que actualmente eso nos falta y entonces, estamos alimentando precisamente lo que deseamos cambiar. "
I do not believe that this is happening.
No puedo creer lo que está pasando.
I get that change is happening whether I want it to or not.
Entiendo que eso va a cambiar lo quiera o no.
I know that what's happening is not your fault.
Sé que lo que está pasando no es culpa tuya.
[speaking Navajo ] [ woman translating] My body system is not used to cow milk, and there's a reaction that ends up happening in my body... where a tremendous amount of bloating happens, and it reallyhas impact on my ystem.
Mi cuerpo no está acostumbrado a la leche de vaca... yterminoteniendo una reacción... en la que experimento una gran hinchazón... que tiene un impacto en mi sistema.
That is definitely not happening.
Esto definitivamente no está sucediendo.
We believe that this is related to the Pontypool incidents, but want to assure the public that what is happening there is not happening here.
se habla de que esto está relacionado con los acontecimientos ocurridos en Pontypool.. les aseguramos que lo que sucede aqui, no tiene nada que ver con lo que ocurrió allí. "
As long as you're not noticing things, you've also not noticed that I've given up men, liquor and smokes for the last 27 days. That is not happening.
Eso no sucederá.

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