That lady translate Spanish
9,556 parallel translation
That lady up there...
Esa dama allá arriba...
Look at that lady over there.
Mira a aquella mujer.
Just, um, I want to talk to that lady.
Solo, quiero hablar con esa mujer.
You know that lady?
¿ Conoces a esa dama?
- And furthermore, interpreters go to lectures, labs, study groups, and I hate that lady.
- Y además... los intérpretes van a conferencias, laboratorios, grupos de estudio... y odio a esa mujer.
That lady was Roosevelt's daughter without a hat!
¡ Esa señora era la hija de Roosevelt sin sombrero!
Because that lady was killed, I don't think they're ever gonna build more townhouses now.
Porque mataron a esa señora, no creo que ahora vayan a construir más adosados.
I want to talk about what I think a lot of people are thinking about- - the new townhouses and that lady who was murdered across town.
Quiero hablar sobre lo que creo que está pensando mucha gente... los nuevos adosados y esa señora que fue asesinada al otro lado de la ciudad.
That's that lady...
Es esa mujer...
Between you and me, though, that lady was the best "sexter" I've ever had.
Entre tú y yo, con esa mujer me he mandado los mensajes más eróticos de mi vida.
Miss Oliphant, the postmortem shows that Lady Beresford didn't die of strangulation, which means you have some explaining to do.
Señorita Oliphant, el examen postmórtem muestra que Lady Beresford no murió por estrangulación,... lo que significa que usted tiene algo que explicar.
I wonder if it's another delectable food offering from Lady Bulma. Wouldn't that be nice.
Me pregunto si es otra ofrenda deliciosa comida de Lady Bulma. ¿ No sería agradable.
That's what the lady from the Social Services wanted.
Es lo que la Sra. de Servicios Sociales quería.
Dude, you remember that one lady who had swallowed that garlic and she choked, and I had to give her mouth-to-mouth?
Amigo, ¿ recuerdas a la mujer que se tragó un ajo y se estaba ahogando...? ¿ y que tuve que darle respiración boca a boca?
That would make it mean some lewd lady!
Eso haría que significa alguna dama lascivo!
Boss lady wants me to check that strut on the east wall before the party.
- ¿ Comienzo tarde? La jefa quiere que compruebe el puntal del muro Este antes de la fiesta.
Look, bro, all I'm saying is that it seems like that Sex Crimes lady had it under control.
Mira, hermano, solo digo que parece que la de Crímenes Sexuales lo tiene controlado.
Could be the fact that he's embarrassed about his two lady loves.
Quizás el hecho de que le avergüenza sus dos chicas.
Look, why don't you do everybody a favor and get your drunk ass off that stool, pay the lady, and leave?
Mira, ¿ por qué no nos haces un favor a todos y levantas tu borracho trasero, le pagas a la dama y te vas?
And that, little lady, is pi to a thousand places.
Y eso, señorita, es pi con 1000 dígitos.
Just want you to know that you're upsetting the young lady over there.
Sólo quiero que sepas que eres molesto la joven por allá.
See, that's how you take your leave of a lady.
¿ Ves? Así es como te despides de una dama.
The Lady Melisandre told me that death marches on the Wall.
The Lady Melisandre me dijo que las marchas de la muerte en la pared.
That's the lady you saw?
¿ Esa es la que viste?
I mean, i don't want some old lady To get her purse snatched or anything like that.
Quiero decir, no quiero una señora vieja a la que le arranquen el bolso o algo por el estilo.
In the meantime, go sit next to that young lady.
Mientras tanto, siéntese al lado de aquel joven.
You're a lady with a huge belly, like, that's what you are, and you're gorgeous.
Eres una mujer con una enorme barriga, eso es lo que eres, y estás preciosa.
That and a bit of lady's mantle with a raw egg beaten up in it.
Eso y un poco de milenrama con un huevo crudo batido.
Well, a sassenach lady dressed as a laddie singing this bawdy song... That should spread the word.
Si una sassenach vestida de hombre cantase esa obscena canción eso hará correr la noticia.
That's no way to talk about a lady.
Esa no es manera de hablar sobre una dama.
Dad... I am so sorry that you got beat up by this lady.
Papá... siento mucho que te golpease... esta señora
BRITTANY : That's true, that's how Lady Tubbington got.
Eso es cierto, es como lo consiguió Lady Tubbington.
Don't you talk to me like that, young lady.
No me hables así, jovencita.
That kind of talk - no wonder Lady Mae left you.
Ese tipo de charla... no me extraña que Lady Mae lo dejase.
I'm meeting up with that professor again tomorrow to investigate this lady's claims that her house is besieged by evil spirits.
Me reuniré con la profesora mañana para investigar las afirmaciones de esta dama de que su casa es asediada por espíritus malignos.
This lady says that she knows you.
Esta dama dice que te conoce.
Now, humour me - where were you the dates that Lucy Cooke, Jocelyn Wade and your good lady were abducted?
Ahora, diviérteme a mí, ¿ dónde estabas... los días en que Lucy Cooke, Jocelyn Wade... y tu chica fueron secuestradas?
Lady. Are we just gonna let her do that?
Señora... debemos dejar que lo haga?
Well, not scammers like Davis Gu and Lady Mah. But real psychics like Jimmy, who was trained by the Chinese government. I bet you'd bet on that.
Bueno, no estafadores como Davis Gu y Lady Mah, pero un síquico real como Jimmy, que fue entrenado por el gobierno chino, apuesto a que apuestas por eso, ah?
Well, now that I'm here, help, m'lady?
Bueno, ya que estoy aquí, ¿ te ayudo?
Lord and Lady Tubbington, that piñata's for our guests.
Lord y Lady Tubbington, esa piñata es para los invitados.
Or at least that's according to the very nice lady at the lima mental health clinic.
O al menos eso es lo que dice la preciosa mujer de la clínica mental de Lima.
Monsieur Longchamp, that is no way to speak to a lady, let alone one who is working in our store.
Señor Longchamp, esa no es manera de hablarle a una dama, menos aún a una que trabaja en los almacenes.
I was terrified and jealous when I found out you had an interest in Jane because I couldn't stand the fact that I wasn't the only lady in your life anymore.
Estaba espantada y celosa cuando descubrí que estabas interesado en Jane porque no podía soportar el hecho de que ya no era la única mujer en tu vida.
I mean, you're not gonna tell me that you believe this astrology lady, are you?
No me dirás que crees en esta astróloga, ¿ no?
That's all the rage these days, just like that bay-once lady.
Es la moda de estos días, igual que la tal "Bay-once".
Holly, if your brother has even half of the sincerity and kindness that you do, my mom is a very, very lucky lady.
Holly, si tu hermano tiene incluso la mitad de sinceridad y amabilidad que tienes tú, mi mamá tiene mucha, mucha suerte.
I stole some of that powder that that creepy priest lady used on Thea.
Robé un poco del polvo que esa escalofriante sacerdotisa usó en Thea.
But this lady says things in public that are just...
Pero esta señora dice cosas en público que son...
Oh, she's a great lady, and that was a great sermon. Oh. - Peace be with you.
Es una gran señora... y ha sido un gran sermón.
Lady Felicia, do you mind if I ask what it is that you're doing?
Lady Felicia, ¿ le importa si pregunto qué es lo que está haciendo?
lady 3151
lady gaga 29
lady catherine 25
lady bracknell 16
lady lola 17
lady mary 65
lady mother 22
lady stark 25
lady sarah 16
lady grantham 59
lady gaga 29
lady catherine 25
lady bracknell 16
lady lola 17
lady mary 65
lady mother 22
lady stark 25
lady sarah 16
lady grantham 59
lady anne 32
lady rochford 23
lady sansa 17
lady margaret 51
lady ashley 29
lady kenna 23
lady felicia 50
lady riesen 21
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
lady rochford 23
lady sansa 17
lady margaret 51
lady ashley 29
lady kenna 23
lady felicia 50
lady riesen 21
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150