That means no translate Spanish
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That means nothing to me now.
Ahora eso ya no significa nada para mí.
So that means no date with Shelby tonight or tomorrow or the night after that.
Lo que significa que no habrá cita con Shelby esta noche, ni mañana, ni pasado.
Or it means it's been so long that she can't find your file.
O quiere decir que es tan grande que no puede encontrar tu archivo.
And Bea's what you call a top dog, Soph, and that means you got nothing to worry about, cos she'll protect ya.
Y Bea es lo que se llama la jefa, Soph, y eso significa que no tienes nada de lo que preocuparte, porque ella te protegerá.
I'm telling you, you have to do something more... especially when it means losing that arm if you don't.
Te lo estoy diciendo, tienes que hacer algo más... especialmente cuando puedes perder ese brazo si no lo haces.
I can't tell you what that means to me.
No saben lo que significa para mí.
This, um, you've no idea what that means to me.
Esto... No tienes ni idea de cuánto significa para mí.
Your Honor, if there's no public knowledge of an I.A.D investigation, that means the officer was cleared.
Señoría, si no hay conocimiento público de la investigación de Asuntos Internos, significa que el policía era inocente.
( Gary ) Oh, I understand the importance, all right, but I don't see a warrant, so that means you're trespassing.
Claro, entiendo la importancia, pero no trae orden judicial.
I have to argue that's not the case. If you live in a very controlled environment in a very closed society like Iran, admission of homosexuality means that you disappointed your society. You failed your family.
Pero para la mayoría de la gente... que no es el caso... si viven en un ambiente muy controlado... en una sociedad cerrada como la de Irán... admitir la homosexualidad... significa que decepcionaron a la sociedad... que le fallaron a su familia.
I don't know what that means.
No se lo que eso significa.
That means the game doesn't end till I say it does.
Eso significa que el juego no termina hasta que yo lo diga.
George, don't you know if there's cubs, that probably means there's a mama?
George, ¿ no sabes que si hay cachorros es probable que haya una madre?
Although if I'm here, that means you're not all there.
Aunque si estoy aquí significa que no está muy bien de aquí.
She has no idea what that word means.
Ella no tiene ni idea de lo que significa esa palabra.
Kids like this may never be on their own, and that means you are responsible forever.
Los niños así pueden que no pueden estar solos nunca, y eso significa que eres responsable para siempre.
"It's fine" means it's not fine, and you're realizing that I was right and you were wrong, and he is a giant pain in the ass.
"Bien" significa que no ha ido bien... y te has dado cuenta de que tenía razón y tú estabas equivocado... y es un enorme grano en el culo.
Know what that even means anymore.
Ya no sé qué significa eso.
It means that he thinks that there's no point in you taking the sergeant's exam.
Eso significa que él cree que no tiene sentido que tomes el examen para sargento.
I don't know what that means.
No sé qué significa eso.
That leaves 88 minutes of Devon's time unaccounted for, which means Kelli is no further than that in any direction from his house.
Eso nos da unos 88 minutos del tiempo de Devon sin contabilizar, lo cual significa que Kelli no está a más de eso hacia cualquier dirección desde su casa.
Well, if it doesn't bother callie now, Then that means it wouldn't bother her then, right?
Pues, si a Callie no le molesta ahora, significa que no le hubiera molestado entonces, ¿ verdad?
So it means that maybe things don't have to be this way.
Pues que significa que quizás las cosas no tienen que ser así.
That siren means you don't have a choice. No.
- Esa sirena significa que no tiene elección.
But don't think for a second that means you can break my texting rules.
Pero no pienses ni por un segundo que eso significa que puedes romper mi regla sobre los mensajes.
And I'm not saying cheating's good by any means, but a marriage... is a beautiful thing that you make together. And it has many parts, one of which is monogamy. But the way we look at it, you don't just blow up the whole thing'cause one part is broken.
No digo que ser infiel sea bueno pero el matrimonio es algo hermoso que se construye de a dos y tiene muchas partes, una es la monogamia pero creemos que no debes echar todo por la borda solo porque se rompió una parte.
No, not getting the passcode to the victim's cell phone till Monday means that we could lose the entire holiday weekend.
MIRA LOS ANUNCIOS. No, el lunes tendremos la contraseña del celular de la víctima... DESCARGANDO.
You walk out that door, you've decided to do nothing, to say no, which means you do not come back.
Si sales por esa puerta, habrás decidido no hacer nada, para decir no, lo que significa que no volverás.
Having no means to keep Dixie, they decided to give him to Ana, door-woman, so that she would help them find a new owner for the dog.
Sin tener dinero para mantener a Dixie, decidieron dárselo a Ana, la portera, para que ella les ayudara a encontrar un nuevo dueño para el perro.
Significa que ciertos eventos al principio del día no pueden suceder.
If you are willing to do that, it means they don't know anything.
Si estás dispuesto a hacer eso significa que no saben nada.
Well, if he'd been up-front about this whole thing, we wouldn't be having this conversation, but as it is, Hanna has been locked out, and you and I both know what that means.
Bueno, si hubiera sido sincero con todo esto no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación pero como ha sido así, Hanna está a oscuras y tú y yo sabemos lo que eso significa.
If the human didn't do it, that means one of us did it, which means folks start pointing fingers, turning on each other, and once we turn on each other in here, that's it.
Si el humano no lo hizo, eso significa que uno de nosotros lo hizo, lo que significa gente señalando, volviéndose unos contra otros, y una vez nos volvamos unos contra otros, se acabó.
Decatur? That means four more Sundays of carpooling back and forth to Decatur and no football. !
- ¡ ¿ Decatur?
No leadership means nobody giving orders, and that sure as hell includes you.
Sin liderazgo quiere decir, nadie dando órdenes, y eso seguro, por todos los cielos, te incluye.
He's the only one who got out of that shop, which means either the Nazis got sloppy, which they do not do, or they wanted him to escape because he's one of them.
Él es el único que salió de esa tienda, lo cual significa que o los nazis se están volviendo descuidados, lo cual no son, o querían que escapara porque es uno de ellos.
Yeah, well, you neglected to tell me that it's songwriter's night, which means there's actual songwriters in there, not just amateurs, like me.
Sí, bueno, olvidaste decirme que es la noche de los cantautores, lo que significa que hay un cantautor de verdad ahí, no solo aficionados, como yo.
It's because Emily's so nice that Juliette's using her to get what she wants, and that means I can't trust Emily anymore, and I don't want her anywhere near Cadence, okay?
Es porque Emily es tan buena... que Juliette la utiliza para conseguir lo que quiere... y significa que no puedo confiar en Emily nunca más... y no quiero que esté cerca de Cadence, ¿ sí?
And we can't find out who they are until they get back to work, which means making them think that Alex is behind bars.
Y no podemos averiguar quiénes son hasta que vuelvan a trabajar, lo que significa haciéndoles pensar que Alex está tras las rejas.
Goes upwards and never downwards through the social hierarchy. Gandhi : This upward trajectory means that, on the black market,
Al llegar a Daca... no tardamos en hallar a una mujer llamada Mishu... quien había arreglado con éxito un trasplante de riñón.
And honestly, if that is not enough for you, then, by all means, why don't you give up your career and stay at home?
Y, sinceramente, si eso no es suficiente para ti, entonces, ¿ por qué no dejas tu carrera y te quedas en casa?
~ And you feeling guilty means that I can have my sneaky fag in the garden and you can't have a go.
~ Y sintiéndose culpables medios que puedo tener mi marica disimulado en el jardín y no se puede tener una oportunidad.
I don't know what that means.
No sé lo que eso significa.
And if it didn't make it out of its flank, then that means it didn't get to the brain... and maybe that's it, maybe... maybe we need to introduce it orally.
Y si no salió del flanco, eso significa que no llegó al cerebro, y tal vez sea eso, tal vez... tengamos que introducirla oralmente.
Now what this means is that a blowup on this remote frontier would actually have serious global consequences. Because Article 5 requires NATO to respond collectively to an attack on any member.
O sea, que un estallido en esta remota frontera... tendría serias consecuencias globales... pues, según el Artículo No. 5... la OTAN debe responder en colectivo... ante una agresión a cualquier miembro.
But I don't think just because a baby has Down syndrome means that they'll never play basketball or... Snowboard... Or listen to music.
Pero no creo que sólo porque un bebé tenga síndrome de Down signifique que nunca vaya a jugar al baloncesto o... practicar snowboard... o escuchar música.
I don't know what that means, but okay.
No sé lo que significa eso, pero vale.
I'm not sure what that symbol means.
No sé bien qué significa ese símbolo.
When a boy under the age of 14 is missing and presumed kidnapped, we call that exigent circumstances, and that means that your right to an attorney and your right to remain silent do not exist.
Cuando un menor de 14 años desaparece y se presume secuestro, se le dice circunstancias apremiantes y significa que tu derecho... a un abogado y a permanecer en silencio no existe.
You think that as long as you can keep this investigation alive it means that you don't have to let Ryan go.
Crees que mientras puedas mantener esta investigación viva... significa que Ryan no se irá.
My wife and I want to make sure that Avery's death means something, that no transgender child should ever again be singled out or hurt, but we also want to make sure that the tragedy is not compounded by the tragedy
Mi esposa y yo queremos asegurarnos de que la muerte de Avery signifique algo, que ningún chico transgénero nunca más debería ser señalado o herido, pero también queremos asegurarnos de que la tragedia no se vea agravada por la tragedia
that means nothing to me 16
that means nothing 33
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that means a lot 142
that means something 38
that means 406
that means that 18
that means you 69
means no 19
that means nothing 33
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that means a lot 142
that means something 38
that means 406
that means that 18
that means you 69
means no 19
nothing 25771
noel 174
no comments 23
nope 8135
no it isn't 59
note 183
not allowed 48
normal 592
noth 18
noelle 93
noel 174
no comments 23
nope 8135
no it isn't 59
note 183
not allowed 48
normal 592
noth 18
noelle 93
nora 980
novak 48
no one cares 99
no response 122
nostalgia 21
nooo 196
norma 481
no i haven't 34
no message 40
north 417
novak 48
no one cares 99
no response 122
nostalgia 21
nooo 196
norma 481
no i haven't 34
no message 40
north 417