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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / That means you

That means you translate Spanish

13,352 parallel translation
That means you've got to be ready for anything, man!
Es decir que debes estar listo para lo que sea.
I guess that means you're still mad at me?
¿ Eso significa que sigues enfadado conmigo?
That means you're a part of this dream too, right?
Significa que a ti también te estoy soñando. Te estoy soñando.
That means you too And this when asteroid returned all the way home.
eso va para ti tambien y cuando el asteroide regrese a su verdadera ruta.
If you can't hear anything, that means you're safe.
Si no puede oír nada, significa que está a salvo.
Of course, that means you two will actually have to do, you know,
Por supuesto, eso significa que ustedes dos tendrán que hacer, ya saben,
Well that means you're not completely incompetent.
Vaya... no eres totalmente incompetente.
That means you are rich...
- Eso significa que eres rica.
That means you don't want me to be a father either!
¡ Eso significa que tampoco quieres que yo sea padre!
That means you are gonna pull your dick out of the county ass and put your little sideline business on hold until we figure out what happened here.
Eso significa que vas a sacar tu pene fuera del condado, idiota y poner tu pequeño adicional extra en espera hasta que sepamos lo que pasó aquí.
Do you even understand what that means?
¿ Sabes lo que significa?
Well, my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.
En mi opinión, preocuparse duplica el sufrimiento.
Yeah, you know what that means.
No lo sé, pero sí sabes lo que significa.
I'm a happily married man. You know what that means?
Soy un hombre felizmente casado, ¿ sabes qué significa eso?
Do you know what that means, Chad? Mm?
¿ Sabes qué significa eso, Chad?
It means that every single policeman, magistrate, every traffic warden in this county will not rest until you're in jail.
Significa que cada policía, magistrado y policía de tránsito en el condado no descansará hasta que estés preso.
That is where we should be focusing our minds, not on the wife I have chosen, who means you no harm, whose only apparent crime has been to fall in love with me!
Ahí es donde deberíamos estar enfocando nuestras mentes, No en la esposa que he elegido, que no significa ningún daño, Cuyo único crimen aparente
It means that major Turner told you in confidence a great deal about what she learned from her investigation in Afghanistan.
Significa que la mayor Turner le contó, confidencialmente... lo que averiguó al realizar su investigación en Afganistán.
That means... I can fall in love with you all over again.
eso significa... que puedo enamorarme de nuevo.
If it means that much to you don't get your panties in a twist.
Si significa mucho para ti... Que no se te alboroten las bragas.
So simply pointing out that you have more bodyweight means nothing in terms of that person being able to take a meaningful corrective action.
Señalar que estás excedido de peso no significa nada para que esa persona pueda implementar medidas correctivas útiles.
It can really get in the way of a man's concentration, but all that means is there's a lot of people counting on you.
En verdad puede hacer que pierdas la concentración pero eso significa que hay mucha gente que cuenta contigo.
Uh-huh? I think that means i should talk to you.
Creo que significa que debo hablar contigo.
Do you know what that means?
¿ Saben Io que significa?
Well, I think what she means is that you need to reach a place in your life where you're okay with your sadness.
Bueno, Io que creo que quería decir es que tienes que llegar a un lugar en tu vida en el que estés bien con tu tristeza.
You know what that means?
¿ Saben lo que significa?
But you can't do that so that means that I have no use for you.
Pero tú no puedes hacerlo, o sea... que no me sirves para nada.
That means, you've decided that my flight will never reach.
¿ Quieres decir que mi vuelo tampoco llegará?
Samuel Hughes is saying he's publicly condemning you for your hypothetical actions, whatever the fuck that means.
Samuel Hughnes. Él dice... Él te está condenando públicamente por tus acciones patéticas.
Score. Because that means we have time to go get some lunch so you stop stealing my fucking chips, and...
Eso quiere decir que tenemos tiempo para buscar algo de comer... y dejes de comerte mis malditos chips.
Do you know what the fuck that means?
¿ Sabes qué demonios significa eso?
I don't know what that means and you know I don't.
No sé lo que significa eso y tú sabes que no lo sé.
David, this means that you are the rightful heir of the Eastern Coven.
Significa que eres el heredero legítimo de la colonia oriental.
And you're right, I see two fail-safes, which means if we miss a number, that's it, nothing's gonna get that door open.
Y tenias razón, es un sistema con dos fallos... Así que si nos equivocamos, nunca abriremos esa puerta.
That means children, and wife, if you had one.
Eso significa hijos... y esposa, si tuvieras una.
Which means you don't have to sit in the ditch eating MREs or dodging mortar fire, it means that if there is another 9 / 11, it'll be your fault.
Lo que significa, que no se sentarán en las trincheras... o esquivarán fuego de mortero. Significa que si hubiera otro 11 de septiembre... seria su culpa.
I'm not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that you speak the language.
No estoy seguro de qué significa eso pero estoy bastante seguro de que tú hablas su idioma.
Do you understand what that means?
¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa?
- You know, I don't think that means as much as you think down here.
No creo que eso signifique mucho como tu piensas por aquí.
So that means that you killed half a man.
Eso significa que han matado a la mitad de un hombre.
Oh, come on, if that name means anything to you, why don't you lift your hands, lift your voice!
Vamos, si ese nombre significa algo para ti... ¡ levanta tus manos, levanta tu voz!
¿ Sabes qué significa eso?
Do you know what that means?
- ¿ Sabe qué significa eso?
You don't know how much that means to me.
No sabes lo mucho que significa para mí.
And you know what that means!
¿ Entiendes lo que eso significa?
You don't know what it means to hear you say that.
No sabes lo que significa para mí oírte decir eso.
In my experience, that usually means... you have something you want to say to us.
En mi experiencia, por lo general significa que... tiene algo que quiere decirnos
You need to think about that, and what that means.
Necesitas pensar en eso, y en lo qué significa.
It means a lot that you came out.
Significa mucho que vinieras.
'Tis thought, my lord, that you took bribes of France, And, being Protector, stayed the soldiers'pay, By means whereof His Highness hath lost France.
Se cree que, siendo Protector, os sobornaron los franceses y retuvisteis la paga de la tropa, por lo cual su Majestad ha perdido Francia.
What that means to you is family always comes first.
Lo que esto significa para usted es la familia siempre es lo primero.

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