The wall street journal translate Spanish
172 parallel translation
As long we were all going to be assembled here today... I thought this would be the proper occasion... To tell you before you read about it in the Wall Street Journal...
Como todos íbamos a estar aquí reunidos hoy pensé que sería la ocasión apropiada para decirte, antes de que lo leas en el Wall Street Journal, que eres el primer hombre, menor de 40 años, que se ha convertido en socio de Machardie y Compañía.
You're a bird in a gilded cage, she lets you out occasionally... and the two of you read the Wall Street Journal together.
Serás un pájaro en una jaula de oro, ella te dejará salir cada tanto... y juntos leerán el Wall Street Journal.
Didn't you read the Wall Street Journal?
- No has leído el Wall Street Journal?
Todo Io que hace es leer el periodico, portarse bien e ir a misa.
I'm not going in any alley and fuck the Wall Street Journal!
¡ No iré a ningún callejón con nadie! ¡ Ni con ningún Wall Street Journal!
He translates news stories for such bastions of communism as the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal.
Traduce noticias para bastiones del comunismo como el New York Post y el Wall Street Journal.
Some people are using their pie tins... some people are using The Wall Street Journal... and other people are using doggie-doo's and shovels.
Algunas personas están utilizando sus bandejitas de aluminio... algunas personas están utilizando The Wall Street Journal... y otras personas están utilizando palas para el excremento.
- Cindy. Having sex with her was like reading the Wall Street Journal.
Hacer el amor con ella era como leer el Wall Street Journal.
Any surprises I haven't read about in the Wall Street Journal?
¿ Alguna sorpresa que no haya leído en el Wall Street Journal?
Do you at least have a copy of the Wall Street Journal?
¿ Tiene al menos un ejemplar del Wall Street Journal?
Where can I find the Wall Street Journal?
¿ Dónde puedo encontrar el Wall Street Journal?
Didn't you read about us in the Wall Street Journal?
¿ No has leído sobre nosotros en el periódico de Wall Street?
Didn't you read the Wall Street Journal this morning?
¿ No has leído esta mañana el Wall Street Journal?
To prepare us, I have read Trump The Wall Street Journal and a magazine called Rich Babes In Chains.
Para prepararnos, he leído Trump el Wall Street Journal y la revista Chicas ricas en cadenas.
I've said this in the Wall Street Journal.
Lo dije en el Wall Street Journal.
I'm just quoting the Wall Street Journal.
Eso dice el Wall Street Journal.
The Wall Street Journal says this is the hottest-selling yogurt.
Según el Wall Street Journal, este es el yogurt que más se vende.
No, the Wall Street Journal more authoritative.
No, mejor el Wall Street Journal.
Three is the Wall Street Journal, four is Newsweek, line five is the House Armed Services Committee.
La tres es el "Wall Street Journal", la cuatro, el "Newsweek", la cinco es el Comité de las Fuerzas Armadas del Senado.
The Wall Street Journal is doing a major story, and, I think, The Post.
El "Wall Street" y el "Post" van a publicar un artículo.
And I gotta refute every fucking accusation made in this report before The Wall Street Journal runs.
Y yo tengo que refutar todas las acusaciones antes de que las publique el "Wall Street Journal".
Their strategy : discredit this guy, ruin his reputation in The Wall Street Journal, and then nobody will ever listen to what he's got to say about tobacco.
Su estrategia es desacreditarle y arruinar su reputación, así nadie escuchará lo que diga sobre el tabaco.
The Wall Street Journal, here, not exactly a bastion of anti-capitalist sentiment, refutes Big Tobacco's smear campaign as the lowest form of character assassination.
El "Wall Street Journal" no es precisamente un bastión del anti capitalismo. Tacha la campaña de difamación de forma rastrera de destrucción de imagen.
It's for The Wall Street Journal.
Es para el Wall Street Journal.
Bring me The Wall Street Journal!
¡ Tráeme The Wall Street Journal!
- Of the Wall Street Journal?
- ¿ El del Wall Street Journal?
Bought full page ads in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times.
Él pagó la primera página del Diario Wall Street.
But if you wanna make the front page of the Wall Street Journal... there is one thing you're going to have to change.
Pero si quiere aparecer en la primera plana del Wall Street Journal... hay una cosa que deberá cambiar.
The Wall Street Journal or Barron's.
The Wall Street Journal o Barron " s.
- and all of The Wall Street Journal.
- y todo The Wall Street Journal.
It's not The Wall Street Journal.
No es el Wall Street Journal.
The Hartford Courant, The New York Times... and The Wall Street Journal.
The Hartford Courant, The New York Times... y The Wall Street Journal.
- No one has The Wall Street Journal.
- Nadie tenía The Wall Street Journal.
Senator, the Wall Street Journal had a couple of questions for you.
Senador, el Wall Street Journal tiene un par de preguntas que hacerle.
I got nervous and tried to sell her a subscription to The Wall Street Journal.
Me puse nervioso e intenté venderle The Wall Street Journal.
The one who calls here pretending to work for The Wall Street Journal.
El que llama fingiendo trabajar para The Wall Street Journal.
- Who? The boy you ran off to see, who calls here... pretending to work for The Wall Street Journal.
El chico que saliste a ver, el que llama... y dice que trabaja en The Wall Street Journal.
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post... these publications are our competition.
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post... esas publicaciones son nuestra competencia.
He asked you and three days managed to go by before he sees it, Mr. Secretary. Yet, miraculously, the Wall Street Journal, on day two the numbers inflated all to hell.
Se lo pidió hace 3 días, y nada, pero milagrosamente el Wall Street Journal lo supo 2 días después.
They got the Wall Street Journal.
Tienen el "Wall Street Journal".
- Just the L.A. Times, the New York Times, the Orange County Register and The Wall Street Journal.
¿ Lees el periódico? Sólo el LA Times, New York Times, Orange County Reporter y el Wall Street Journal.
Polk from The Wall Street Journal just asked me.
Polk de The Wall Street Journal me lo preguntó.
And there'll be a special release for the Times, Tribune and Wall Street Journal, and a follow-up for the evening and Sunday papers.
Saldrá un artículo especial en el Times, Tribune y Wall Street Journal, seguido de otros en los diarios de la noche y los periódicos del domingo.
Snookums prefers rubber Wall Street Journal to the rubber Washington Post.
Prefiere el Wall Street Journal de goma al Washington Post de goma.
You need vans, your employees can't cover all your buildings, not to mention the clients we could have together.
¿ Alguna sorpresa que no haya leído en el Wall Street Journal? Vamos, eso es ilegal.
Me, you, the hooker, the deputy chief of staff, and the Journal.
¡ Tú, yo, la puta, el Jefe de Gabinete adjunto y el Wall Street Journal!
I had a warm bialy in my hand, and a hot cup of coffee from Dean Deluca, the crisp feeling of The Wall Street Journal, the smell of leather from my briefcase.
con el periódico financiero, en mis manos. El olor de cuero. De mi portafolios.
- Just make sure there's a Wall Street Journal by the changing table.
Asegúrate de que el Wall Street Journal esté junto a mi catre.
David Webster wrote for The Saturday Evening Post and Wall Street Journal... ... and later wrote a book about sharks.
David Webster escribió para periódicos y un libro sobre tiburones.
It's The Wall Street Journal.
La Casa Blanca ha estado cooperando.
If my dad could see me now... reading the Wa / / Street... freak / ng Journa /.
Si mi padre me viera ahora leyendo el maldito Wall Street Journal.
the walls 37
the wall 69
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
the wall 69
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the way i see it 340
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
the world has changed 35
the way i look at it 29
the way i figure it 33
the waitress 23
the way things are going 26
the whole nine yards 33
the war is over 139
the way things are 19
the witch 63
the way i heard it 23
the way i look at it 29
the way i figure it 33
the waitress 23
the way things are going 26
the whole nine yards 33
the war is over 139
the way things are 19
the witch 63
the way i heard it 23
the wedding 120
the way 34
the words 90
the whole world 65
the warehouse 20
the window 97
the whole truth 141
the witness 70
the whole day 16
the war 122
the way 34
the words 90
the whole world 65
the warehouse 20
the window 97
the whole truth 141
the witness 70
the whole day 16
the war 122