They're not sure translate Spanish
870 parallel translation
We need to make sure that eye lines are correct, and they are actually looking at a drone that is somewhere that we're not seeing in real life.
Tenemos que asegurarnos de que las líneas de los ojos son correctos, y en realidad están buscando en un avión no tripulado es decir en alguna parte que no estamos viendo en la vida real.
Somehow they're all linked together. I'm not sure how.
De alguna forma eso está ligado a ti, no se como.
They're not sure.
No están seguros.
Make sure they're not in love with each other.
Asegúrate de que no se enamoren.
Sure maybe they got me tagged wrong, but you got a clean start if things ain't the way you want you're not gonna change by lifting 6 bucks.
Claro, quizá me han etiquetado mal, pero tú comienzas desde cero y si no marcha, no cambiará birlando seis dólares a un borrachín.
Because you're not supposed to give people things unless you're sure they like to get them from you.
No se hace un regalo a quien no se sabe si le gusta recibirlo.
They're not sure I'm me.
Ellos no me tienen fichado.
I think she sees herself at the point... where she can't be so sure of men anymore... whether they're other women's husbands, or not.
Creo que se ve en el punto... de no poder estar segura de los hombres... sean o no esposos de otras.
So do some men... if they're sure they're not going to be shot any moment.
Algunos hombres también. Si están seguros de que no les matarán en cualquier momento.
Make sure they're not seen.
Háganse ver lo menos posible.
No, I'm sure they're not.
No, estoy segura de que no.
Perhaps it will be just as well if at first they're not sure.
Sería mejor que al principio no estuvieran seguros.
That's to make sure that they're not too crazy.
Para asegurarse de que no estén demasiado locos.
I repeat again do not open up on your radios until you're sure they've spotted you.
Vuelvo a repetir no utilicen la radio hasta que estén seguros de que nos han descubierto.
Well, whatever they are, I'm sure they're not true.
Sean cuales sean, estoy segura de que no son ciertos.
I have a hunch that when people keep on talking about how grown-up they are... it only means they're not very sure of it, Mr. O'Mara.
Siento que cuando la gente habla sobre qué tan adulta es... sólo significa que no están muy seguros, Sr. O'Mara.
Makes no difference if you're guilty or not, they'll hang you sure, Choya.
No importa que seas culpable o no, te colgaran de todas formas.
Maybe they're not too sure we're here.
Quizá no sepan que estamos aquí.
I'm not quite sure if they're going to live.
No estoy muy seguro de si van a vivir.
You're an insecure, pampered woman, accustomed to attracting men. You're not sure whether they're attracted to you or your money.
Es una mujer insegura y mimada que sabe que atrae a los hombres, pero no sabe si lo que les atrae es usted o su dinero.
I'm not sure they're safe, but we'll certainly have lunch together.
No me parece que sean seguros, pero podemos almorzar juntos.
I'm not even sure they're going.
Ni siquiera sé si van a ir.
Make sure they're not just malingerers.
Asegúrese de que no fingen estarlo.
I'm sure they are friends like you and I are, and so they're not alone.
Seguro que son amigas como nosotros, y así no están solas.
- I'm sure they'll sell. - You're a darling, but there's one kind of artist I'm not going to be.
- Usted es muy amable, pero no seré ese tipo de artista.
I'm not sure... they're huge in ads, TV, radio, cinema!
No sé muy bien, pero hacen publicidad en Milán. Radio, TV, cine... ¡ De todo!
- They're sure to shoot me. - Maybe not.
- Seguro que me fusilarán.
We're not sure where they were at the exact time of the atomic blast.
Ignoramos donde se encontraban en el momento de la detonación atómica.
I'm not sure how they're doing it but it's an unusual form of language.
Ignoro como lo hacen, pero su lenguaje no es normal.
- You sure you don't mind if they're not all bankers?
¿ Seguro que no le importa si no son todos banqueros?
Our best plan is to find some small, out of the way market... where they're not sure what's happened.
Lo mejor sería encontrar una tienda pequeña y apartada... donde aún no sepan lo que ha sucedido.
I know he's not without faults, but they're those of wildness and youth, and I am sure many of us have worse.
Sé que no está libre de culpas pero son las de un joven salvaje. Muchos de nosotros tenemos culpas peores.
I'm sure they're not too worried.
No se preocuparán en exceso.
-... we're not sure they're even looking.
-... no sabemos si nos buscan.
They're not sure yet.
No están seguros.
We're not sure, but we think they're due to Dr. Philips'experiments.
No lo sabemos pero creemos que vienen de los experimentos del Dr. Phillips.
We're not sure they're for sale.
No sé si están a la venta.
I'm not sure of anything but those locusts. - They're all after us.
Sólo sé que esas langostas iban a por nosotros.
Right. Be sure you're not followed because they may have someone on you, too.
Nos vemos en el nivel E, en la entrada.
No, I'm sure they're not true.
... estoy segura de que no son ciertas.
They're sure not detectives.
Está claro que no son detectives.
I'm not sure. Then how do you know they're alien machines?
- ¿ Ycómo sabe que son extraterrestres?
- What are they doing there? They're not having a ball, that's for sure.
- No están de fiesta eso es seguro.
I'm not sure they're sure.
- No sé si ellos están seguros.
But as nobody bothered to ask why 10,000 dockers should isolate themselves from their families for five days, sleeping head to tail, no booze, no women, just hard grafting all the time and not even sure they're getting wages out of it,
Pero a nadie le importa preguntar por qué 10 mil estibadores... debieron aislarse voluntariamente de sus familias durante cinco días, durmiendo codo a codo, sin tragos, ni mujeres, sólo trabajo duro todo el tiempo... y sin ni siquiera estar seguros de recibir un pago por ello,
Right now, I'm not sure what they're up to. So I'll let them make the first move,... and take care of things as it goes.
Ahora mismo no estoy seguro de que pretenden, así que les dejare hacer el primer movimiento... y me ocupare de las cosas según surjan.
I'm not sure but they're trousers.
No estoy seguro. Son pantalones.
I'm not sure they're engaged He arrives at noon and has lunch with the Cimarosa's
No estoy seguro de que estén comprometidos. Llega al medio día y almuerza con los Cimarosa.
Daisy, a lot of people are psychic. I'm sure they're all very nice, but that is not the group I'd like to be known as in. Fine.
Muchos tienen poderes.
It's your job to make sure that the actors... are supposed to be where they're supposed to be... and not wandering around drunk somewhere.
Es tu trabajo asegurarte que los actores estén donde se supone que deben estar. Y no merodeando por ahí borrachos en algún sitio.
- We're not even sure they're there.
- Ni siquiera se si están allí.
they're not happy 17
they're not going anywhere 43
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're not mine 63
they're not so bad 28
they're not stupid 24
they're not the same 18
they're not 686
they're not bad 26
they're not going anywhere 43
they're not yours 24
they're not here 176
they're not mine 63
they're not so bad 28
they're not stupid 24
they're not the same 18
they're not 686
they're not bad 26