Time to get up translate Spanish
1,417 parallel translation
Time to get up.
Hora de levantarse.
Time to get up.
Es hora de levantarse.
Johnny, honey, it's time to get up for school.
Johnny, cariño, es hora de ir a la escuela.
- It's time to get up and put on your hat.
- Hora de levantarse y ponerse el gorro.
Oh. Time to get up.
Hora de levantarse.
"Time to get up and at'em with a little help... " from the world's greatest motivator.
Es momento de que reciban algo de ayuda de parte del mayor motivador del mundo.
Hey, guys I think it's time to get up.
Chicos es hora de levantarse.
Time to get up.
¿ Mi cielo? Es hora de levantarse.
Time to get up!
¡ Hora de levantarse!
Hey, Noburu, time to get up.
Hey, Noburu, hora de levantarse.
Time to get up!
¡ A levantarse!
Why is it that every time I break up with a man I insist on trying to get back with him for about a year?
¿ Por qué cada vez que alguien rompe conmigo pierdo un año de mi vida intentando volver con él?
I will come by around 5 : 30 to pick you up for your big date. And I will get you back in time for Murder She Wrote. Bye.
Pasaré a las 5 : 30 a recogerte para nuestra gran cita, y te llevaré de regreso a tiempo para "Reportera del Crimen." Adiós.
Their job is to open everything up for the first time... then get it all working.
Su trabajo es abrir todo para arriba por primera vez... a continuación, obtener todo de trabajo.
There was so much time and money and energy spent obsessing and analyzing... trying to get a glimpse of your body, that soon it felt like... the world had forgotten about everything else... and you end up feeling... disconnected from your own body, like it's not even yours.
Si todo el tiempo, dinero y energía se dedicaran a analizar... a tratar de ver tu cuerpo, pronto sentirías... que el mundo había olvidado todo lo demás... y acabarías por sentirte... desconectado de tu cuerpo, como si no fuera tuyo.
Raj, please let's have another rehearsal lf l mess up this time, I'm going to get a lot of scolding
Raj, por favor, vamos a ensayar otra vez. Si me equivoco otra vez me van a regañar mucho.
It's time to get up, Joy.
Hora de levantarse, Joy.
At the same time, I don't want to get too hung up on this.
Y al mismo tiempo, no me quiero colgar mucho en esto.
It's time for me to get up
Es hora de levantarme.
You take all the time you need to get yourself together and then you come out and you greet all the people who have given up every day and every night of their lives for the last year to put us in office.
Tómate el tiempo que haga falta para recomponerte y luego sal y saluda a toda la gente que se ha sacrificado sus días y sus noches este último año para lograr que nos eligieran.
Hmm, yeah, I'd buy that, considering every time you get next to him, you can't shut up!
Si, te creo. Considerando el rato que lo has tenido cerca, tú no podías estarte callada!
You grow up praying you don't get pregnant every time you have sex. And then when you finally do want to have a baby, you can't.
Rezas para no quedarte embarazada cuando te acuestas con alguien y cuando quieres tener un hijo, no puedes.
No one calls me to get a family history or gives me time to set up treatment for him?
¿ Y nadie me pide la historia familiar para ponerle un tratamiento?
Yeah, we figured that if our boys are gonna be great friends we should all get to be friends too. Friends by default. Well, our boys do seem to be spending a lot of time together lately.
* ample parking day or night * * people spouting "howdy neighbor" * * headin'on up to south park * * gonna see if i can't unwind * * tim-Tmah tim-Mah, tim-Mah tim-Mah timmy tim-Mah *
Now let's get somebody up here to give Danny a hard time
Ahora necesitamos a alguien que haga sufrir a Danny.
They're just dicking me around... trying to get another black face, make it four-and-one... to even up for the last time.
Están jugando conmigo tratando de conseguir otra cara negra, que sean cuatro y uno para compensar.
strung up to the top of a coconut tree. Every time you get an answer coconut tree. Every time you get an answer correctly, you're going to take
Cada vez que acertéis una pregunta, cogeréis el machete y cortaréis 1 fardo de quien queráis.
I have to get up at half past four every morning, so I'll have you up at the same time when you come home, if God spares you.
Me tengo que levantar a las cuatro y media cada mañana así que te levantaré a la misma hora cuando vuelvas a casa, si Dios lo permite.
That should give us enough time to get back up.
Nos dará tiempo para volver a subir.
I've been trying to get down for a bloody long time... and every time we're about to go all the way... you up and run out on me.
Te he deseado durante mucho tiempo... y cada vez que estamos por encamarnos, te marchas.
I've been in this business a long time... and if we get "Modern Rifleman" up to 750,000... I'll strip down to my shorts and jump in the ocean.
He estado en este negocio mucho tiempo... y si llevamos "Fusilero Moderno" a 750.000... me desvestiré hasta los shorts y saltaré al mar.
I mean, almost everyone I've ever gone out with, if you could alter just one thing about them or... even to get them to stop wearing sunglasses up on their head all the time, then they'd be perfect.
Casi todos los hombres con los que he salido... si les pudiera alterar un detalle o... lograr que dejaran de usar los lentes de sol en la cabeza... serían perfectos.
I knew that every time we were supposed to meet, you would get distracted... by one of your many girlfriends and stand me up... and this would give me a reason to fight with you over the phone... and declare that I wouldn't meet with you for a hundred years.
Sabía que cada vez que debíamos encontrarnos te distraerías con una de tus novias y me dejarías plantada. Esto me daría un motivo para pelear por teléfono y declarar que no me encontraría contigo en cien años.
I really don't have time to get you up to speed.
Es verdad Realmente no tengo tiempo para enseñarte esto
Santa Monica'it is time to get busy because next up, we have four cats that you might not have heard of.
Santa Mónica, es hora de animarse. Ya vienen cuatro chicos de quienes quizás no sepan nada.
If we just take it one day at a time... and if you start to get overwhelmed or the kids stage a coup... you call me up, I'm home, end of trip.
Lo tomaremos un día a la vez. Si te sientes abrumado o los chicos hacen un golpe, fin del viaje.
It was time for some real lads to get up there and take charge.
Era hora para que alguien tomara el control.
it is for Paul i will take you one what time should i ready to get up?
Son de Paul. Te paso una. ¿ A qué hora pongo el despertador?
( Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet )
( Cada vez intento hacerme Volver sobre mis pies )
I expect you to have everything up and running by the time I get back.
Espero que todo esté listo y en funcionamiento cuando regrese.
We'd never build up enough momentum to get clear of the field in time.
Nunca conseguiríamos suficiente inercia para liberarnos del campo a tiempo.
I've got an injured man waiting, and we have just enough time... to get out of here before we end up in front of a Xantoras firing squad.
Tenemos a un hombre herido esperando por nosotros. Tenemos el tiempo justo para salir de aquí antes de terminar delante de un pelotón de fusilamiento de Xantoras.
We'd all work 14 hours... party till dawn, then pile in Joe's van, and wake up in New Hampshire or Maine... with just enough time to get back for the next shift.
Trabajábamos 14 horas de tirón, fiestas hasta el alba Luego nos amontonábamos en la furgo de Joe Y nos despertábamos en New Hampshire o en Maine
Well, obviously, it's gonna take some time to get the inn up and running, right?
Bueno, es obvio... que llevará un tiempo tener el hotel lista y funcionando, cierto?
Oh, maybe that's a good thing, you know, I mean... we're still waiting to hear about the stay from the State Supreme Court, but, I don't know, I mean, if we don't get one, maybe he can just nap up until the time when they put him to sleep for good.
Quizá eso sea algo bueno aún esperamos saber si la Corte Suprema estatal parará la ejecución pero no sé, si no recibimos una quizá pueda dormir hasta el momento en que lo pongan a dormir permanentemente.
We bide our time and pick our moment to really shake shit up and get noticed.
Dividimos el tiempo y elegimos el momento para hacernos notar.
Time to get... up.
Es hora de... levantarse.
What time do you have to get up?
¿ A qué hora te tienes que levantar?
Mr. Little, this is good to get-out-of-jail-free one time only... on anything up to aggravated assault.
Sr. Little, esto le sirve para librarse de la cárcel una sola vez por un delito menor que la agresión con daños físicos.
No service for drunks who can't get up in time to catch a ship.
No hay nada para los borrachos que no se levantan cuando llega un buque.
For you guys, you generously gave up a chance to spend time with your loved ones so that Jon could get a little more information about his grandma.
Chicos, vosotros habéis renunciado con generosidad a la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con vuestros seres queridos para que Jon tenga un poco más de información sobre su abuela.
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time to leave 25
time to get to work 16
time to move on 27
time to move 28
get up 6197
get up now 52
get up there 220
get up here 202
get upstairs 55
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time to move 28
get up 6197
get up now 52
get up there 220
get up here 202
get upstairs 55
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time is money 74
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time for bed 134
time out 262
time job 218
time for breakfast 17
time of death 270
time continuum 62
time thing 208
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time is short 39
time machine 29
time thing 208
time lord 48
time for dinner 25
time low 44
time is short 39
time machine 29