Too much translate Spanish
52,762 parallel translation
He had too much to prove.
Tenía mucho que probar.
Religion's way too much work.
La religión es demasiado trabajo.
So it was an accident you had too much to drink that night?
¿ Así que fue un accidente que bebieras tanto esa noche?
Been watching too much TV, girl.
Has estado viendo demasiada televisión, chica.
It's too much for me.
Es demasiado para mí.
Wait, I have to park well so you do not laugh too much at me.
Espera, tengo que estacionar bien para que no se ría mucho de mí.
- He tells you too much.
- Te cuenta demasiado.
Look, it's too much.
Mira, demasiado.
I listened to you too much.
Te escuché demasiado.
This is too much, I don't know.
Esto es demasiado. No lo sé.
Uh, there's, you know, we know too much about the Civil War.
Hay, sabes, sabemos demasiado sobre la Guerra Civil.
Stan is only trying to say that this can all be a bit too much for you, Paul.
Stan solo está diciendo que esto puede ser demasiado para ti, Paul.
If anything, I feel too much.
Y si hay algo, es que soy muy intenso.
Mm-hm, mom says we have too much money.
Mm-hm, mamá dice que tenemos demasiado dinero.
It actually means that you have a lack of calcium. No, it means I've been drinking too much beer.
En realidad, significa que tienes una deficiencia de calcio.
- You talk too much.
- Hablas demasiado.
Just a couple of days is not too much to ask, all right?
Solo un par de días no es pedir mucho, ¿ de acuerdo?
Okay, we're yelling too much!
¡ Estamos gritando demasiado!
We're yelling at each other too much.
¡ Nos estamos gritando demasiado!
But you're too much of a wimp to handle it.
Pero eres demasiado imbécil para manejarlo.
Right, because they'll take down an FBI convoy but five dip-shits in a shopping mall is too much.
Bien, porque van a derribar una formación del FBI pero cinco inmersiones en un centro comercial es demasiado.
Your Kung-Fu does not look too much to the point.
Tu Kung Fu no parece demasiado desarrollado.
There's still too much ginger bread. Hm.
Todavía hay demasiado pan de jengibre.
He worries too much.
Él se preocupa demasiado.
Oh, they don't speak too much.
No hablan mucho.
A little too much, I'm afraid.
Demasiadas, me temo.
She just had a little too much champagne.
Sólo bebió un poco de champán.
Too much sugar isn't good for you.
Tanta azúcar le hace mal.
American women have too much Eggo.
Las mujeres norteamericanas tienen mucho "ego".
Come on. Whoa! You worry too much!
Vamos. ¡ Te preocupas demasiado!
You've had too much.
Te has metido demasiado.
Seems like a little too much, Lam-Lam.
Me parece demasiado, Borreguita.
Sarah, Sarah, it's too much.
Sarah, no debiste.
I've found that potatoes are one of the easiest things for me to make so I've been eating way too much starch.
.. Sí, ya veo, este platillo es la especialidad de mi mamá, lo preparo sin esfuerzo.
I wouldn't worry too much, Luce.
No me preocupa mucho.
♪ But too much of it ♪ ♪ Is fear ♪
* Pero la gran mayoría * * es miedo *
But they worry that he's taking on too much.
Pero les preocupa que sea demasiado para él.
Are you really taking on too much? Are you worried about protecting me?
¿ En serio te preocupas demasiado por protegerme?
You didn't hear it from me... but I don't think this is going to be your investigation for too much longer.
No se enteraron por mí pero no creo que esta investigación esté a cargo suyo por mucho tiempo más.
Too many cars, too much going on, and Dougie's been under a lot of stress lately, and if you want to know the truth, so have I.
Demasiados autos, demasiadas cosas ocurriendo... Dougie ha sufrido mucho estrés estos días y si quieren saber la verdad, también yo.
Too much flab, not enough ab. Why?
Mucha flaccidez, nada de solidez. ¿ Por qué?
And finally we can never invest too much in Pre-K education.
Y nunca está de más invertir en la educación preescolar.
This is too much.
Es demasiado.
Too much external force.
Hay un exceso de fuerza externa.
If this is too much for you... you've got your look.
Si esto es demasiado para ti... - ¿ Qué? - Se te nota.
Oh, it's really too much to go into.
Es una larga historia.
- You're losing too much blood.
- Estás perdiendo mucha sangre.
I've wasted too much time imprisoned by these monsters.
Desperdicié demasiado tiempo encarcelado por estos monstruos.
Thank you very much, and for the table, too.
Muchas gracias. Y por la mesa también.
Now this is wrapping up much too neatly to be a coincidence.
Ahora esto está cerrando demasiado bien para ser una coincidencia.
I mean, I don't see much too special in her.
Digo, no le veo nada de especial.
too much work 29
too much pressure 16
too much information 34
muchacho 38
muchachos 38
much 413
muchas gracias 69
much appreciated 57
much love 20
much worse 133
too much pressure 16
too much information 34
muchacho 38
muchachos 38
much 413
muchas gracias 69
much appreciated 57
much love 20
much worse 133
much better 603
much less 38
much later 35
much more 111
much better now 20
much obliged 132
much bigger 31
too many questions 18
too many to count 25
too many people 42
much less 38
much later 35
much more 111
much better now 20
much obliged 132
much bigger 31
too many questions 18
too many to count 25
too many people 42