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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ V ] / Very important to me

Very important to me translate Spanish

1,025 parallel translation
It's very important to me.
Es muy importante para mí.
- It is very important to me.
- Es muy importante para mí.
That's very important to me Because you're the only woman in the world I'll ever love.
Porque eres la única mujer a la que amaré jamás.
It was very important to me.
Era importante para mí.
Puede que eso llegue a ser muy importante para mí.
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Entonces créeme, es muy importante para nosotros... que yo me aleje de aquí.
"For reasons I find it difficult to explain... "... you are very important to me
"Por razones difíciles de explicar... eres muy importante para mí".
I'm sorry, but it's very important to me.
Disculpe, pero es muy importante para mí.
Its very important to me.
Para mí es muy importante.
It would be very important to me if I were in one.
Si me ocurriera a mí, le daría mucha importancia.
Please, it's very important to me.
Por favor, es muy importante para mí.
Those trips were very important to me.
Aquellos viajes fueron muy importantes para mí.
It's very important to me that I should know howyou feel, so please be perfectly frank.
Para mí es muy importante saber qué sientes... respóndeme con sinceridad.
You see, my daughter is very important to me.
Mi hija es muy importante para mí.
Suddenly, you're very important to me.
Súbitamente, me importas mucho.
And it's very important to me.
Y para mí, es muy importante.
Erskine's very important to me.
- Erskine es importante para mí. No digamos que no.
- But the horse is very important to me.
- Pero el caballo es importante... para mí.
It is very important to me that Mr. Korpanoff arrives safely at Irkutsk.
Es muy importante que el Sr. Korpanoff llegue sano y salvo a Irkutsk.
This is very important to me.
Esto es muy importante para mí.
Your opinion has always been very important to me, Lillian.
Tu opinión siempre ha sido muy importante para mí, Lillian.
it's very important to me.
Es muy importante para mí.
I do. But, it's very important to me.
Sí, pero esto es muy importante para mí.
This is very important to me.
Esto es importante para mí.
Oh, Doris, you've become very important to me. Very important.
Oh, Doris, usted se hizo muy importante para mí, muy importante.
It has to be now, it's very important to me.
Tiene que ser ahora, es muy importante para mí.
You've suddenly become very important to me.
De pronto te has convertido en algo importante para mí.
- This is very important to me.
- Esto es muy importante para mí.
He wasn't really very important to me.
Él no era importante para mí.
Mr. Briggs says it's a perfect location, besides having living quarters in the back, and that's very important to us right now.
No me digas. Según Briggs, el lugar es perfecto. Y tiene casa atrás.
What's the prospects? I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't given a very important job to do pretty soon.
No estoy seguro... pero puede que pronto me den un puesto importante.
I would like to talk to you a minute. This is very important.
Me gustaría hablar contigo un minuto Esto es muy importante..
Mr. Hogan, this is a very important shot to me.
Sr. Hogan, este golpe es muy importante para mí.
Oh, yeah, my Dad used to take me to all these places when I was a kid, and he said it's very important to socialize.
Ah, sí, mi padre me traía a estos sitios cuando era niño. Decía que era importante hacer vida social.
You probably don't think it's very important that you've graduated from university, but to me, it's wonderful news.
Seguramente no te parezca importante haberte graduado en la universidad. Pero para mí es una noticia magnífica.
It's very important for me to get there, and I don't intend hanging around here waiting for you to get ready.
Cambio de avión en Boca Grande.
That may not seem very important to some people... but it pleases me just to think about it.
A algunos les parecerá irrelevante... pero a mí me da gusto el sólo pensarlo.
Listen to me, son, it s very important.
Escúchame, hijo, es muy importante.
But you said you wanted to tell me something very important.
Pero dijiste que tenías algo importante que contarme.
I'm sure you didn't expect me back quite so soon. But I think it very important to summarize the minutes of our last meeting.
Supongo que no esperaban que volviera tan pronto,... pero creo que es importante resumir Ios minutos de mi última aparición.
The thing that I liked best about talking to Hitchcock about problems when you were doing a screenplay was if you raised a problem that didn't seem very important, he'd say, "Oh, that's ice box talk."
Lo que más me gustaba de hablar con Hitchcock sobre algún problema cuando estaba escribiendo un guión era que, si planteaba un problema que no parecía muy importante, él decía : "Oh, eso es charla de nevera".
One year since I was the cause for you to miss an entire opera! That is a very important date and it should be remembered!
Mira, cuando tú no estás aquí, y yo te espero horas y horas, a veces, días enteros, siento unos celos que no me dejan vivir.
I can't explain it to you. But everybody has... something that's very important to them. With me... it's my guitar.
Cada uno tiene algo... que vale mucho para él en mi caso es mi guitarra.
Sorry, but to me is very important a person's look.
Discúlpeme, pero para mí el aspecto de la persona es lo primero.
Now, children, I've called you together at this unusual time because it's very important and I want you to cooperate with me.
Niños, los he llamado a todos en este horario inusual... porque es muy importante y necesito que cooperen conmigo.
You may think ill of me for telling you painful truths but I had to tell you as it may determine the fate of a very important figure in your life... your father.
Puedes pensar mal de mi por decirme esas dolorosas verdades pero tengo que decírtelo de una importante figura en tu vida... tu padre.
And also to thank you who have allowed me to become something very important : a simple American citizen.
Y también para agradeceros,... el que me hayais permitido ser algo muy importante,... un sencillo ciudadano americano.
I'm very suspicious of any filmmaker that pretends to play the important pointing ways, these kind of things.
Me quedo muy desconfiado de cualquier cineasta que quiera colocarse como importante, apuntando caminos, todas esas cosas.
To me it is very important. How old?
Para mí es muy importante.
Which brings me to a very important point.
Lo cual me lleva a un asunto muy importante.
You see, I was interrupted in the middle of something very important, and I would like to finish it.
Verá, he sido interrumpido en medio de algo muy importante, y me gustaría terminarlo.

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