Walk it off translate Spanish
442 parallel translation
Generally, the best thing to do is walk it off.
Habitualmente, como mejor se me pasa es caminando.
Go on outside and walk it off.
Salga fuera y dése un paseo
Just let him walk it off, Roz.
Déjalo caminar, Roz.
I can't walk it off.
No puedo seguir.
- Let her walk it off.
- Déjala que se pasee.
Go out and walk it off.
¿ Por qué no se larga?
- I think I'm going to walk it off.
- Creo que voy a caminar.
Get up and walk it off.
Muy bien chicas,
Mick. - Walk it off, hell!
- ¡ Ni sueñen con que me calme!
He just has to walk it off.
Sólo tiene que despejarse un poco.
I'm... I'm gonna walk it off. Coming?
voy a dar un paseo, ¿ vienes?
Walk it off.
Hazlo caminar.
Walk it off.
Sal a caminar.
Here we go. Walk it off, big guy.
Camina y se te pasará, amigo.
MARCONE : Walk it off, son.
Marcone : hijo Walk It Off.
Walk it off.
Come on. Get up. Let's go walk it off.
Bueno, vamos, levántate.
Or it'll walk off during the night.
¡ se larga!
I'm gonna go out and walk it off.
Voy a dar un paseo.
Doggoned if I didn't walk right off with it.
Que me aspen si no me he ido con él.
Doggoned if I didn't walk right off with it.
Ah, era usted.
Oh, I get it. When I wanna walk out, I can be told off, but him...
Cuando yo dije que me iba, me animasteis.
I'd like to be a-seeing it, too. I'll let you off at the fork and you and Gracie can walk over to the holler.
Os dejaré en el cruce, luego tú y Gracie seguís caminando hasta allí.
- Yeah. - And just as we're about to pull it off, I don't know, something wouldn't let me and I'd just walk out.
- Y justo cuando estábamos a punto, no sé, algo me impedía hacerlo y abandonaba.
And if he's following a woman, he's liable to walk right off it.
Y si sigue a una mujer, es capaz de hacerlo andando.
- It would be best if you don't walk me home. And that you get off at the next stop.
¡ Es mejor que no me acompañes a casa, y que te bajes en la siguiente parada!
And hardly has the beasts throat been cut that the Haouka walk forward to drink the blood or lick it off the altar stone.
Pero en cuanto es sacrificado los Hauka se abalanzan para beber la sangre y lamer la piedra.
If I had it to do again, I'd still walk off with Jordan.
Si pudiera repetirlo, seguiría yéndome con Jordan.
They took it right off me the minute I finished the walk-around.
Me lo quitaron en cuanto terminé de desfilar.
What do you say we head for it, and walk off with one of its ivory towers?
¿ Qué le parece si vamos hacia allá? ¿ Y si nos llevamos esas torres de marfil?
Better get off. It's a long walk back.
- Será mejor que bajes o te alejarás.
If you don't like it, get off and walk.
Si no le gusta, salga y camine.
Well, Steve, it's easier than punching cows and it pays off with free drinks when I walk into a saloon.
Verás, Steve, es más cómodo que tratar con ganado y siempre bebo gratis cuando entro en un bar.
Well, gentlemen, it's a black day for banking when five men walk in off the street and just calmly scoop up -
Caballeros, es un día negro para los bancos cuando cinco hombres entran tranquilamente de la calle y...
I'd better give you your mail before I forget it and walk off with it.
Tu correo, antes de que se me olvide.
It's beautiful, like, for us to walk off and then someone try to hand us a towel.
POS de DE LA SOUL Para nosotros es bonito bajar y que alguien nos quiera dar una toalla.
Can you tell some nights you're just not making it at all? - Ever want to just walk off?
¿ Dime, hay noches que no deseas tocar ante el público?
They walk off wearing it.
- Y se van con ella puesta.
Let's put it off till tomorrow when we go for a walk.
Dejémoslo para mañana, cuando vayamos a pasear.
The Great 0mnicognate Neutron Wrangler could talk all four legs off an Arcturan megadonkey, but only I could persuade it to go for a walk afterwards!
El gran Polemista Neutrón Omnicognaticio Hiperbólico podría dejar sin patas a un megaburro arcturiano a base de charla, ¡ Pero sólo yo podría persuadirle para que se fuera después a dar un paseo!
They set off the alarm every morning when they walk in. Ring, ring. It's tripped.
La alarma salta cada mañana cuando entran.
"Take the bus upon the corner there, Down to 57th street, get off there, It's quite a walk."
- Coge el autobús en la esquina, hasta la calle 57, bájate allí. Hay un buen trecho.
If the Blues don't swallow it, you walk off and'screw the Jew'.
Si los "azules" no se tragan eso, pueden retirarse y que se joda el judío.
Anybody could just walk right off with it.
Cualquiera podía caminar a la derecha fuera con él.
I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field and you don't notice it.
Creo que a Dios le fastidia que pases ante el color púrpura... de un campo... y no te fijes en él.
Get off your bike and walk it across the street.
Bajen de la bicicleta y crucen caminando.
It's like you walk into McDonald's, and they just line the cows up... and they bump'em all off for you and you never have to see it happening.
Es como si al entrar en McDonald, pusieran a las vacas en fila, las mataran para nosotros y que fuera como si no pasara nada.
It's very shady, you walk in about 10 in the morning, the li-you dust yourself off and the librarian kinda looks at you, but you sit at a table, you pick out a book so you're almost like she is, you know.
¡ Pop! Tus libros caen al suelo, uno por uno, y tienes a todos despiertos. " Dije :" Oh, lo siento. "
I mean, a movie that aspires for something really terrific and doesn't pull it off is shit, it's scum, and everyone will walk on it as such.
Una película que aspira a algo extraordinario y no lo logra, es una mierda, una escoria, y todos la rechazarán.
Sure, if it'll help take the edge off, you know watching the big guy walk out of your life for the second time.
Si eso ayuda a quitarle el filo a ver al gran tipo salir de tu vida por segunda vez.
An American professor tried to walk off with it under his coat.
Un profesor norteamericano trató de esconderlo bajo su abrigo.
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office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
offensive 29
official 47
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offended 16
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office 169
offer 51
officer 2766
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official 47
offense 31
offspring 19
offended 16
officers 467
offred 44
officially 347
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offs 170
offside 18
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off you go 630
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officially 347
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offs 170
offside 18
off the top of my head 48
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officer down 213
off you go 630
off with his head 28