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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Watch yourselves

Watch yourselves translate Spanish

119 parallel translation
And watch yourselves, he's armed.
Y cuidado, va armado.
Gentlemen, watch yourselves.
Caballeros, cuidado.
Watch yourselves.
Then watch yourselves!
¡ Entonces cuidense ustedes mismo!
And watch yourselves, hiring outside gunmen who make a living by killing.
Y cuidado con colgar a pistoleros que se ganan la vida matando.
And watch yourselves.
Y cuidado con lo que hacéis.
Watch yourselves.
Tengan cuidado.
Better watch yourselves down there.
Tengan cuidado.
So watch yourselves.
Tengan cuidado.
Watch yourselves!
¡ Tengan cuidado!
Well, now, you watch yourselves, hear?
aquí no tienes nada que ver.
So watch yourselves, and keep your wives away from the mai tais.
Pórtense bien y no dejen que sus esposas tomen.
Watch yourselves!
You guys watch yourselves.
Tengan cuidado.
( man ) Watch yourselves.
¡ Tengan Cuidado!
Watch yourselves, men.
Tengan cuidado.
Watch yourselves as well.
Cuídense ustedes también.
Watch yourselves, or I'll clear this courtroom again.
Compórtense, o despejaré esta corte nuevamente.
You girls watch yourselves.
Cuídense chicas.
Watch yourselves.
Tened cuidado.
Watch yourselves, Ducks. They're head-hunting, huh?
Cuidense Ducks que los estan cazando.
I'm not getting anything on sonar, but watch yourselves out there.
No recibo nada en el sonar, pero tened cuidado.
- Just watch yourselves. - Wait!
- Pero tengan cuidado.
"What is that supposed to mean,'watch yourselves'?"
- ¡ Espera! - ¿ Qué quiere decir "tengan cuidado"?
Watch yourselves!
Ver vosotros mismos!
Watch yourselves, boys. Get down!
Tengan cuidado, chicos. ¡ Agáchense!
Watch yourselves.
Hey, kids, watch yourselves!
¡ Oigan, tengan cuidado!
Okay, now watch yourselves, kids.
Bien, ahora miren, niños.
Watch yourselves.
Véanlo ustedes mismos.
Watch yourselves.
Presten atención.
Watch yourselves.
Okay, watch yourselves, watch each other.
Bueno, cuidense unos a otros.
Watch yourselves.
Mirad por vosotros mismos.
Watch yourselves.
Watch out for yourselves!
¡ Cuídense!
The Home Guard haven't been informed, so watch out for yourselves.
Nuestras fuerzas no han sido informadas así que tened cuidado.
Watch out for yourselves.
Tengan cuidado.
? You two watch out for yourselves!
Ustedes dos mirar hacia fuera para ustedes mismos!
Watch out, cover yourselves.
Cuidado, cúbranse.
Don't worry, there's no risk at all. Make yourselves comfortable, and watch through that window.
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Watch yourselves.
- You mean you would rather watch a movie about something than doing it yourselves?
¿ Prefieren ver una película antes de hacer algo ustedes?
Watch yourselves, ladies, you'll get wet.
Acabo de verla Lady Fuchsia.
And today we watch the film "Emmanuelle". Enjoy yourselves!
Y hoy vemos la película "Emmanuelle". ¡ Divertíos!
I've warned all my friends and neighbors – better watch out for yourselves.
He advertido a todos mis amigos y vecinos - mejor mirar hacia fuera para sí mismos.
I care enough not to want to watch you and Dylan and the rest kill yourselves on some fools'crusade.
Me preocupa lo suficiente como para no querer ver que tu y Dylan y el resto se maten en una cruzada de tontos.
You watch yourselves too.
Cuídense ustedes también.
You can't watch them every minute. Don't blame yourselves.
No se los puede observar cada minuto.
It's gonna take me a while to fix up your car there, so if you boys like, you can go on inside, get yourselves something to drink, wash up, fuck my wife, watch TV... anything you want.
Me tomará un tiempo arreglar el auto, así que si desean, pueden entrar, tomar algo, lavarse, coger a mi esposa, mirar TV- - lo que quieran.
And that means I gotta explain to your next of kin... how you went and got yourselves killed on my watch?
Eso quiere decir que debo decirle a sus parientes cómo fueron a hacerse matar en mi guardia.

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