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We're together now translate Spanish

876 parallel translation
Then we're going to be working together now.
Entonces ahora, vamos a trabajar juntos ahora.
Go... now we're all comfortable together!
¡ Vaya... ahora ya estamos todos confortablemente juntos!
Now that we're all together again.
Todos juntos aquí de nuevo.
I've been dreaming of being able to talk to you for quite a while and now that we're alone together, like this...
Hace tanto tiempo que... que soñaba con poder hablar con usted. Y ahora, que estamos solos...
Well, now we're all together.
¡ Entonces ya estamos todos!
Boys, now that we're all here... What I mean is I've brought you all together because...
Muchachos, ahora que estamos juntos, os diré... que os he reunido, porque...
That's very considerate of you. Well, now that we're all friends, let's get together.
Ahora que somos todos amigos, sentémonos.
But from now on... we're going to be together the three of us, hm?
Pero a partir de ahora, estaremos juntos los tres, ¿ no?
- Now we're together once more.
- Ahora estamos juntos una vez más.
Now we're gonna be in jail together.
Ahora estaremos en la cárcel juntos.
- Siempre estaremos juntos.
Now that we're together again.
Estamos juntos una vez más.
But we're together now.
Pero ahora estamos juntos.
For now they lie all together with the ship we loved, and they're in very good company.
Ahora ellos duermen con el barco que amamos... y van a estar en muy buena compañía.
From now on we're gonna be together, no matter what.
A partir de ahora, estaremos juntos, pase lo que pase.
From now on, we're gonna be together, no matter what.
A partir de ahora, estaremos juntos, pase lo que pase.
We can go out, have dinner together... see a show, be together, dance together... You're free now, you know.
Eres libre ahora.
Well, we're gonna have lots of nights out together from now on.
Saldremos muchas noches juntos a partir de ahora.
Por favor, por favor, damas y caballeros... escuchen ahora que estamos todos juntos... mientras todavía nos quede algo de tiempo.
We're together now.
No importa. Ahora estamos juntos.
How about you and me having a nice little drink together now that we're acquainted?
¿ Qué le parece si vamos a tomar un traguito juntos ahora que nos conocemos?
Well now that we're all together,
Bueno, yo...
Now, everybody get in close together, we're all palsy-walsy put our arms around each other.
Vamos, pongámonos juntos. Todos somos íntimos amigos. Abracémonos.
Now we're putting together a new show starring Al.
Estamos preparando un nuevo espectáculo para Al.
We're doing an act together now.
That's more... You and I together. Now we're talkin'.
- Ahora estamos hablando.
And now, we're all gonna "go into the shop together".
Y ahora tenemos que ir todos juntos y unidos a la banca.
And now we're alone together which is exactly what I'd planned.
Ahora estamos solos, que es exactamente lo que planeé.
Why are you so sad, if we're together again now?
- ¿ Y por qué tanta tristeza, si ya estamos otra vez juntos?
- Now that we're all together, whadaya say?
¿ Qué tal ahora que estamos todos juntos?
Now, I'd even be willing to marry you, since we're going to stay together.
Ahora incluso me casaría, puesto que vamos a estar siempre juntos.
And... and now, suddenly, we're not together at all.
y... ahora, de repente, no lo estamos del todo.
Now we're together, with only the future before us.
Ahora estamos juntos, con el futuro ante nosotros.
Now we're going to walk downstairs together quite casually like three old friends.
Ahora bajaremos juntos, en forma informal...
Now we're together!
Porque ahora estamos juntos.
- We ´ re gonna get by together now.
- Ahora los dos saldremos adelante juntos.
Now, we're all in this together.
Todos estamos conformes.
Everything's going to be all right now. - We're all together again.
Todo cambiará ahora, estamos juntas otra vez.
Now, you know you're on the run the same as I am. Why don't we just ride along together?
Sabes que estás huyendo como lo hago yo, porque simplemente no nos vamos juntos.
Now, remember, Harry, we're friends and we're buddies, and we're supposed to stick together, so you shouldn't try and run away from me.
Ahora, recuerda Harry, y se supone que debemos permanecer juntos. Entonces no deberías escaparte de mí.
Don't worry about me, Mits. It was all worth it, because now we're together, see?
todo valió la pena porque ahora estamos juntos, ¿ ves?
Now we're together.
Ahora estamos juntos.
I don't know how to explain it to someone like you. But we all came here together, and now we're trying to do something.
No sé cómo explicártelo, pero vinimos todos juntos y ahora estamos intentando algo.
Yes, but look at us right now. Every minute we're together we start to...
Míranos, cuando estamos juntos, empiezan las disputas.
But now we're together.
Hoy ha sido así.
We're really together now.
Ahora estamos realmente juntos.
From now on we're in this together, your life depends on your loyalty.
De aquí en adelante estamos juntos en esto, tu vida depende de tu lealtad.
An ox cart overturns and there is an accident and now we're at a circus together
Un carro de bueyes vuelca, y hay un accidente y ahora estamos juntos en el circo.
Now, look, we're gonna be working together, sort of, huh?
Mire, vamos a trabajar juntos, ¿ no?
Now that we're all together again, let's make this first drink to the family.
Ahora que estamos todos juntos, hagamos el primer brindis por la familia.
Darling, we're together now and it's all been wonderful.
Cariño, estamos juntos ahora y ha sido todo maravilloso.

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