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We want justice translate Spanish

166 parallel translation
We want justice, Mr. prefect.
Justicia, justicia Sr. prefecto. Queremos justicia.
We want justice. The storming of the Bastille in 1789 was not for nothing.
Nosotros, hijos de San Luis, sedientos de justicia, no tomamos la Bastilla en vano.
- We want justice!
- ¡ Queremos justicia!
We want justice, we are not animals.
Queremos justicia, no somos animales.
We want justice!
Votación de la Asamblea Municipal ¡ El voto no es válido!
We want justice.
Queremos justicia.
We want justice!
¡ Nosotros queremos justicia!
[Crowd Chanting] We want justice!
¡ Queremos justicia!
We want justice!
¡ Queremos justicia!
- [Whistles Blowing] - We want justice!
¡ Queremos justicia!
- He's a murderer. We want justice!
- Es un asesino. ¡ Queremos justicia!
You flatter me, sir, you flatter me, but we want justice, not chaos in this court.
Me honra, señor, me honra pero es justicia y no caos lo que queremos en este tribunal.
It's discrimination, it's bigotry, it's prejudice and we want justice.
Y mira. Pareces particularmente feliz aquí, ¿ no es así?
But we want justice!
¡ Pero queremos justicia!
We want justice!
- ¡ Este es nuestro lema!
We want justice.
Queremos... justicia
And we want justice.
Y queremos justicia.
If we want justice, we must go to Don Genovese!
¡ Si queremos justicia, tenemos que acudir a Don Genovese!
We do not want barbarians laughing at Roman justice.
No queremos que los bárbaros se rían de la justicia romana.
That's why we want a lawyer who is interested in justice rather than headlines.
Por eso queremos un abogado interesado en la justicia en lugar de los titulares.
- All we want is justice.
- Solo queremos justicia.
If we don't want knowingly to offend truth and justice, if we don't want to commit an error that will weigh on our lives, if we want our consciences to be in peace, only one verdict will come out of this court.
Si no queremos ofender a la verdad y a la justicia, si no queremos cometer un error que pesará sobre nuestras vidas, si queremos la paz de nuestras conciencias, un solo veredicto saldrá de esta sala :
We want to understand the sense of justice as wrong as them It is our own justice probably
Y aunque sea ilusorio, debo admitir que su causa es justa.
~ We all want justice But you got to have the money to buy it ~
Todos queremos justicia, pero hay que tener dinero para comprarla
I want the humans aboard the Earth ship to witness these proceedings, that they may know what we do here is nothing more than simple justice :
Quiero que los humanos a bordo de la nave sean testigos del proceso... para que sepan que lo que hacemos no es otra cosa que justicia.
Well, we want this bloke stopped with his killing. We want him stopped and brought to justice.
Queremos parar estos crímenes y llevar al asesino ante la justicia.
We just want to see justice done that is all.
Solo queremos que se haga justicia, eso es todo.
# we don't want justice # # we just want # # someone to love #
No queremos justicia. Sólo queremos Alguien para amar.
# we don't want justice # # we just want # # someone to love # # someone to love # # someone to love # # someone to love # yay!
No queremos justicia. Sólo queremos Alguien para amar.
We want to see you face to face with justice!
! Queremos verlo cara a cara con la justicia!
We want some justice here!
¡ Queremos justicia!
- Excellent. - We want the wheels of justice to spin quickly.
- excelente - deseamos que la rueda de la justicia gire rápido.
We just want justice, We are tired of starving.
Sólo queremos justicia, estamos hartos de morirnos de hambre.
We want these children to feel justice has been served.
Queremos que estos niños piensen que se ha hecho justicia.
¿ Qué queremos?
uh no... I just I just want justice to be served... Because when we don't have our parents, There are no laws to to bring them back to Earth.
Sólo quería decir que la justicia es de mala calidad, porque cuando ya no tienen padres hay leyes de la devolución.
All we want now is justice.
Ahora sólo queremos justicia.
We want to bring him to justice.
Lo llevaremos ante la justicia.
They want these criminals brought to justice as badly as we do.
Quieren que estos criminales sean llevados a la justicia tanto como nosotros.
We want to win regardless of justice.
Independientemente de la justicia.
We both want the real killer brought to justice here.
Queremos que el asesino real pague sus culpas.
We want justice! Down with non-violence!
- ¡ Muerte a la injusticia!
Well, I wouldn't want to obstruct justice but the thing is we're in the middle of this competition.
No quisiera obstruir la justicia, pero la cosa es que está en el medio de esta competición. Fue decisión del comité seguir adelante, pero teníamos la esperanza de que nadie hablaría del... asesinato. Ya veo.
We want nothing to do with that kind of justice!
¡ No nos interesa esta justicia!
We can certainly understand why you'd want justice.
Podemos entender que usted quisiera justicia.
And we don't want justice given to us in charity
Y no queremos que la justicia en forma de caridad.
We don't want this farce of justice, this hollow sympathy. Enough!
No queremos que esta farsa de justicia, esta hueca simpatía. ¡ Basta ya!
All we want is justice, you've said so many times, that we're entitled to it!
Lo único que queremos es justicia. ¡ Tantas veces nos dijo que teníamos ese derecho!
- We better do something. - Don't make a move. I want justice for my daughter.
El primer movimiento que haga... pagará por mi hija.
As I said... all we want is justice.
Como dije... todo lo que queremos es justicia.
Because we want real justice here but I have to tell you how disappointed I am, Ellen because you lied to me.
Porque buscamos justicia. Pero debo decirle lo desilusionada que estoy, Ellen porque usted me mintió.

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