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We want the money translate Spanish

362 parallel translation
We want the money to build that schoolhouse over there!
Queremos dinero para edificar | la escuela justo aquí!
We want the money to build that schoolhouse!
Queremos dinero para edificar | la escuela!
We want the money now or we're gonna take you to court.
Dadnos el dinero ahora u os llevaremos a juicio.
- We want the money.
- Dadnos el dinero.
- Yes, we want the money. But not for Serge Miller's life.
Queremos el dinero, pero no a cambio de la vida de Serge.
Not exactly, but we'll have to watch ourselves until this deal comes through, because it will pretty soon, and when it does, we'll have all the money we want.
No exactamente, pero tendremos que ser cautos hasta que se cierre el acuerdo, lo que sucederá dentro de poco y, cuando así sea, tendremos todo el dinero que queramos.
We want our boy to have the best of money can buy.
Queremos que nuestro chico tenga lo mejor que se pueda comprar.
I tell you, gentlemen. If I'm going to put any money into this show I want to be sure that we get the best music possible.
Caballeros, si voy a invertir dinero en la obra quiero que tengamos la mejor música posible.
But we don't want the money
No queremos el dinero, queremos la música.
Do you want into that kind of money or shall we let it all remain in the bank?
¿ Quieres tu parte del dinero o lo dejamos en el banco?
As to the money, we don't want it.
Con respecto al dinero, no lo queremos.
We don't want the money!
¡ No queremos el dinero!
I didn't want the mill, and we couldn't have bought it... if you hadn't pressed all of our friends for the money they owed me.
Yo no lo quería. No podíamos comprarlo y presionaste a los amigos en deuda.
The money is what we want.
EI dinero es Io único que nos interesa.
Queremos que nuestro muchacho tenga lo mejor que el dinero pueda comprar.
- We want the farm money.
- Queremos el dinero de la granja.
No, sir, the whole nation does not know it... or we should not be crippled as we are for want of money... to carry our work through the length and breadth of the land.
No, señor, el país entero no lo conoce, o no nos veríamos obligados a mendigar... para extender nuestra obra a lo largo y ancho del país.
We want to know how you'll give away the money.
El método que usará para regalar ese dinero. Bueno, eso no debería ser difícil.
But you see... I was thinking we could sell this place, take the money and go anywhere we want.
Muy bien... he pensado que si se pudiese vender todo... y con ese dinero marcharnos.
But with the quantity you want, we'll have to re-open several mines and that takes time... and money.
Pero para la cantidad que desea tendremos que abrir otras minas y eso cuesta tiempo, y dinero.
WE want to know what's going to happen to HER. Since I'm giving you the money...
Lena, ¿ recuerdas la casa donde vivía yo?
Listen, if you want to escape, we'll give you all the money we have,.. but we want to stay out of the whole matter, whatever might happen to you.
Si quieres escapar, te damos todo el dinero que tenemos, pero queremos quedar fuera del asunto, ocurra lo que ocurra.
And we step in and lend money to those we want While we let the rest go to the wall.
Prestaremos dinero a los que queramos y los demás se irán a pique.
We don't know how to read or write and we don't want to owe money to the owner.
Nosotros no sabemos leer ni escribir, y no queremos tener deudas con el patrón.
Don't tell me it's at the bottom of the sea. We all know that. I want a passport and I'm going to have one, or the money now.
Quiero mi pasaporte, y sabemos que no está en el fondo del mar.
If we start throwing our money away like this, the next thing they'll want is... ponies, roadsters, trips to Hawaii.
Si seguimos tirando el dinero así, lo próximo que querrán... serán ponys, convertibles y un viaje a Hawai.
Madam, we can redecorate radio city if you want to spend the money.
Podemos redecorar Radio City si quiere gastar dinero.
I don't know why do you want to waste the money, we really can't afford it
No sé por que tiras el dinero, no podemos permitírnoslo.
Well, first take the money that we owe him... I don't want his money!
Bueno, ahora coja Ud. este dinero que le debemos a él...
Of course we're coming! You're so touchy! Want the money for our two dinners?
Claro que iremos, no te enfades.
Jaume, dear Jaume. If we can get finance for these atomic plans, we'll have all the money we want.
Querido Jaume, si vendo mis proyectos nucleares, tendremos todo el dinero que queramos.
- You want loads, cartley, you'll get them ut from now on, we're getting all the money that's coming to us.
Quiere viajes, pues los tendrá. Pero desde ahora nos pagará lo que nos pertenece, hasta el último penique.
When she's here, you'll be happy to give us all the money we want so that we don't hurt your little treasure. Go ahead and shrug.
Y cuando esté aquí, nos darás Io que pidamos para que no le hagamos daño.
We don't want the money. you can have it.
No queremos el dinero, es todo tuyo.
If you want our money, our flocks... They can take everything we have! But spare the lives of these people!
Si buscas el oro, la plata, o lo que sea, todo lo que tenemos, llévatelo, pero no sacrifiques la vida de inocentes.
The casino doesn't want any scandal, and they're not gonna complain if we return the money.
El casino no quiere un escándalo y no se quejarán si devolvemos el dinero.
But he'll have to talk about it if we've got the money and still want it.
Pero tendrá que hablar de ello si tenemos el dinero y aún la queremos.
I want to expand, but we don't have the money.
Quiero ampliar, pero no tenemos dinero.
Now the thing is, Mr. Harker, we want most of this money to go to Medfield College.
La mayoría del dinero es para la Universidad de Medfield.
He doesn't want money, he's asking whether we're from Germany. And whether any of us has been in the army.
Él no quiere dinero, pregunta si estamos en Alemania.
We want to know whether he withdrew money from the bank.
Querríamos saber si él retiró dinero del banco.
We all want to make money, Jack, if the risks aren't too great.
Todos queremos ganar dinero, Jack, si los riesgos no son demasiado grandes.
Today, not even his 10,000 slaves working in his mines and factories... not even his money, his castles, have enough power to put you out... because we have the power... and we want you to remain where you are.
Hoy en día, ni sus 10.000 esclavos que trabajan en sus minas y fábricas... ni todo su dinero, sus castillos, tienen el poder de despedirte... porque nosotros tenemos el poder... y queremos que te quedes donde estás.
Just tell him it's the money we want.
Tan sólo dile que lo que queremos es el dinero.
We want to purge mankind of the devil. Money is not the prime consideration.
Queremos limpiar a la humanidad del mal... el dinero no es lo primordial.
With all the money that we'll get, I want to do a trip around the world to sample all sorts of wine!
¡ Con todo el dinero que pillaremos podremos dar la vuelta al mundo... para probar toda clase de vinos!
No, it's all right, sir, we don't morally censure, we just want the money.
No, no hacemos censura moral. Sólo queremos el dinero.
We just want the money.
Sólo queremos el dinero.
We'll give you the money for the finance, we want 60-40.
Te daremos el dinero. Pero iremos al 60l40.
We want to find Riri so much because he took the money.
Si tenemos interés en encontrar a nuestro amigo Riri es porque se largó llevándose la friolera de 42 millones.
If we don't want to lose the farm we must start making money.
Si no quieres perder la finca tenemos que empezar a ganar dinero.

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