When they come translate Spanish
3,164 parallel translation
When they come, I'm going to come clean about it all.
Y luego haré todo público.
When they come is important.
Cuando vienen es lo importante.
We'll add 1,000 soldiers when they come from Modikkol.
Añadiremos 1,000 soldados cuando lleguen de Modikkol.
What are you gonna tell the detectives when they come around?
¿ Pero qué le dirá a los detectives cuando vengan a husmear?
I'm gonna walk out there and when they come after me, you go, okay?
Caminaré hacia allí y cuando vengan por mí, te vas, ¿ de acuerdo?
When you're at a concert and you've managed to get in, and there are X hundred people outside who can't get in, you already feel great. And that energy you have spreads to the band when they come on stage.
Cuando estás en un concierto en el que has podido entrar y hay cientos de personas afuera que no pudieron hacerlo ya te sientes genial y esa energía que traes se extiende a la banda cuando salen al escenario.
You two stay here and pick off these DEA pendejos when they come back to check on the van.
Vosotros dos quedaros aquí y coged a esos pendejos de la DEA cuando vuelvan a revisar la furgoneta.
Although he do scare my kids when they come to visit their daddy at work.
Aunque asusta a mis niños cuando vienen a visitar al papá.
When they come to rescue me you'll be sorry!
¡ Cuando vengan a rescatarme se van a arrepentir!
You just remember, when they come in here and they tear this place apart board by board!
Recuérdalo cuando vengan y destrocen el lugar ¡ madera a madera!
They walk, drive, even have a conversation, but when they come to, they can't remember anything.
Caminan, conducen, incluso tienen una conversación, pero cuando vuelven en sí, no pueden recordar nada.
One of the challenges of each day for me as we deliver a new set to the cast is to have that wow factor when they come in and they're all blown away.
Uno de mis retos diarios es mandar al equipo al nuevo estudio y ver ese factor sorpresa cuando llegan y se quedan sin aliento.
These come along rarely, and you just feel happy and lucky when they do come.
- Es genial, estar tán cerca del comportamiento...
And when the Skullastic Superintendents come to check on our progress on Friday night, they will see how you are getting along.
Cuando los superintendentes Calavera vengan a comprobar nuestros progresos el viernes, verán lo bien que se llevan.
When the Skullastic Superintendents come tonight and see how the vampires and werewolves are fighting, how out of control this place is, they will shut down Monster High forever!
Cuando los superintendentes Calavera vengan esta noche y vean cómo se pelean los vampiros y los hombres lobo, y el caos que reina en el instituto, ¡ cerrarán Monster High para siempre!
How many soldiers there are and when they will come.
Cuántos soldados hay y cuándo van a venir.
They wanted him to come, and when they saw the cost, they said they couldn't afford it.
Ellos querían que fuera, y cuando vieron el costo dijeron que no podían costeárselo.
See, the thing is, a lot of guys come in here, they want the secret mistress trip when they already have one, a real one, on the side.
Verás, el tema es, muchos de los tipos que vienen aquí piden la fantasía de la amante secreta cuando ya tienen una una real, a escondidas.
I never know when they'll come for him.
Nunca sé cuando vendrán por él.
And when the trial finally came about, they assumed a conviction would come without doubt.
Y cuando el juicio finalmente se produjo, supusieron que una condena vendría sin duda.
They come from behind when you least expect it.
Vienen de atrás cuando menos te lo esperas.
MALE SPEAKER NARRATING : I think that's the scariest feeling of all, when you lose a child in a hospital and they don't come home to you.
Creo que es la sensación más temible de todas cuando pierdes a un hijo en un hospital y no vuelven a casa contigo.
In years to come, when people look upon the word "confusing," they will point to this very afternoon, when the world learned that a dead girl was alive, leading around a band of giant dwarfs.
En los años venideros, cuando la gente considere la palabra "confuso" se referirá a esta tarde en la que el mundo supo que una niña muerta estaba viva y lideró una banda de enanos gigantes.
That's when they'll come.
Es cuando vendrán.
They will come when we call!
¡ Acudirán a nuestro llamado!
It's uncomfortable sometimes, so what I've tried to do is get an understanding of their schedules, and then drop it off and leave it, so it's not that added pressure. And I know that they're thankful, because it's gone when I come back.
Es incómodo algunas veces... lo que trate de hacer es... conseguir una lista de sus horarios... y luego dejarlo e irme... no le añado presión y sé que están agradecidos... porque me habré ido cuando vuelvan.
When my friends come over, I get embarrassed because they have bigger rooms than I do.
Cuando mis amigos vienen, me da vergüenza... porque tienen habitaciones más grandes que yo.
If no one's here when I come in, they close it 20 minutes.
Si no hay nadie cuando vengo lo cierran por 20 minutos.
When you come into Africa USA, they had a greeter at the gate, dressed all up like a native.
Cuando entrabas a Africa USA, tenían a alguien para dar la bienvenida en la entrada, ataviado como un nativo.
So now they need to know how come these vigilantes can get inside when they can't?
Así que ahora necesitan saber ¿ cómo es que estos vigilantes puede entrar si ellos no pueden?
I think they got freaked out when they saw a needle come out.
Me parece que se asustaron cuando vieron la aguja.
People eat chocolate when they're in love. Are you in love?
La gente come chocolate cuando está enamorada. ¿ Estás enamorado?
When my buddies are in need, they come find me.
Cuando mis amigos están necesitados, ellos vienen a verme.
They're going to come after you when this is over.
Van a venir por ti cuando esto termine.
It's, uh, it's when they try to come the other way that matters. What did you make of first class?
Es cuando tratan de ir en el otro sentido cuando importa.
Come when they're asleep.
¿ Vendrás esta noche cuando los niños duerman?
I hope that one day some unfriendly aliens come and land on this planet and they take it over, and then when all else fails all hope is gone, they come to me with my skills,
Espero que algún día, unos alienígenas hostiles vengan y aterricen en este planeta y se los lleven, y luego, cuando todos los demás fallen no haya más esperanza, ellos vendrán a mí con mis habilidades,
Yeah, well, they said they was gonna come see us up in Fremont, but I'll believe that when I see it.
Sí, dijeron que iban a ir a vernos a Fremont... pero lo creeré cuando lo vea.
When I was seven, all the kids at school had their dads come and talk about what they do.
Cuando tenía siete años, los padres de los chicos de la escuela vinieron a hablar sobre lo que hacían.
Sometimes when you come to collect, they'll do anything not to pay, you know?
A veces, cuando usted viene a recoger, harán lo que sea no pagar, ¿ sabes?
The same thing that always happens when people come across something they don't understand and they need an easy answer to explain it away.
Lo mismo que ocurre siempre cuando la gente viene a través de algo ellos no entienden y ellos necesitan una respuesta fácil para explicarlo.
You never know when but they always come back, and they're gonna fucking kill us.
Nunca sabrás cuándo, pero siempre regresan, y seguro nos asesinarán.
If that come short, Our substitutes at home shall have blank charters Whereto, when they shall know what men are rich,
Si esto no basta, dejaré fueros en blanco a mis representantes para que, sabiendo quiénes son los ricos, los rellenen indicando grandes sumas con las que subvenir a mis necesidades, pues salgo para Irlanda de inmediato.
When spring arrives, they come out and begin to sing.
Al llegar la primavera salen de la tierra, y se ponen a cantar.
" And then when I come back home they'll be calm,
" Y cuando regrese a casa, estarán calmadas..
When I'd work with older editors, they'll often talk about the time when computers were starting to come in and say, you know, they were very resistant to it because they weren't familiar with computers.
Cuando trabajaba con editores mayores, muchas veces hablaban sobre... sobre el momento en que las computadoras empezaban a salir, y decían, se resistían a ellas porque no estaban familiarizados con computadoras.
The demands come in the meeting, when you're face-to-face. When they have you by the balls, when they're in control.
Harán las peticiones en el encuentro, cuando estén cara a cara te tengan de las bolas y tengan el control.
Yeah, he always tries to get me to come out with the guys when they're doing something fun.
Sí, siempre quiere que salga con los demás cuando hacen algo divertido.
Yeah, come to think of it, they wouldn't even pay for the fetus Lois lost when we went to visit the Museum of Staircases and Spring-loaded Boxing Gloves.
Sí, pensándolo, ni siquiera pagarían por el feto que Lois perdió cuando fuimos a visitar el Museo de Escaleras.
when they 28
when they do 53
when they get here 22
when they say 20
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come to me 20
they come back 19
when they do 53
when they get here 22
when they say 20
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come and go 32
they come to me 20
they come back 19
come on 167938
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
comer 25
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
comer 25
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31