They come and go translate Spanish
794 parallel translation
Oh, they come and go, but the reaction is always the same.
Vienen y van, pero la reacción es siempre la misma.
Yes... I enjoy it, seeing how they come and go... the hive-bees of Immensee. [ lit.
Sí... me gusta, ver cómo van y vienen...
"Two by two they come and go"
"De dos en dos llegan y se van"
Ah, knocks, they come and go, God's vassals drop and die, and sword and shield, in bloody field, both win immortal fame.
Los golpes van y vienen, los vasallos de dios caen y mueren :
They come and go here faster than the favorite at Aintree.
Llegan y se van más rápido que un favorito en Aintree.
No, here they come and go.
No, aquí van y vienen.
- They come and go like flies.
- Vienen y se van como las moscas.
They come and go, but Dad's around for keeps.
Vienen y van, pero papá siempre estará ahí.
I would never hurt you. ♪ people in life, they will come and go ♪ ♪ like the boats sailing by my door ♪
Nunca te lastimaría. ¿ Puedo preguntarte algo?
Well, ask him to come in, and fellowes, you can tell the jackmans that they can go back to that cottage.
Esperando. Pues hágale pasar. Fellows.
In this business, they come and they go.
En este negocio van y vienen.
In this business, they come and they go.
En este negocio, van y vienen.
Oh well.. they come and they go.
Ya se sabe. ¡ Van y vienen!
People come to see wild animals and go to petting lions Zani and ferocious tigers as if they were kittens.
Avise a Zani.
Oh, go on, quick. Before they come in and slips me the black spot.
Venga, rápido, antes de que entren y me den la Marca Negra.
And again the people come and go and they will be engrossed anew and happy... and inspired, for the idea and the Movement live on in our people... and with the Movement are symbol of eternity!
y otra vez el pueblo vendrá y acudirá y se fascinara nuevamente y dichoso y se motivará, por la idea y el Movimiento se alimentara dentro de nuestro pueblo - Y con el Movimiento ¡ Está el símbolo de la eternidad!
They shall come in peace to the tomb and go in peace.
Vendrán en paz a Ia tumba... y se irán en paz.
They often come back to life, and go out for little walks.
Muchas veces cobran vida y salen a pasear.
I mean, he has these come-and-go fits. When they come, somebody goes.
Sus crisis van y vienen, y cuando vienen, alguien muere.
Not exactly pains, but, uh, they come and they go.
No son dolores exactamente, pero vienen y van.
They come and they go.
La gente llega y se va.
So he said they want to come down and fight our gang, see, but they got a guy with his leg broke bad, and maybe he can't go'round on account of poison.
Así que dijo que querían bajar y pelearse con nuestra pandilla, pero que tenían un tipo con una pierna rota, y que tal vez no podría venir por miedo a engangrenarse.
Ring the alarm and when they come, tell the duchess who I am, or unlock that door and let me go.
Acciona la alarma. Dile a la duquesa quien soy, o abre y déjame salir..
Like migrant birds, they come north in the spring, and go south in the winter.
vienen al norte en primavera, y se van al sur en invierno.
Frankly, Captain, my heart bleeds for them. They come up here to spend their honeymoon on skis and now they have to go back and fight to make the world safe for democracy.
Cuando lea en los periódicos que ha acabado con el cáncer y ganado el Premio Nobel, y que es el mayor héroe del mundo, yo podré decir, él es un amigo personal mío.
- Ned. His lights will go out and they won't come on quick.
Te apagaré las luces en el cerebro y no volverán a encenderse.
Got to go back the way we came and come in by the front door, or they might start thinking.
Tengo que regresar por donde vinimos y entrar por la puerta principal, o podrían empezar a sospechar.
Oh, little customs, you make'em, you break'em, they come and they go.
Bueno, las costumbres se hacen y se deshacen, van y vienen.
They come and they go.
Ellos van y vienen.
Yeah, they come and they go.
Sí, ellos van y vienen.
They come rather quickly, a sort of humpy feeling here, and then things start to go a little blurred, and then you'd have me slithering on the floor, and considerate old gentlemen would break their poor backs trying to help me up.
Aparecen de repente, siento como un apretón aquí todo empieza a ponerse borroso, y de pronto estoy deslizándome por el piso. Algún anciano caballero se rompería la pobre espalda intentando ayudarme.
The time will come when you and I will go out on a summer evening when the grass is fresh and the clouds white, as if they'd just been washed.
cuando llegue el día, saldrémos tú y yo a pasear en una noche de verano cuando le yerba esté fresca y las nubes blancas, como si acabaran de lavarlas.
If you let them go, they'll come back and burn this place.
Si los dejas escapar, volverán y te quemarán esto.
I'll bet it would... and don't worry, there they are, and as pretty parrots come and go, you're a good one.
Apuesto a que sí. Tranquila, ahí están. Mientras esos loros sigan entrando y saliendo, estará tranquila.
Did he tell you how thoughts come and how they go?
¿ Te dijo cómo van y vienen los pensamientos?
I come into the park each day To watch the children as they play And see they don't go near the water banks
Todos los días voy al parque para ver jugar a los niños, y cuido de que no se acerquen a la carretera.
They were paid to come and so they can't go away.
Les pagaron para venir, por eso no pueden irse.
They come and they go but I stay.
Ellos van y vienen. Yo me quedo.
There has to be a mother and a father, And the father has to go to work and the children go to school, and then the children come home, and they play.
Tiene que haber una madre y un padre, y el padre debe ir al trabajo, y los niños a la escuela, y luego los niños vuelven a casa, y juegan.
They come for sing, for dance for get fellow, have a good time then go home and pull the plow for a year.
Vienen para cantar, bailar conseguir compañía, pasar un buen rato luego vuelven a casa y arrastran el arado durante un año.
The marshal and the posse go out, and they come back.
El jefe de la Policía y su pandilla entran y salen.
He says that now, but later he'll go into Callejón Muchinga, and he won't come out, not even if they burn it down.
Eso lo dices ahora, y después que se mete en el "callejón Muchinga", no lo sacan, caray, ni con candela.
Siempre salen muy animados y vuelven muertos.
I like to talk to people, meet all sorts here, they come and they go
Me gusta charlar. Aquí hay personas de todas clases, y vienen y van.
Go to your places and take them as they come in!
¡ Vayan a sus puestos!
They should go and come straight back, and not over that ridge.
Deberian proteger la parte de atras. Pueden esperar al otro lado.
I go in one door and come out the other. They won't have me.
Ir en una puerta y sale por el otro No me van a tener.
They come and go.
Vienen y van.
Let's go and have a few beers. Come back here when they're asleep.
Salimos, nos tomamos unas cervezas y volvemos cuando estén durmiendo.
When they come out, they may leave you to the buzzards... ... and go ahead and join Cochise.
Cuando vengan puede que os dejen a las águilas y sigan su camino hacia Cochise.
They come and they go, and we don't ask any questions.
Vienen y van, y nosotros no hacemos preguntas.
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come to me 20
they come back 19
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and good luck 151
and god bless you 16
and god said 22
they come in 23
they come here 17
they come to me 20
they come back 19
and god bless america 20
and good night 44
and good luck 151
and god bless you 16
and god said 22
and goodbye 44
and good morning to you 18
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
and go 178
and go home 34
and god 50
and good 70
and go where 106
they are coming 72
and good morning to you 18
and good riddance 22
and good luck to you 22
and go 178
and go home 34
and god 50
and good 70
and go where 106
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they can't see you 17
they are my friends 21
they aren't 58
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they said 545
they are cute 16
they are beautiful 39
they are delicious 17
they don't 727
they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they do 1025
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they did 777
they told me 111
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they are my family 17
they are here 88
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they did 777
they told me 111
they are good 26
they don't work 32