Which i didn't translate Spanish
1,329 parallel translation
But you sure didn't seem confused every time we fucked or every time you said you loved me, which I was stupid enough to believe.
Pero no parecías liado cuando follábamos ni cuando decías que me querías, y fui tan idiota como para creerte.
I was defense counsel, court-appointed, which meant I didn't give a damn.
Fui consejero de la defensa citado por la corte, lo cual no me importó.
I didn t even understand which makes me think you ve become a complicated woman and I don t want none of that
Yo ni siquiera entiendo lo que me hace pensar que te has convertido una mujer complicada y no quiero nada de eso
I didn't see their faces, they came with no IDs... which means it's gonna be five times harder for me to save them.
No les vi las caras, no tenían identificación lo que quiere decir que será cinco veces más difícil salvarlos.
- I didn't wanna hear it. - Which is how it reached this point.
Y llegamos a este punto.
I just felt like they just kept all the great moments in and didn't show any of the lesser, which we all have out there, and I think they focused on more of our lessers and, uh, a little more of his greatest.
- Sólo me parecía que dejaron todos sus mejores momentos, y no enseñaron ninguno de los peores, que los tenemos todos, y creo que se centraron más en nuestros peores y, uh, un poco más en sus mejores.
If I did surgery, which I didn't.
Si me hiciera una cirugía, lo cual no ocurrió.
I got yellow and red'cause I didn't know which one...
Traje rojo y amarillo porque no sabía cuál...
I didn't recognize it myself, which is kind of impressive.. there's not a lot you can stick that I haven't been familiar with.
No lo reconocí, y eso es sorprendente... no hay mucho que puedas meterte con el que no esté familiarizada.
But I didn't... which made me realize something.
Pero no lo hice... lo que me hizo darme cuenta de algo.
We both took different paths, and I'm not sure how to say this, but I didn't know which way to go.
Seguimos caminos distintos, y no sé cómo decir esto, pero yo no sabía que camino tomar.
Some are better, love lt's just another trick from that one up above if He exists, which He, or She, does not Unless I didn't notice, or forgot but I've a perfect memory... I lie here running through the lot, I think I'll die with all that information tucked away
Es otro de los trucos del de arriba, si es que existe, El o Ella, y no existe, a no ser que lo haya olvidado, pero tengo buena memoria.
I didn't think it was particularly fast, and in order to make His Girl Friday which was the same story, faster, we started using overlapping dialogue and we stepped it up about 20 percent.
No creo que fuese tan rápida, y para hacer Luna Nueva que era la misma historia, más rápida, empezamos a sobresolapar diálogos y lo aceleramos como un 20 por ciento.
Afterward, Zito and I invested in a latex firm called fiolax, which didn't work out either.
Después, yo y el Zito invertimos en una firma de látex llamada Fiolax que tampoco se dio bien.
By then, I didn't know which way was right, which way was wrong.
En esa época, yo no sabía distinguir Io correcto de Io que estaba mal.
I wonder, because some of those alternative takes are so different, if he didn't have many different versions of each song and which one he decided to do on the day.
De hecho quisiera saber, porque algunas de las tomas alternativas son tan diferentes, si no tuviera muchas versiones de una canción, y cuál decidía hacer aquel día.
Grandma always wore galoshes and Grandma didn't like the love scenes which is where we completely differed, because I loved them.
Mi abuela siempre llevaba unos zuecos y no le gustaban nada las escenas de amor ahí es donde divergíamos completamente porque a mí me encantaban.
... which it won't. - I didn't catch that.
No entendí.
Anyway, the account, it was opened in Marcy's name... which, at the time, I didn't think twice about.
En fin, la cuenta la pusimos a nombre de Marcy y en aquel entonces no vacilé al hacerlo.
I took a look at your odometer and you and John departed from your normal course... at which time, you swapped out the money and he dialed back the odometer, didn't he?
Revisé el odómetro. John y tú se salieron de la ruta normal... En ese momento cambiaron el dinero y él reconectó el odómetro, ¿ no?
Maybe he knew what I didn't know, which is that since they came together, they have to leave together.
Es Lord Dyson ¿ El Barón terrateniente?
- What? - When you said "which was," I didn't follow what you were asking.
- Cuando dijiste "lo que era" no seguí lo que decías.
I took the liberty of replacing your old chair, which didn't seem to provide enough back support.
Yo me tome la libertad de reemplazando por su vieja silla, que no parecía proporcionarle bastante apoyo en la espalda.
Well, it sounds like you didn't do anything, which was your first mistake. I mean, Nina's entire life is changing right now.
Parece que no has hecho nada, lo cuál fue tu primer error, pero a Nina la vida le está cambiando en estos momentos.
That's what I spent the last twenty-four hours doing, which is why I didn't call you yesterday.
Es lo que he estado haciendo las últimas 24h, por eso no te llamé.
When I came back, he created a universe with no room in it for me – rules and bedtimes and things I didn't understand, just to make me feel left out, which it did.
Cuando yo regrese, el creo un universo sin espacio para mi con reglas y horas de acostarse y cosas que no entiendo, simplemente para excluirme, lo hizo.
This lady didn't judge me or criticize me, which is something I'm not exactly used to around here.
Esta mujer no me juzgó ni me criticó que es algo a lo que no estoy exactamente acostumbrado aquí.
They didn't, which I put down to good parenting.
No lo hicieron, lo que atribuyo a una buena paternidad.
Yeah, but you didn't hear what I wanted to talk about... which was how Jackson is probably gonna have to... dislocate several of Davey's limbs... trying to pry him away from Patty and Babbette.
Sí, pero tú no oíste Io que te quería decir... que es que Jackson probablemente tenga que... dislocar muchas de las extremidades de Davey... para alejarlo de Patty y Babbette.
We hit the club bar, and I didn't want to sound dumb... and just order a beer, because it's nitwit juice... so I had what your dad was having, which was whiskey something... more whiskey than something, let me tell you...'cause I can't even see straight.
Llegamos al bar, yo no quería quedar como un tonto... y en vez de pedir cerveza, que es bebida de fracasados... pedí Io mismo que tu padre, un whisky con no sé qué... más whisky que no sé qué, debo admitir... porque no logro ver claramente.
So, when I said no psych meds, I'm just curious- - which word didn't you understand?
Cuando suspendí los psicofármacos, ¿ qué palabra no entendiste?
Listen, last night I was drunk... and a little vulnerable... and you didn't take advantage of me, which was very sweet.
Mira, anoche yo estaba borracho... y un poco vulnerable... y no se ha aprovechado de mí, que era muy dulce.
Not that I didn't wanna do it, but Danny was afraid... it would ruin our friendship, which is basically just guy talk... for "I'd rather be doing someone else."
No es que yo no quería hacerlo, pero Danny tenía miedo... sería arruinar nuestra amistad, que básicamente consiste en hablar chico... por "yo preferiría estar haciendo otra persona."
I didn't know which one would work best.
No sabía cuál funcionaría mejor.
Say which ones, cos one time I recommended shoes, the person tried them on and they didn't look good, but then they bought them and I felt bad.
Mejor dígame cuáles, porque no me gusta recomendar La última vez que lo hice y el cliente se los puso, no le quedaban bien Pero se los compró y yo me sentí fatal
If Michael and I knew in advance that Hunter and Callie were going to have sex, which, for the record, we didn't, we would've discussed it.
Si Michael y yo hubiéramos sabido con antelación que Callie y él iban a acostarse, que, para que conste, no lo sabíamos, lo habríamos discutido.
You had her send me away from the hospital, which I didn't appreciate.
Hiciste que ella me echara del hospital, lo que no me gustó.
Then between getting a tube in my ass and a tube in my mouth, which I'm praying wasn't the same tube, I found time to writhe in pain, but I didn't know if you were watching. So, please, why don't you say it?
Me han metido un tubo en el culo y un tubo en la boca,... que espero que no fueran el mismo tubo, y he hecho el numerito de retorcerme sin saber que me estaba mirando, así que, ¿ por qué no me lo dice?
If so, then I guess I'm just a caveman, if they existed, which they didn't.
Si es así, supongo que soy un cavernícola, si hubiesen existido, y no lo hicieron.
- which I didn't mind at all.
-... que no me molestó.
Which is exactly why I didn't give Camulus the tainted one.
Por eso exactamente no le di a Camulus el contaminado.
I'm sorry, which L word didn't you want to use?
Disculpa, que palabra con "A" es la que no querías usar? Oh, Charlie.
I've calculated that he spends 53.7 percent of his time on ribbon-cuttings and overseas tea ceremonies, which may be why, on his trip to Argentina, he went to three state banquets and didn't do a damn thing for the pork producers in my state of Iowa.
He calculado que había pasado el 53.7 % de su tiempo... cortando cintas y tomando el té en el extranjero, Puede que sea por eso que en el viaje a Argentina,... fue a tres banquetes oficiales y no hizo nada por los criadores de cerdo de mi Estado de Iowa
- Well, wait- - Wait, you didn't give me your gift yet Which I know I'm gonna love
No me has dado tu regalo aún, que sé que me va a gustar.
I know you didn't want to vote him out, and yet somebody had to go, which is exactly what makes Survivor what it is :
Sé que no querian expulsarlo, y aún así alguien se tenia que ir. Y eso es lo que hace a Survivor ser lo que es, complicado.
Those guys could smarten up, which I hope they didn't. Personally, I think there's a lot of young guys on the team, guys who are going to be targets. BROOK :
Ahora mismo nosotros estamos a cargo de decidir a quien vamos a expulsar.
I didn't know which house it was.
No sabía que casa era.
And you didn't even cry once, which is more than I can say for my last trainee.
Y no lloraste ni una vez, y no puedo decir lo mismo de mi última recluta
I mean, if you even look at a movie like... well, say, just to pick something, Tootsie... which we didn't make, but which is a very good movie.
Es decir, si ves una película como digamos, para escoger una, Tootsie la cual no hicimos nosotros, pero es una buena película.
I didn't know which pile of papers went where.
No sabía cuál pila de papeles iba adónde.
And thus I didn't find it the most exotic world into which I could escape.
de modo que no podía encontrar ahí un mundo exótico hacia el cual me pudiera escapar.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is awesome 34
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is awesome 34
which is cool 36
which i don't 84