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Who invited you translate Spanish

322 parallel translation
Who invited you here?
¿ Quién te invitó aquí?
You won't go! Who invited you?
¿ Quién te ha invitado?
Say, who invited you into my apartment?
¿ Quién la invitó a mi apartamento?
Who invited you into my life?
¿ Quién la invitó a mi vida?
- Who invited you?
¿ Quién te invitó?
Who invited you to come to my restaurant, Mr Detective?
¿ Quién le ha invitado a mi restaurante, Sr. Detective?
Those who invited you to their ceremonies, won't you invite them?
Los que te han invitado a los bautismos, a las confirmaciones,... - los debes invitar.
Who invited you?
¿ Quién te invitó?
- Who invited you? !
Con vosotros casi acabo navajazos, y en cambio...
Who invited you here, anyway?
¿ Quién os ha enviado?
Who invited you?
¿ Quién lo invitó?
Who invited you?
¿ Quién te ha invitado?
Who invited you into this?
¿ Quién le ha invitado a usted en esto?
- It wasn't me who invited you.
- Dime la verdad.
She lived in this house with her sister, Laura - the woman who invited you to stay here.
Vivía en esta casa con su hermana, Laura, la señora que la hospedó...
Who invited you Doc?
Quién te ha invitado, Doc?
Go home, who invited you anyway?
Vete a casa. ¿ Quién te ha invitado?
Stop! I'd like to know who invited you to eat.
Quisiera saber ¿ quién os ha invitado a almorzar?
We want you to meet your friend. The one you took a fishing trip with. The man who invited you to dinner.
Usted debe ver al amigo ese, que estuvo con usted de pesca y en el restaurante.
- Who invited you, Hustler?
- ¿ Quién te ha invitado, Timador?
Who invited you?
¿ Quién la invitó?
No, it was me who invited you!
¡ No, soy yo quien le invita!
Say, if you never knew Sanjay say, if you were my friend... suppose I was the one who invited you And now, look at them
Diga, si usted nunca conociera a Sanjay diga, si usted fuera mi amigo... suponga que yo fui el que la invitó Y ahora, mírelos
Who invited you here?
- ¿ Quien le ha invitado a usted aquí?
I know it's a party, but who invited you?
Lo sé, ¿ pero quién te invitó?
- Who invited you?
- ¿ Y quién te invita?
May I ask who invited you?
¿ Quién las ha invitado?
I thought... Who invited you?
- Creí... ¿ Quién te invitó?
Who invited you?
¿ Quién le invito?
Who invited you to breakfast?
¿ Quién te ha invitado a desayunar?
- Evening. Who'd you say invited you?
- Buenas. ¿ Quién les ha invitado?
Who did you say invited you?
Buenas, muchachos. ¿ Quién les ha invitado?
I think it is only right that I should tell you quite frankly, Mrs. Cheveley, that, had I known who you really were, I would not have invited you to my house last night.
Creo justo decirle, con entera franqueza que si yo hubiera sabido quién es usted, ayer no la habría invitado.
We did indeed and we couldn't be happier that you boys were invited but who...
Sí, y me encanta que alguien invitara a sus muchachos, pero quién...
You are invited and encouraged by the prosecutor to snap the thread of this young life and to consign to an ignominious death on the scaffold one who, within a few short months, was known only as a gentle and confiding and affectionate girl.
El fiscal les invita y anima a acabar con esta joven vida y a condenar a una ignominiosa muerte en el cadalso a quien hace pocos meses, era considerada una muchacha amable y confiada.
There's a client who's invited you to his table.
Hay un cliente que quiere invitarte a su mesa.
I have invited you here tonight, my friends you who have been steadfast through the years.
Los invité aquí esta noche, amigos ustedes quienes han sido inquebrantables a lo largo de los años.
You were the girl who wasn't invited. How are you?
Era la chica a la que no invité. ¿ Cómo está?
And because you're the one who invited me, Anne. This is called, believe it or not, merci bien.
Y para Anne, por haberme invitado, éste.
It's you who've invited me upstairs under a pretext.
Has sido tú quien me ha invitado con la excusa de la manzanilla...
You said your father invited us, and who knows what you were doing.
Decías que él nos esperaba y no podíamos rechazarlo. Tú preferías quedarte descansando. Durante ese tiempo saliste con otra.
You are very kind, Baron. The honor is for he who is invited by such an illustrious gentleman.
Y ahí están, damas y caballeros, Germán Robles y Abel Salazar en el mismo cuadro.
But what burns me, big mouth, is just who the hell invited you?
Pero lo que me quema, la boca grande, ¿ Simplemente es quién diablos lo invitó?
Since you were the one who invited them.
¿ Para qué anda de invitador?
It is you who are invited to dine with us
Abou Souelam es un gigante, pero...
And you who invited them, where you're from and how many are there in your family?
Y usted que los invitó, señor, ¿ de dónde es, y cuántos son en su familia?
Why don't you just, unobtrusively, see if you can find out who they are, how they got here, who invited them, and let me know, will ya?
Por favor, averigua, con discreción, quiénes son, quién les ha invitado, y me lo comunicas, por favor.
It was you who invited me in with your flattery.
Pues tú me diste entrada con tus lagoterías.
We invited everyone who's ever met you.
Invitamos a todos los que te han conocido.
You invited me because I'm a safe guy who will play along with your memories of Pete.
Me has invitado por qué soy un chico educado y... escucharía tus recuerdos de Pete.
I'm a Mr. Jones, who has invited you for lunch. Shall we?
Soy un tal Sr. Jones que Io invitó a comer. ¿ Empezamos?

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