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Wouldn't we translate Spanish

10,859 parallel translation
Did you think we wouldn't find out that you had a record?
¿ Creíste que no averiguaríamos que tenías antecedentes?
don't get me wrong, it don't get me wrong, it wouldn't hurt my feeling if we Wouldn't hurt my feeling if we lost. Lost.
Rodney y su gran plan :
If you'd listened, we wouldn't have a son.
Si hubieras escuchado, no tendríamos un hijo.
Drew invited us to Portland for the weekend just to get a feel for the place, but we wouldn't move there till the end of the school year.
Dibujó nos invitó a Portland para el fin de semana sólo para tener una idea para el lugar, pero no lo haría mover allí hasta el final del año escolar.
We wouldn't want to miss Mother's grand entrance.
No nos queremos perder la gran entrada de mi madre.
We wouldn't have even needed the money if you hadn't started smoking meth again.
No habríamos siquiera necesitaba el dinero si no hubieras empezado a fumar metanfetamina nuevo.
He could have said, "I'm going to shoot the president," and we wouldn't know if he's joking or serious.
Podría haber dicho, "Voy a disparar al presidente", y no sabríamos si bromeaba o lo decía en serio.
Not a bit, we'd be delighted, wouldn't we, Papa?
Para nada, estaríamos muy felices, ¿ cierto, papá?
Then I guess it's high time we teach them a lesson, wouldn't you say?
Entonces supongo que ya es la hora de que le demos una lección, ¿ no te parece?
I wouldn't normally impose but it is actually very, very sore and, well, we are neighbours, so...
No suelo molestar pero, en realidad, me duele muchísimo y, bueno, somos vecinos, así que...
If you hadn't lied to us, we wouldn't have to.
Si no nos hubieras mentido, no tendríamos que hacerlo.
- Why wouldn't we?
- ¿ Por qué no?
Well, maybe if you listened to me more, we wouldn't be in this fix, huh?
Bueno, tal vez si me escuchaste más, no estaríamos en esta revisión, ¿ eh?
If i had that, we wouldn't even If i had that, we wouldn't even have to deal with this. Have to deal with this.
Quiero a Mike a rabiar, pero echó a mi chico Joaquin.
We tear-gassed non-threatening, non-violent demonstrators who simply wouldn't obey our order.
Lanzamos gas lacrimógeno a manifestantes pacíficos... que no obedecieron nuestras órdenes.
- We wouldn't
- No...
Well, we wouldn't want to upset him, would we?
Bueno, no queremos molestarlo, ¿ no?
Right, we wouldn't want anyone to be scared.
Claro, no querríamos que nadie estuviese asustado.
If we wouldn't have looked at it when he was here,
Si no habríamos mirado ahí cuando él estaba aquí,
I had to assure her that we were gonna cover her son's entire procedure without charge so that she wouldn't threaten to sue us into the ground.
Tuve que asegurarle que íbamos a cubrir... todo el procedimiento de su hijo sin coste alguno... así no nos amenazaría con hacernos una demanda millonaria.
If Steve Jobs were still alive we'd have X-ray vision by now, wouldn't we?
Si Steve Jobs todavía siguiera vivo a estas alturas ya tendríamos visión de rayos X, ¿ verdad?
And we wouldn't be safe.
Y no estaríamos a salvo.
Look, Tony, when you fried the tower to stop Ultron, we knew this wouldn't be easy, but, as awesome as Thor and I are, tech's not our thing.
Escucha, Tony, cuando hiciste trizas la Torre para detener a Ultron, sabíamos que esto no sería fácil, pero por más geniales que seamos Thor y yo, la tecnología no es lo nuestro.
FURY : If I expected problems, we wouldn't have pledged the full support and resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. to your team.
Si esperara problemas, no habríamos prometido apoyo total y los recursos de S.H.I.E.L.D. a su equipo.
We said we wouldn't ; we have the interview tomorrow morning.
Dijimos que no, tenemos la entrevista por la mañana.
We wouldn't have got back without him.
Sin él, no estaríamos de vuelta.
I thought we had an understanding that you wouldn't pursue this.
Habíamos acordado que no investigaría esto.
The world could have ended around us, and we wouldn't have noticed.
El mundo podría haberse terminado a nuestro alrededor, y no nos habríamos dado cuenta.
I mean, so we wouldn't exactly be lying.
Asi que no estaríamos mintiendo.
If you lose your job, we would have to move, wouldn't we?
Si pierdes el empleo, tendremos que mudarnos, ¿ no?
Wouldn't it be great if we could go to the place of our dreams by clicking our heels three times with our eyes closed?
¿ No sería genial si pudiéramos ir al lugar de nuestros sueños... golpeando nuestros talones tres veces con los ojos cerrados?
The dog's not in charge of this house. First thing tomorrow, I'm taking Brian to obedience school so we can get him back under control. You know, sending him to school wouldn't be the worst idea.
el perro no esta acargo de la casa lo primero que hare mañana, es llevar a Brian a la escuela de obediencia para que este bajo control sabes, enviarlo a la escuela no es una mala idea el quiza lo disfrute.
It's down here. This wouldn't be the worst time to use the Express Pass,'cause we'd be in first.
No sería un mal momento para usar el "Pase Exprés", estaríamos primeros.
And I'd love to believe you, but if you really could see the future, we wouldn't have visited that homicidal tattooist in the first place.
Y me encantaría creerte, pero si realmente pudieras ver el futuro, no hubiéramos visitado a ese tatuador homicida - en primer lugar.
We wouldn't ask a judge to issue this warrant on a regular homicide investigation.
No le pediríamos a un juez que firmara esta orden en una investigación por homicidio normal.
After the things we've done... it wouldn't be right to save ourselves.
Después de las cosas que hemos hecho... no sería justo salvarnos.
We came all this way so you wouldn't have to.
Viajamos hasta acá para que tú no tuvieras que hacerlo.
Because then we wouldn't have justice, Chuck.
Porque entonces no habríamos tenido justicia, Chuck.
We wouldn't have the metals or the machine tools that we'd need to build a prototype until 1946.
No tendríamos los metales ni las herramientas mecánicas que necesitaríamos para construir un prototipo hasta 1946.
I wouldn't sell tickets but we had a good time.
No vendería boletos, pero pasamos un buen rato.
We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't think we could make a significant impact on our education system and ultimately on the health of our sagging economy.
No haríamos esto si no creyéramos que podemos causar un impacto en nuestro sistema educativo, y finalmente, en la salud de nuestra caída economía.
We wouldn't get there in time.
No llegaríamos a tiempo.
And if I had proof of that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Y si tuviera una prueba de eso, no estaríamos teniendo esta conversación.
I think it's important to know that this wouldn't be happening if a lot of it weren't good because we wouldn't let it happen.
Creo que es importante saber que esto no estaría sucediendo si mucho de ello no fuese bueno porque no lo dejaríamos que pase.
Now, you're gonna be fine. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the least messed-up kid in the whole joint. We love you!
No me sorprendería si fueses el niño menos desastre de todos. ¡ Te queremos!
And if you wouldn't mind staying on until we complete,
Y si no le importa quedarse hasta que completemos,
We had to trick you guys or you wouldn't have come.
Debimos haberle mentido o si no, no vendrían.
We are acutely aware that Odelle Ballard is speaking to New York Times, but I wouldn't be in my position if I didn't know precisely what she's going to say.
Somos muy conscientes de que Odelle Ballard está hablando con el New York Times, pero no estaría en mi posición si no supiera exactamente lo que va a decir.
If we didn't have faith in him, he wouldn't be an Avenger.
Si no tuviésemos fe en él, no sería un vengador.
We told Arshad and Mees we wouldn't do it anymore.
Le dijimos a Arshad y Mees no haríamos más.
We wouldn't work with the Probation Service if it was.
No trabajaríamos con el servicio de libertad condicional si así fuera.

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