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You got to relax translate Spanish

161 parallel translation
You got to relax.
Deberías relajarte.
You got to relax'you fellas.
Hay que calmarse, muchachos.
You got to relax. You got to calm down.
Tienes que relajarte, tienes que tranquilizarte.
you got to relax, take a few days off.
tienes que descansar, tomar unos días de descanso.
You got to relax.
Tienes que tranquilizarte.
You got to relax.
Tienes que calmarte.
I said you got to relax. You gotta shut up. You gotta shut up.
Dije que te calmaras, tienes que callarte.
You got to rest, and you got to relax.
Tienes que descansar y relajarte.
You got to relax.
¡ Debes calmarte!
Relax, you got nothing to worry about.
Con calma. No te preocupes.
Relax. You haven't got a thing to worry about.
No tienes que preocuparte.
Why don't you relax? You're getting a nice tan. I got work to do, and you make me nervous.
Relájese y póngase morena, tengo trabajo y me pone nervioso.
Yes, you've got to learn to relax.
Sí, tiene que aprender a relajarse.
But before you know it... she starts worrying about what's gonna happen... when maybe she hasn't got the prettiest legs in the world... and how nice it would be if she could sit back and relax and say to herself... there was something else he married her for.
Pero acto seguido... ella empieza a preocuparse por lo que ocurrirá... cuando ya no tenga las piernas más bonitas del mundo... y lo agradable que sería poder relajarse y decirse a sí misma... que él se casó con ella por otra razón.
You got a right to open your collar, take off your shoes and relax in Las Vegas for the rest of your life
Bingo. Estas en tu derecho de aflojarte la corbata y relajarte en Las Vegas el resto de tu vida
You've got to relax, darling.
Tienes que relajarte, querida.
To relax, you've got to sweat your guts out first.
Para sosegarse, hay que sudar las agallas primero.
"You got nothin'to do but relax " Blow a kiss, take a bow
No tienes nada que hacer sino relajarte lanza un beso, haz una reverencia
Tiene que tratar de relajarse.
I admit you're thorough, but, Max, you've got to learn to relax.
Admito que eres minucioso, pero debes aprender a relajarte.
You've got to turn off your mind and relax.
Apagar tu mente y relajarte.
No, you've just got to learn to relax, that's all.
Sólo tienes que aprender a relajarte, es todo.
I think what you got to do is take a few minutes, sit down, relax, and just give this thing some thought.
Creo que lo que debe hacer es esperar unos minutos, sentarse, relajarse y reflexionar un poco sobre todo esto.
All you've got to do, auntie, is learn to relax at the wheel.
Todo lo que debes hacer, tía, es relajarte al volante.
Relax, Higgins, you got to blow it all once in a while.
Tranquilízate, Higgins hay que dejarlo respirar de vez en cuando.
You still got to learn to relax, though.
Aunque todavía debes aprender a relajarte.
Just relax. You've got the right to remain silent.
Solo tranquilícese, tiene derecho a guardar silencio.
Come on, sarge. I know you have domestic troubles. But you got to cool out, relax.
Estás teniendo problemas domésticos pero tienes que relajarte.
You've got to relax.
Necesitas relajarte.
You've got to relax.
Tengo que relajarme.
You've got to enjoy life, relax.
Tienes que disfrutar de la vida, relajarte.
You've got to relax.
Tienes que relajarte.
You got to learn to relax.
Tienes que aprender a relajarte.
You got to relax, homeboy.
calma socio.....
Just got home to relax me a whole day's work, you know.
apenas llegue a casa a relajarme, después de un día arduo de negocios, usted sabe.
Just relax, you got nothing to worry about!
¡ Solo relájate, no tienes nada por qué preocuparte!
I got to drive. - Relax. I'll wake you when we get there.
Cálmate te despierto cuando lleguemos.
Now, Lois, you've got to admit, the idea of you spending a night... just relaxing is a little farfetched.
Debes admitir que la idea de pasar una noche de relax es un poco extraña.
You can grow, you can learn, you can change, but you've got to relax, okay?
Puedes crecer, puedes aprender, puedes cambiar pero tienes que relajarte, ¿ sí?
Dr Crane, you've got to try to relax.
Vamos, Dr. Crane, de verdad debe intentar relajarse.
Lester, you got to learn how to relax, man.
- ¿ Podemos largarnos?
You've got to learn to relax.
Tiene que aprender a relajarse.
- Now, just relax. - You've got to calm down.
Me siento... expuesto y vulnerable.
You just got to relax.
Solo relájate.
You've just got to relax.
Solo tienes que relajarte.
Peter, you've just got to relax.
Peter, tienes que relajarte.
- Relax, man, you've got to focus.
- Tranquilízate, concéntrate.
You got to relax, Daria.
eso suena bastante Copado.
Seriously, you've got to relax. It's only a meal.
Abuela, cálmate, no es más que una cena.
- You've got to relax.
- ¡ Para!
So when I won today it was just like, "Okay, " that's it, chill out, relax, breathe... sleep, whatever you got to do. "
Cuando gané me sentí como "Vale, eso es todo, relájate, respira, duerme, haz lo que sea."

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