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I know what it is. Why do you have it?
Sé lo que es. ¿ Pero por qué lo tienes?
- You have to know. - It's not true.
- Mario te miente, tienes que saberlo.
It's no wonder you don't have any friends, Lidia.
[con rencor] No me extraña que no tengas amigas, Lidia.
Ma'am, have you contemplated how it could possibly work, you as vice president to President Conway?
¿ Ha considerado cómo sería si fuera la vicepresidenta de Conway?
You have my word that it is not.
Tienes mi palabra que no es así.
Now, do not touch it, you have ink on your hands.
Y no lo toques, tienes tinta en las manos.
- Have you given it thought?
- ¿ Ya lo pensó?
If it's peace that you want, you shall not have it until we hear you speak.
Si es paz lo que quieres, no la tendrás hasta que te escuchemos hablar.
What we have just witnessed, you believe it to be true?
Lo que acabamos de presenciar, ¿ creen que es verdad?
How is it that you have a knowledge of how love should be?
¿ Cómo es que tienes conocimiento de cómo debería ser el amor?
None of you have read it, have you?
Ninguno lo ha leído, ¿ verdad?
I've made it clear to Vasilia that I have no interest in her and if she threatens you, I will have her arrested.
He dejado claro a Vasilia que no tengo interés en ella... y que si le amenaza, haré que la arresten.
I'm Max. Uh, what does it mean when you don't have pupils?
Soy Max. ¿ Qué significa cuando no tienes pupilas?
You have been really nervous about today, and it brought out what I hope is the worst in you.
Has estado muy nerviosa por lo de hoy y yo te he sacado lo que espero que sea lo peor en ti.
Well, let's just let it play out, and if it seems like they have any clue about what we're up to, talismans, et cetera, then I may need you to improvise, my friend.
Veamos qué tienen, y si tienen una pista de lo que estamos haciendo, talismanes, etcetera, necesitas improvisar entonces, amigo mío.
Now you have a chin, I might take a swing at it. Hmm?
Ahora tienes un mentón, podría tomar algo de él.
You're an intelligent woman, you have skills, and you find it a bit of an insult that you're being asked to be a... baby vessel, right?
Eres una mujer inteligente, tienes habilidades y lo hallas un poco como una ofensa que te pidan ser un... recipiente para un bebé, ¿ cierto?
If it was as impressive as you say you would have already brought it down for us to see.
Si fuera tan asombroso como dices, ya lo habrías traído para que lo viéramos.
Hold it up to the light, you'll see where the Germans have planned their attacks.
Sostenlo a contraluz, verás dónde han planeado atacar los alemanes.
You know, it's too bad that you weren't a real Nightblood because then you could have been Commander.
¿ Sabes? Es una lástima que no fueras una auténtica Sangre Nocturna, porque podrías haber sido comandante.
Does it have something to do with... With this man that you shot outside Fredericksburg?
¿ Tiene algo que ver con... este hombre al que disparó a las afueras de Fredericksburg?
It's an honor to have you here, sir.
En un honor tenerle aquí, señor.
You better not have eaten it all.
Más os vale no habéroslas comido enteras.
I wish I could have just said yes when you asked me, but, anyway, I wanted you to hear it from me.
Ojalá pudiera haber dicho que sí, cuando me lo preguntaste, pero, de todos modos, quería que lo escucharás de mí.
It's like none of you have been through a vote before.
Es como si ninguno de ustedes hubiera pasado por una votación antes.
Besides, if they wanted to replace you, they could have done it a while ago.
Además, si querían reemplazarte, podrían haberlo hecho hace un tiempo.
I do have to admit, it feels good. What about you?
Tengo que admitir que sienta bien.
- It's Wells. You have eyes on Lloyd?
- Soy Wells. ¿ Tiene localizado a Lloyd?
Whatever you have to do, you get it done.
Lo que tengan que hacer, háganlo.
- You should have made it six!
- ¡ Deberías haberlo hecho por seis!
And you shall have it.
Y la tendrá.
I know... but as Secretary of Defense, I thought you should know that someone is threatening to go public about the Stitchers Program, as well as your personal knowledge of the billions of dollars that have been diverted developing it.
Lo sé... pero como secretario de Defensa, pensé que debería saber que alguien está amenazando con hacer público el Programa Stitchers, así como su conocimiento personal de los miles de millones de dólares que han sido desviados para su desarrollo.
You don't have to say it.
No tienes que decirlo.
You must have both played it a lot as children, and it's stuck in his subconscious.
Los dos debisteis jugar mucho de niños y por eso sigue en su subconsciente.
You have to say it one time!
¡ Solo tienes que decirlo una vez!
Perhaps you should have your wife explain it to you.
Quizás se lo debería explicar su esposa.
You have to do it.
Tienes que hacerlo.
Look, you only have to do it long enough to get your hands on a key card, right?
Solo lo tienes que hacer hasta que consigas una llave. ¿ Cierto?
No matter how you might have felt about your old life... it was better than this.
Sin importar cómo te sintieras sobre tu vida anterior es mejor que esto.
I have to say, when Olivia disappeared, and Kevin decided to self-finance this play, opposite the girl who wrote it, I said to myself, "Ron, old boy, you've won three Tony Awards, and here you are, directing a failed sitcom actor's vanity project."
Tengo que decir que cuando Olivia desapareció y Kevin decidió autofinanciar esta obra, en contra de la chica que la escribió, me dije a mí mismo, " Ron, perro viejo, has ganado tres premios Tony y aquí estás,
You don't have to, because you know it already. No.
Either way, you can't have it.
En cualquier caso, no puedes tomarlo.
Uh, well, I do have to worry about it, Kate, because the thing is, is that I'm kind of in love with you... is the thing.
Bueno, me tengo que preocupar por ti, Kate, porque la cosa es que estoy enamorado de ti... eso es.
I think it could be nice... to have family around, you know.
Pensé que podría estar bien... tener a la familia cerca, ya sabes.
So, I guess what... I'm trying to say is, um... you are gonna have to take the good with the bad when it comes to me.
Supongo que... lo que trato de decir es que... vais a tener que aceptar lo bueno y lo malo en lo que se refiere a mí.
Uh, well, I do have to worry about it, Kate, because the thing is, is that I'm kind of in love with you.
Bueno, debo preocuparme, Kate, Porque la cosa es que estoy enamorado de ti.
Whatever conversation I'd have with those girls, I guarantee you, Toby, I've had it a billion times before.
Cualquier conversación que pudiera tener con esas chicas, te aseguro, Toby, que la he tenido un millón de veces antes.
I didn't say you could have it!
¡ No dije que podías quedártelo!
And I just knew that if I were ever to tell you about this whole Ben thing, you would spin out about it and I needed to have something for myself without you getting in the way.
Y sabía que si alguna vez te contaba lo de Ben, le ibas a dar vueltas y necesitaba tener algo para mí sin que estuvieras en medio.
You have that look a man gets when something breaks and he can't fix it.
Tienes esa mirada que tiene un hombre cuando algo se rompe y no lo puede arreglar.
You seem to have it all together.
Parece que tienes la cabeza bien amueblada.
you have a wife 48
you have a nice day 58
you have no idea what you've done 30
you have a good day 80
you have my word 634
you have no idea 966
you have a good night 79
you have a good eye 21
you haven't heard 102
you have to be careful 59
you have a nice day 58
you have no idea what you've done 30
you have a good day 80
you have my word 634
you have no idea 966
you have a good night 79
you have a good eye 21
you haven't heard 102
you have to be careful 59