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You killed it translate Spanish

3,508 parallel translation
I think you killed it.
Creo que lo mataste.
You killed it, you guys.
Lo bordasteis, chicos.
You killed it out there!
- ¡ Mataste!
- I'm sure you killed it on balloons.
- Estoy seguro que sorprendiste en los globos.
Just don't go thinking it makes you the man that killed Jesse James.
Pero no creas que asesinaste a Jesse James.
Hold it together and do what I say or you'll get us killed.
Mantente cuerda y haz lo que digo o conseguirás que nos maten.
You couldn't handle it, so you killed her.
No pudiste soportarlo, así que la mataste.
But it's a pity now that you have killed her.
Pero es una lástima que ahora que ha matado.
So you killed her for it?
Entonces... por eso la mataste.
this place will kill you likke it killed your beloved mother.
este lugar te matará como mató a tu preciosa madre.
Look, I don't know who killed Teri, but I'll plead guilty to the rest of it, tell you everything I know, but only if you leave Carly alone.
Mire, no sé quién mató a Teri, pero me declararé culpable del resto, le diré todo lo que sé, pero solo si deja en paz a Carly.
And how was it, once you'd killed her?
¿ Y cómo fue cuando la mataste?
I could've killed you the other day, and it would've made my life a hell of a lot easier,
Pudé haberte matado el otro día, y hacer mi vida mas fácil mucho mas fácil,
Because if you have any hope of staying out of the electric chair, you should probably start talking. Just fuckin'admit it. You killed Cassie, you killed Clayton.
Por que si tienes alguna esperanza de librarte de la silla eléctrica tu deberías probablemente comenzar a hablar sólo p * to admitelo mataste a Cassie, mataste a Clayton.
You killed him, and I have to live with it.
Tú le mataste, y yo tengo que vivir con ello.
- And it killed you.
- Y eso te destrozó.
So I guess it is like you killed her.
Así que supongo que es como si la hubiera matado.
So you can prove it? That Michael killed Tommy and set this whole thing up?
¿ Entonces, pueden probar que Michael mató a Tommy y que todo ésto viene de muy arriba?
You guys killed it.
Lo habéis bordado.
Now, it'll be like you killed her.
Ahora, va a parecer que tú la mataste.
It seems that nest of vampires they were hunting were seeking revenge and killed you.
Parece que ese nido de vampiros que estaban cazando... buscaba venganza... y te mataron.
I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead.
Los hubiera matado al segundo después de que la hubiéramos desenterrado pero ahora solo voy a verlos arder en su lugar.
- It killed you?
- ¿ Te ha matado?
Are you trying to say that you think a cop killed that girl in 1977 and blamed it on Brown?
¿ Dices que un policía mató a esa chica en 1977 e inculparon a Brown?
He didn't tell you that he took it From a man that he killed.
No te dijo que lo tomó de un hombre que mató.
I mean, you killed him trying to find it. Hmm?
Quiero decir, lo mató tratando de encontrarlo.
That it killed me you never came looking for me even once I was locked up?
¿ Que me mató que nunca vinieras a buscarme ni siquiera una vez cuando me encerraron?
- Well, it almost got you killed.
- Bueno, casi te matan.
I know the two of you have never been close, but it couldn't have been easy for him after your mom was killed.
Sé que nunca habéis sido íntimos, pero no debió ser fácil para él después de que tu madre fuera asesinada.
If you averaged it out, a rhino has been killed every day for the last year.
Si se promedia, un rinoceronte ha sido muerto cada día durante el año pasado.
It matters if you get yourself killed.
Importa si consigues que te maten.
You didn't feel like it was fair, so you killed them.
No sintió que eso fuera justo y los mató.
It is not like you haven't killed men like that before!
¡ No es como que no hayas matado hombres así antes!
Whether you killed Johnny Rizzo or you had somebody else do it for you, at this point, it almost doesn't matter to me.
Si mató a Johnny Rizzo o mandó que alguien lo hiciera por usted, llegados a este punto, casi que me da igual.
You've found it hard to believe that David Hoyle could have killed Violet, haven't you?
Ha encontrado difícil de creer que David Hoyle podrías haber matado a Violet, ¿ no es así?
You killed, so be it
Se supone que tú tenías que matarlo, ese era el trato.
It matters if you get yourself killed.
Importa si te hubieras muerto.
You don't think it could be him that killed my sister, do you?
No crees que podría haber sido él quien mató a mi hermana, ¿ verdad?
But there's still no way I killed my wife and you know it.
Pero aún no hay forma de que haya matado a mi mujer y lo sabes.
And maybe you killed your friend over it.
Y puede que mataras a tu amigo por ello
What is this - - God's toothpick? You know, would it have killed these asshats to label these boxes in something other than hieroglyphics?
el escarbadientes de Dios? Ya sabes, ¿ Que les hubiese costado a estos cabeza de culo etiquetar estas cajas con algo aparte de gerogrificos?
Why is it that you think that your husband killed Mr. Mason?
¿ Por qué piensa que su esposo mató al Sr. Mason?
It's not like you've killed every guy you've faced.
Tampoco es que hayas matado a todos los tipos que enfrentaste.
- Was it you who killed Julia?
- ¿ Fuiste tú quien mató a Julia?
Oh, my God, it was you, you killed her, you killed Dicey.
Oh dios mío, fuiste tú, tu mataste a Dicey.
It could get you killed.
Te podían haber matado.
Of course it is. Do you think he killed Danny?
¿ Creen que él mató a Danny?
The only one who can tell you is my brother, but he has already killed once to keep it secret.
El único que puede decirte eso es mi hermano, pero ya ha matado una vez para guardar el secreto.
When Brenda Werth was nearly killed, you thought we'd take it at face value if Lenny Frost fell victim to a similar industrial accident.
Cuando Brenda Werth casi se mata, pensó que aceptaríamos de buena gana... que Lenny Frost fuese víctima de un accidente industrial similar.
Perhaps you can tell me why did everyone hear the shot that killed Mr Powell when the gun that was used to fire it was fitted with a silencer?
Quizá puede contarme ¿ por qué todo el mundo oyó el disparo que mató al Sr. Powell cuando la pistola que se usó para disparar iba dotada de un silenciador?
Somebody has it in for me, enough to pull strings to put you into Graceland to investigate me, enough to make it look like I killed a guy I'd never even heard of.
Alguien me la tiene jurada, lo suficiente para mover hilos y ponerte en Graceland a investigarme, lo suficiente para que parezca que maté a un tío del que nunca he escuchado.

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