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You killed my wife translate Spanish

221 parallel translation
You killed my wife, I killed yours.
Mataste a mi esposa, yo maté a la tuya.
You should be dead, you killed my wife, such cold-bloodedly.
Tu deberías estar muerto, mataste a mi mujer a sangre fria.
You killed my wife.
Tú mataste a mi esposa.
You killed my wife!
¡ Eres tú quién ha matado a mi mujer!
Look what you did. You killed my wife!
mira lo que hiciste.
You killed my wife!
Mató a mi esposa.
Mataste a mi mujer. Hola, Dan.
- You killed my wife.
- Vd. mató a mi mujer.
- I said you killed my wife!
- ¡ Digo que mató a mi mujer!
You killed my wife and son.
Tú mataste a mi esposa e hijo.
- You killed my wife.
Usted mató a mi mujer.
The Sunday before you killed my wife,
El domingo antes de que usted matara a mi esposa,
You killed my wife.
Mataste a mi esposa.
While I was out killing people for your government, you killed my wife behind my back.
Mientras estaba lejos matando gente para tu gobierno... asesinaste a mi esposa a mis espaldas.
It felt pretty personal when you killed my wife.
Se sintió muy personal cuando mataste a mi esposa.
You killed my wife!
¡ Tu mataste a mi esposa!
That's funny, uh,'cause the way I remember it, the one time I really needed you, you know, when my wife was killed, you got coked up and burned down the restaurant we worked at.
Eso es gracioso, porque por como lo recuerdo, la única vez que realmente te necesitaba, sabes, cuando mi esposa fue asesinada, te drogaste y quemaste el restaurante donde trabajábamos.
And my wife's going to suspect I killed you. Se may even be certain of it.
Y mi mujer sospechará que lo he hecho, incluso se entristecerá,
You're trying to make me an assassin, but it won't work, because if I hadn't killed my wife, I'd be the one who'd be dead,
Tratan de hacerme pasar por asesino pero eso no va a funcionar. Porque si yo no llego a matar a mi esposa, ella me habría matado a mí.
It may seem incredible to you, but I didn't feel like that at all, when I killed my wife.
Puede parecerte increíble, pero no sentí nada parecido cuando maté a mi mujer.
You don't know I killed my wife.
No sabe que yo maté a mi mujer.
That was my friend's wife you killed!
- ¡ Mataste a la mujer de mi amigo!
I want to tell you how deeply sorry I'm... but my people killed your wife.
Quiero decirle cuanto siento... que mi pueblo haya matado a su esposa.
Now that I know who the lover of my wife was I didn't want to believe you were the man who killed my wife bastard!
Ahora sé quién era el amante de mi mujer, pero no quería creer que fueras tú el hombre que mató a mi mujer.
You know, sometimes I get the impression you think I killed my wife
A veces tengo la impresión de que cree que yo maté a mi esposa.
Why did you have my wife and daughter killed? Why did you hunt me down and make me kill all those people?
Quiero saber por qué habéis asesinado a mi mujer y a mi hija, quiero saber por qué me estáis acosando como a una bestia, por qué me habéis obligado a matar a tanta gente.
The next thing, I suppose, that you're gonna ask me to believe is this phantom accomplice, who never killed anybody in the first place, of course, comes back the next night to kill my wife. Is that right? Is that the next step?
Lo próximo que querrá que crea es que este supuesto cómplice, que no había matado a nadie antes regresó la noche siguiente para matar a mi esposa.
Molly, would you please tell Lieutenant Columbo where I was on Thursday evening, the night my wife was killed?
Molly, quieres decirle al Teniente Columbo donde estaba el jueves por la noche? la noche que matarón a mi esposa?
Have you killed anyone before my wife?
¿ Ya mataste a alguien antes que a mi mujer?
You think I killed my wife?
¿ Cree que maté a mi mujer?
- I already told you who killed my wife.
- Les he dicho quien la ha matado.
Besides which, you wanted to kill my wife and you would have killed me.
Además de eso usted quería matar a mi mujer y me habría matado a mi.
Do you seriously think that my wife... killed Adam Evans, drove him up to Mulholland Drive, and pushed his car over the cliff?
¿ De verdad cree que mi esposa Mató a Adán Evans, lo llevó hasta de Mulholland Drive, Y empujó a su coche sobre el acantilado?
What, do you think I killed my wife, and then I killed a complete stranger as well?
¿ Piensas que maté a mi mujer? Y después maté a un completo desconocido. ¿ Tiene eso sentido?
Are you suggesting that I killed my wife?
¿ Insinúan que la he matado yo?
Do you have any idea who killed my wife?
¿ Tienen idea de quién mató a mi esposa?
So now you suspect me of murdering my wife... because the bomb that killed her was radioactive?
Entonces ¿ ahora sospechan que asesiné a mi esposa porque la bomba que la mató era radioactiva?
Oh my son and his wife were killed in a climbing accident in Snowdonia when Douglas was only two years old. We brought him up as our own you see.
Oh, mi hijo y su esposa fallecieron en un accidente en Snowdonia cuando Douglas tenía solo dos años de edad....... lo trajimos con nosotros como puede ver.
- You fucking killed my wife!
- ¡ Mataste a mi mujer!
So you know you killed my ex-wife, don't you.
Entonces, sabes que mataste a mi ex mujer, ¿ verdad?
But, it killed my wife, nearly killed my child. Now, you've killed me for it. Listen to me.
Eso mató a mi esposa, casi mata a mi hija, Ahora me ha matado usted por eso.
You're the reason my wife killed herself! . Oh, no, no, no, love.
Por tu culpa mi esposa se suicidó oooh... no, no, no amor mio
I worshipped you, yet you destroyed my livestock, blighted my crops, killed my wife and children...
Yo te adoré, pero destruiste mi ganado, arruinaste mi cultivo mataste a mi esposa e hijos.
You've killed 17 people, and you don't think my wife is a good person?
Mataste a 1 7 personas y no te parece que mi esposa es buena persona?
You should be able to imagine my sorrow... the horrible surprise in arriving and learning my wife had killed herself.
debe imaginarse mi sufrimiento. La terrible sorpresa llegando de viaje y saber que ellase había matado... y el cuerpo estaba tirado en una morgue.
So you open up my wife's mind before you killed her, why?
Entonces leistes en el espíritu de mi esposa antes de matarla. ¿ Por quéi?
Do you know who killed my wife?
¿ Sabe quién mató a mi esposa?
I never told you why I killed my wife.
Nunca te conté por qué maté a mi esposa.
You killed my wife, you motherfucker? Damn!
¿ Tú te encargaste de la perra de su estúpida mujer?
You goddamn snowboarders killed my wife and my little daughter.
! ¡ Malditos snowboarders! Mataron a mi mujer y a mi hija.
- Your wife thinks you killed my daughter.
- Tu mujer cree que mataste a mi hija.

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