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You ruined it translate Spanish

835 parallel translation
You ruined it. What are you talkin'about? I was terrific.
- Ha sido fabuloso. ¿ Cuándo empezamos?
I came to buy you a birthday drink, and you ruined my birthday. You ruined it!
¡ Vine a celebrar mi cumpleaños y tu lo has estropeado!
You ruined it!
¡ Me lo has destrozado!
Dear, you ruined it for so little.
Cielo, por poco la estropeas.
You ruined it, too, going out every night.
Tú las has arruinado también, saliendo todas las noches.
I'm so sorry. You ruined it.
Está estropeada, ¿ y ni te preocupas?
You ruined it when you got here.
Lo fastidiaste todo con tu entrada.
- It was all we could do. - You ruined my life. - You destroyed it.
Se destruyó mi vida no ansiosos
Last sunday I ruined your pic-nic I would like it if you pardon me.
El otro domingo le arruiné el pic-nic, quisiera que me perdonara.
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Piensa que me aproveché de usted y me ha arruinado por eso y ha arruinado a mi familia y si alguien me hubiese contado el año pasado que hoy diría esto lo habría llamado maldito mentiroso.
- What else is there to do... ever since you ruined the Governor's foot and our reputations with it?
- ¿ Que mas podemos hacer... desde que arruino el pie del Gobernador y nuestra reputacion?
It'll do you a lot more good than ruined temples.
Quizás se divierta más que viendo templos antiguos.
Read it, I've ruined you!
¡ Lee, te lo he arrebatado!
- You've ruined it!
- ¡ Lo has estropeado!
You ruined your sweater, now I'll have to fix it.
Te has estropeado el jersey. Ahora tendré que arreglarlo.
- It's your fault. You've ruined everything!
- No es tuyo. ¡ Tú tienes la culpa de todo!
If you'd planned it, you couldn't have ruined my chances more completely.
Ni planeándolo hubieras podido quitarme el dinero de esta manera.
I'm ruined, couldn't you fix it?
¡ Estoy arruinado! ¿ Cómo se podría remediar esto?
And you nearby ruined it already.
Y tú casi lo estropeas.
You just about ruined it already!
¡ Me lo has destrozado!
- He's ruined it. He's ruined it, I tell you.
- Lo ha destruido todo.
Will you have it on your conscience that you ruined the boy's future?
¿ Cargará usted sobre su conciencia arruinar el futuro de ese chico?
Their characters would be ruined if it was up to you.
Si dependiera de ti, los malcriarías.
- It's you who've ruined that boy!
- Es Ud. quién me ha arruinado al chico.
Now that you've practically ruined my health, at least tell me : who was it?
Ahora que casi me ha arruinado la salud, dígame al menos quién era.
You almost ruined it.
Casi echas a perder la sesion de espiritismo.
- Do you think it fair that a man's whole career should be ruined for a fault done in one's boyhood almost?
- ¿ Acaso es justo que la carrera de un hombre se arruine por un error juvenil?
You've ruined it!
¡ Lo has destrozado!
Do you wanna see this town, which our grandfathers built over the years with such loving care, do you want to see it ruined?
¿ Quieres ver esta ciudad, que construyeron nuestros abuelos a lo largo de años con tanto amor, quieres verla en ruinas?
Damn it, you've ruined me!
¡ Maldita sea!
Oh, my lovely gown and now you've just ruined it.
Oh, mi hermoso vestido y ahora usted lo ha estropeado.
If you continue gambling Richard, it's only a question of time before you're ruined.
Si sigues jugando, dentro de poco, estarás arruinado.
You've ruined it!
¡ Lo ha echado a perder!
When I saw you with those three it felt like it ruined everything.
Cuando te vi con esos tres, pareció como si todo se viniera abajo.
Everything you worked for, grabbed for, ruined people to get, it's all gonna die!
¡ Todo aquello por lo que has trabajado, luchado y arruinado a tanta gente va a morir!
- Kids, was it you who ruined the roses?
- Muchachos, ¿ habéis sido vosotros los que habéis destrozado las rosas?
No, thank you. You've ruined my sleep as it is.
Has arruinado mi sueño.
If it's of any interest to you, in 6 months, I will be ruined, there!
Si te interesa, dentro de 6 meses estaré arruinado, ¡ Es lo que hay!
Wouldn't you know, it rained and ruined the cave... and after that, he moved away.
Pero entonces, llovió y la cabaña se derrumbó y después de eso, se mudó.
Listen, if you want to be ruined, make your mom suffer again,.. .. it's your business.
Oiga, si quiere echarse a perder, seguir haciendo sufrir a su madre es asunto suyo.
It's not true that you'll get ruined.
No es verdad que te arruines.
Anne, you ruined it.
Lo has estropeado.
... it's mortgaged ruined, I tell you...
... Está hipotecada Arruinados, te digo...
You've near ruined my leave as it is.
Casi arruinas mis vacaciones.
You don't see it now, but she'd have ruined your whole life.
Ahora no lo ves, pero te hubiera destrozado la vida.
To put it out of my mind that you ruined me.
Sacarme de la cabeza que me arruinaste.
You've ruined it.
Lo has estropeado.
It's none of our business who you want to marry, and we ruined it.
No es asunto nuestro con quién te cases y lo hemos estropeado todo.
It's you who ruined everything Frederic.
Fue usted quien lo estropeó todo, Frederic.
Yeah, I guess we ruined that speech you were making... but what could I do about it?
Supongo que arruinamos su discurso, ¿ Pero qué podía hacer?
You've ruined it again, loser.
¡ No debiste regañarlo así! - ¡ Me tomaste el pelo, Madre de Dios!

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