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You ruined my life translate Spanish

589 parallel translation
You ruined my life.
Usted arruinó mi vida.
- It was all we could do. - You ruined my life. - You destroyed it.
Se destruyó mi vida no ansiosos
- Filthy floor, you ruined my life.
- Planta asquerosa, arruinaste toda mi vida.
You ruined my life.
¡ Ha arruinado mi vida!
You ruined my life!
¡ Arruinaste mi vida!
Now, when you ruined my life.
Ahora que has arruinado mi vida.
You ruined my life!
¡ Arrasaste mi vida!
You ruined my life.
Lo aborrezco. usted ha roto mi vida.
You ruined my life and took pleasure in doing so!
Arruinaste mi vida y disfrutaste haciéndolo.
You ruined my life, mister.
Me ha arruinado la vida, señor.
You ruined my life.
Destruiste mi vida.
You ruined my life.
Arruinaste mi vida.
What irks me the most is the fact that my life is ruined by a third-rate bottom feeders'crap such as you.
La única cosa que no puedo tolerar es que... por culpa de una basura de tercera categoría como tú, mi vida esté arruinada.
You've ruined my child's whole life! "
¡ Has arruinado a mi hijo para toda la vida! "
You've ruined my whole life, you and your imbecilic love.
Has arruinado mi vida entera. Tú, y tu estúpido amor.
My life is ruined, but I can start again if you agree to marry me.
Mi vida está arruinada, pero puedo rehacerla si usted acepta casarse conmigo.
You see, I keep thinking what a sad, little fellow I am, and brooding over the man that ruined my life.
Verás, no dejo de pensar en el ser tan triste en el que me he convertido, y de comerme el coco con el hombre que arruinó mi vida.
You've ruined my son's married life, and you've killed... my grandchild.
Ha destruido la vida de mi hijo y ha matado a mi nieto.
You have ruined my life.
Ha arruinado mi vida.
You are dissatisfied? I suppose you know you've ruined my one chance to do something with my life.
¿ Sabes que has arruinado mi única oportunidad de hacer algo en la vida?
My life will be ruined because of you.
Pero con esto me arruinarás la vida.
You've ruined my father's life... - and now you're ruining mine.
Nos arruinaste la vida a mi padre y a mí.
Two times now you've ruined my life!
¡ Dos veces has arruinado mi vida!
And now, when my whole life's smashed and ruined, All you can say is the man who betrayed us was smart!
Y ahora, cuando toda mi vida está hecha pedazos y arruinada... todo lo que puedes decir es que el hombre que nos traicionó fue listo!
You ruined Dorothy's life... and my mother's. And now you want to do the same for me.
Echaste a perder la vida de Dorothy y la de mi madre,... y ahora quieres hacer lo mismo con la mía.
As you'll know, I couldn't go back to Bill after that afternoon with you and pretend that nothing had happened, and my not going back ruined his life.
Como sabes, no podía volver con Bill después de aquella tarde como si nada hubiera ocurrido. No podía destrozar su vida.
You've ruined my life.
Has estropeado mi vida.
You ruined the only beautiful thing of my life.
Has estropeado lo único hermoso de mi vida.
My whole life has been ruined by this Takashi, who you wouldn't forget.
Toda mi vida, habré estado eclipsado por Takashi, a quien nunca has olvidado.
You scoundrel, you have ruined my life!
¡ Vieja bruja que me ha arruinado la vida!
It's not enough for you that you've ruined my life?
No te basta con haber arruinado mi vida.
You've ruined my life.
Destruyes mi vida.
It's not enough for you that you've ruined my life.
No te fue suficiente haberme arruinado la vida.
You've ruined my life...
Has arruinado mi vida...
[Sigh] You've ruined my life Rosa.
Cuánto me has hecho sufrir, Rosa.
Bitch! You've ruined my life! Shit!
¡ Perra, qué tú me has desgraciado la vida, coño!
Get out, you've ruined my life!
Vete, ¡ has destrozado mi vida!
"You have ruined my life," she cried "And now it's time you paid"
"Me arruinaste la vida", dijo llorando "Y ahora me has de pagar"
You'd ruined the best years of my life, and now you want to make me a widow?
Has arruinado los mejores años de mi vida - ¿ y ahora me quieres convertir en una viuda?
With you, I ruined my whole life.
He malgastado mi vida con todo eso.
You've ruined my life, wrecked my future.
Has arruinado mi vida, has destrozado mi futuro.
You've ruined my life, Borschov!
Has arruinado mi vida, ¡ Borschov!
You've ruined my life. That's all.
Arruinaste mi vida, eso es todo.
You've ruined my life, you must know that... you must know...
Has arruinado mi vida, tienes que saber eso,... debes saberlo...
You've ruined my life.
Ha destruido mi vida.
You've ruined my life!
¡ Han acabado ustedes con mi vida!
You've ruined my life.
Has arruinado mi vida.
You have ruined my whole life!
Has arruinado mi vida entera!
She said you have ruined my life all these years.
Dijo : "Has arruinado mi vida todos estos años".
... you've ruined my life.
... Has arruinado mi vida.
You ruined what could have been the best day of my life.
Arruinaste lo que pudo haber sido el mejor día de mi vida.

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