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You shouldn't do that translate Spanish

492 parallel translation
You shouldn't do that.
Yo soy...
You shouldn't do that, Miss Schuyler.
No debería hacerlo, Srta. Schuyler.
Are you saying that we shouldn't do what we believe is right?
¿ Me estás diciendo que no debemos hacer lo que creemos es correcto?
- You shouldn't do that, you know.
- Eso no se hace nunca.
I shouldn't do that if I were you, Mr. Burke.
Yo no haría eso si fuera Ud., Sr. Burke.
Jin-san, you shouldn't do that.
Jin-san, no deberías hacer eso.
I didn't mean to hit you, Jeff. But you shouldn't needle me like that. You shouldn't do it.
No quería pegarte, Jeff, pero no deberías provocarme tanto.
But do you believe that the Bible means that a man shouldn't fight for what he believes to be right?
Pero no me negará que la Biblia nos manda igualmente luchar por lo que creemos bueno.
You shouldn't do that.
No debes hacer eso.
- You shouldn't do that to your mother.
Le escribí que me iba al exterior. Está mal hacerle eso a tu madre.
- I shouldn't do that if I were you, Lestrade. - Why not?
Yo no haría eso, Lestrade.
Told you I shouldn't have had that last drink. I tell you what I think I'll do.
Te dije que no debí beber ese último trago.
You shouldn't do that, Hatsuko.
No deberías hacer eso, Hatsuko.
I shouldn't do that again if I were you, Inspector.
No volvería a hacerlo si fuera usted, inspector.
You shouldn't do that, kid.
No deberías hacer eso, chica.
You shouldn't do that without asking him.
¿ Cortarle la chaqueta? Deberías preguntarle.
You shouldn't do that.
No deberías.
- You shouldn't do that.
- No debieras hacerlo.
You know, you say your lines exactly as if you'd learned them. Shouldn't do that.
Se diría que te lo has aprendido de memoria.
That shouldn't do you any harm.
Esto no debería hacerle ningún daño.
You shouldn't do that to yourself, or to me.
Pos qué poco favor se hace, y de paso a mí.
You shouldn't do things like that for a dame.
No deberías hacer cosas de ese estilo por una dama.
You shouldn't do that, all I want is to get into show business
Usted no debería hacer eso, todo lo que quiero es entrar en el mundo del espectáculo.
Oh yes. And I would so much like to do you a favour. And especially to tell you that you shouldn't do again what you're doing, Miss,
Y además... me gustaría mucho aconsejarle, sabe, y decirle que nunca más vuelva a hacer lo que hace porque eso acabará mal.
You shouldn't have - There was nothing to do but pay the fine, and Dan's done that.
No era preciso que vinieras, sólo había que pagar la multa.
You shouldn't do that.
No deberías hacer esto.
No, Bruno, that you shouldn't do!
¡ No, Bruno, eso no!
Please, you shouldn't do that sort of thing.
Por favor, no debe hacer ese tipo de cosas.
I shouldn't do that if I were you. He'll turn up.
No lo haría si fuera Ud. Él regresará.
Mr. Tatsumi, you shouldn't do that...
Sr. Tatsumi, no debería hacer eso...
You know you shouldn't do that.
Sabes que no deberías hacer eso.
Oh, you shouldn't have bothered to do that.
¿ Y por qué estaba cerrada la puerta?
- I shouldn't have let you do that.
- No debí dejarte hacerlo.
you shouldn't do that.
No debes hacer eso.
Do you mind if I ask you a question that a vice president shouldn't ask?
¿ Te importa si te hago una pregunta que un vicepresidente no debería hacer?
You shouldn't do that.
No deberías hacerlo.
You shouldn't do that.
No deberías hacer eso.
- Why shouldn't you do that?
- ¿ Y por qué no habría de hacerlo?
You shouldn't do things like that!
No deberias hacer cosas asi!
- Here, you shouldn't do that.
- ¿ Por qué hiciste eso?
You shouldn't. Why did you do that?
No debías. ¿ Por qué lo has hecho?
That pure soul. You arouse him, you incite him, you offend him in such a way that he'll do something he shouldn't!
Te presentas ante el alma candorosa de Cassio, lo incitas, lo instigas, lo ofendes, de modo que haces hacer, aquello que no debería.
What... Why shouldn't I? That's what you just said you were gonna do.
Es lo que acabas de decir.
Well... you shouldn't do things that make me jealous.
Bueno no debe hacer cosas que me pongan celosa.
That shouldn't be hard for you to do.
No creo que les cueste trabajo.
But you know, as do I, that a boy shouldn't live without a father.
Pero tú sabes igual que yo, que un niño no debe vivir sin padre.
You shouldn't do things like that.
- No deberías hacer esas cosas.
Oh, no, you shouldn't do that. No, that's dangerous.
¡ Eso no se tiene que hacer nunca!
You shouldn't do that.
Hicistes algo que no se hace.
You shouldn't do that.
No debería hacer eso.
This means that if you're going to rise above people... you shouldn't live like they do,... but you should live according to the right... so then you learn how to set an example.
Esto quiere decir que si vas a elevarte por encima de la gente no debes hacer caso de lo que dicen y lo que hacen sino vivir como tú sabes que se debe vivir, para que después sepas dar tu ejemplo.

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