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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ Y ] / You wouldn't be interested

You wouldn't be interested translate Spanish

151 parallel translation
You wouldn't be interested.
NO te hubiera interesado.
- You wouldn't be interested.
- No te interesaría.
I was gonna tell you about the cottage, sir... but I reckon you wouldn't be interested.
Yo le hiba a hablar de la casita, señor. pero creo que no esta interesado.
- You wouldn't be interested.
- No le interesaría.
- You wouldn't be interested in one of them, would ya? - Nope.
No te interesaría uno de ésos, ¿ verdad?
No, you wouldn't be interested.
No, no le interesaría.
You wouldn't be interested, my dear.
No creo que te interese, querida.
Oh, but I guess you wouldn't be interested.
Oh, pero yo creo que no estás interesado.
I don't believe in them, really... and I'd be interested, not scared, wouldn't you?
Claro que no. No creo en ellos. Estaría interesada, no asustada. ¿ Tú no?
- Then you wouldn't be interested in...
- Entonces no te interesaría..
You wouldn't be interested?
No le interesaría.
- Wouldn't you be interested in...
- ¿ No le interesaría desempeñar...
Maybe he figured you wouldn't be interested.
Quizá pensó que no le interesaría.
- Oh, you wouldn't be interested.
- Oh, no creo que te interese saberlo
You wouldn't be interested?
- ¿ Te gustaría abrir tu negocio?
I wouldn't have thought you'd be so interested in pigeons.
No habría imaginado que te pudieran interesar tanto las palomas.
You wouldn't be interested.
Si es tan bueno como el anterior.
You wouldn't be interested in selling it, I suppose?
¿ No estaría interesado en venderla, supongo?
Oh. Well, in that case, you probably wouldn't be very interested in a little present I was fixing up for you.
Entonces no estaría interesada en el presente que compré.
Oficial, ¿ le interesaría comprar un Rickenbacker?
Tiene muchos nombres, incluyendo "el erradicador".
You wouldn't be interested in me.
Nunca te interesarías en una muchacha como yo.
You wouldn't maybe be interested in some onion soup?
¿ No te interesaría un poco de sopa de cebolla?
Say, you wouldn't be interested in having dinner, would you?
Dime, ¿ no estás interesada en ir a cenar, verdad?
Wouldn't you be interested in a hotel?
Al fin, ¿ te interesa un hotel, no?
I guess you wouldn't be interested, though, would you, Lily?
Supongo que no te interesará, ¿ verdad, Lily?
I suppose you wouldn't be interested in parting with any of these, huh?
Supongo que no estaría interesado en... separarse de alguno de estos, ¿ no?
You wouldn't be interested in drawing lots?
¿ No le interesaría dejarlo al azar?
Oh, you wouldn't be interested.
No creo que le interese.
You wouldn't be interested?
¿ Te interesa?
My wife and I--and please... do call us Donald and Donna from now on... are wondering if you wouldn't be interested... in becoming involved in show business.
Mi mujer y yo... y por favor puedes llamarnos Donald y Donna en adelante nos preguntabamos si estarías interesada en introducirte en el negocio del espectáculo.
You wouldn't be interested in permanent employment, would you, Doctor?
No estaría interesado en un empleo permanente, ¿ Verdad, Doctor?
You wouldn't be interested?
¿ La tentaría?
And believe me, a gourmet like you wouldn't be interested.
Y créeme, a un gastrónomo como tú no le interesaría.
Coming from your position and salary, you wouldn't be interested in it.
Con su posición y salario, no le interesará.
If you were interested. we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Si no te interesara, no hablaríamos del tema.
Are you saying that you - you just wouldn't be interested in being a movie star?
Dices que... ¿ no te interesa ser una estrella de cine?
I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't at least interested in exploring it.
No estaría contigo si no me interesase probarlo.
I was just thinking... You wouldn't be interested.
Sólo pensaba- - No te interesaría.
You wouldn't be interested.
No te interesaría.
You wouldn't be interested in a vicarage, would you?
No estará interesado en una casa parroquial, ¿ verdad?
Well, it's- - Ah, you wouldn't be interested.
No, no le interesaría.
- No, you wouldn't be interested.
- No, no estarías interesada.
He wouldn't even be interested in that, you know. It wouldn't even matter.
Seria algo que el no apreciaria.
- Don't worry about it, you wouldn't be interested.
- ¿ Qué pasó con la cera de pisos?
Then you wouldn't be interested in going home?
¿ Entonces no te interesará retornar a tu hogar?
You wouldn't be interested in it.
No les interesaría.
- You wouldn't be interested, man.
- No creo que le interesen...
-... you wouldn't be interested in helping.
-... no querrían ayudarme.
You wouldn't be interested.
No creo que te interese.
- I told her you wouldn't be interested.
- Le dije que no te iba a interesar. - ¿ Le dijiste a quien?

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