You want it translate Spanish
68,306 parallel translation
You want it?
¿ La quieres?
This wedding is something I can give you. And if you want it, I want it to be perfect.
Esta boda es algo que puedo darte, y si quieres, quiero que sea perfecta.
Where do you want it?
¿ Dónde la quiere?
This is yours, if you want it.
Esto es tuyo si lo quieres.
Cutting to the chase, you have a slot if you want it.
Yendo al grano, tienes un hueco si lo quieres.
Seat's not taken, if you want it.
El asiento está libre, si quieres.
You think it's friendship I want from her?
¿ Crees que quiero su amistad?
You want me to look bad, but I won't do it.
Quieres que quede mal, pero eso no va a pasar.
If you do not want the killer to escape, you must allow me to pursue it.
Si no quiere que el asesino escape, me debe dejar que lo siga.
You won't want to hear it, but this is for the best.
No querrás oírlo, pero es lo mejor.
I understand it seems that way, but if one of your clients decides they want to bring a suit against you, this continues your coverage.
- Entiendo que parezca así pero si uno de sus clientes decide demandarlo esto mantiene su cobertura.
If you want to steal the picture, we should stick to it.
Si quieres hacerte con la película, hay que seguirlo.
That's what I want. Instead, every time you cut back to her, it looks like she's getting better.
En vez de eso, cada vez que sale, tiene mejor aspecto.
It's sure to pick up a few nods, but I want you to be prepared for the possibility that you'll be left out.
Es seguro que conseguirá unas cuantas nominaciones, pero quiero que estés preparado para la posibilidad de que tú te quedes fuera.
It's time to decide what it is that you want to do, and then do it.
Es hora de decidir qué quieres hacer y cuándo quieres hacerlo.
- Wait, Bob, don't you want me to try it again?
¿ no quieres que lo intente otra vez?
You want me to pull it out?
¿ Quieres que la retire?
Bottom line, it uses a freestanding array of mirrors and lenses to bend light around objects you want to hide.
En resumen, utiliza un conjunto de espejos independientes y lentes para curvar la luz a través de los objetos que quieres esconder.
You don't want it, fine.
No lo quieren, bien.
So, how do you want to handle it?
¿ Cómo quieres hacer esto?
Do you want to talk about it?
¿ Quieres que hablemos?
And since you don't want me using it on señor Whitehall, the results are mixed.
Y ya que no quieres que lo use con el señor Whitehall, el resultado es contradictorio.
I want you to get it back up.
Quiero que la recuperes.
I want to thank you for helping me do it.
Quiero agradeceros vuestra ayuda.
You want to know if I think she did it.
Quiere saber si creo que lo hizo ella.
You know, I want to believe you, trust in you, but it's really hard when I just can't figure out what you're doing here.
Quiero creerte, confiar en ti, pero es muy difícil cuando ni siquiera puedo entender qué estás haciendo aquí.
Um, I just want you to know that I'm ending it.
Solo quiero que sepas que voy a terminar con él.
If that's how you want to play it.
Si es así como quieres jugar.
Right now, it's the Serpents, and we don't want you suddenly becoming a target.
De momento, son los Serpientes, y no queremos que, de repente, seas tú el objetivo.
It's that you always want to see the good in people.
Es que siempre quieres ver lo bueno de las personas.
I didn't want to drag you into it, Dad.
No quería involucrarte en esto, papá.
♪ I don't care what you want me to be ♪ ♪'Cause it ain't for you, no it's all for me ♪
* No me importa lo que quieras que sea * * porque no lo hago por ti, lo hago por mí *
Call him if you want, but do it soon.
Llámale si quieres, pero hazlo pronto.
And you want my help giving it to your boyfriend.
Y quieres mi ayuda para dárselo a tu novio.
However you're rationalizing what you're doing with Archie's dad, I don't want any part of it.
Racionaliza como quieras lo que estás haciendo con el padre de Archie, pero no quiero formar parte.
I want you to have it.
Quiero que lo tengas.
- It means you're getting your birthday party whether you want one or not.
- Significa que tendrás una fiesta de cumpleaños tanto si te gusta como si no.
It's the fact that you don't know or even care that this is the last thing I would want.
Es el hecho de que no sabes, ni te preocupa, que esto es lo último que quiero.
It's just, I want you with me.
Es que quiero que estés conmigo.
You just want to be in it.
Tú solo quieres estar en ella.
Speaking of that, I actually have it on my phone if you want to look.
Lo tengo en el teléfono si quieres darle un vistazo.
- So, you want to replicate it?
- ¿ Quieres replicarla?
I think it's great that you know what you want to do.
Creo que es genial que sepas lo que quieres hacer.
What, do you want me to say it's okay, so you don't have to feel bad?
¿ Quieres que diga que está bien, así no te sientes mal?
You want the kid back, this is what it costs.
Quieres que el niño vuelva, esto es lo que cuesta.
You might want to count it.
Es posible que desee contarlo.
Okay, you can get violent if you want to, but if you strike an officer, it's going to give them twice as many reasons to hold you.
De acuerdo, puedes ponerte violento si quieres, pero si pegas a un agente, les vas a dar el doble de razones para retenerte.
Do you... do you want me to put it back?
¿ Quieres que lo devuelva a su sitio? No, está bien.
Look, Emma, I know that you think you have this superpower where you know what people want even though that's not what they say, but it's getting... It's getting really old, okay?
Mira, Emma, ya sé que crees que tienes el superpoder de saber lo que la gente quiere incluso aunque no lo digan, pero ya empieza a cansar, ¿ vale?
I want to be the guy who gives it to you.
Quiero ser el tío que te lo conceda.
There's even stationery with "Bates Motel" printed on it, in case you want to make your friends back home feel envious.
Hasta tenemos papel con un sello impreso del Motel Bates, por si quiere darle envidia a sus amigos cuando vuelva a casa.
you want it back 29
you want it or not 21
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you want something 175
you want some 400
you want to play 93
you want it or not 21
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you want something 175
you want some 400
you want to play 93
you want to kill me 68
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want some of this 80
you want to go home 38
you want me to help you 28
you want me to do it 47
you want something to drink 85
you want to know why 131
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want some of this 80
you want to go home 38
you want me to help you 28
you want me to do it 47
you want something to drink 85
you want to know why 131