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Absolument translate French

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As a matter of fact, I would.
Oui, absolument.
Absolutely, Madam President.
Absolument, Mme la Présidente.
Yeah. And we could not be more thrilled.
On est absolument ravis.
He was a very special person.
C'était une personne absolument remarquable.
- I did.
- Absolument.
On your terms, I am sorry for nothing. Absolutely nothing.
En d'autres termes, sachez que je ne regrette rien, absolument rien.
Absolutely not.
Absolument pas.
Quite so.
None at all.
Absolument aucun.
Which there absolutely isn't.
Ce qui n'est absolument pas le cas.
Sure is.
No, it's absolutely necessary when we are challenged as a nation, when we are potentially under attack, to maintain a sense of who we are.
Non, c'est absolument nécessaire quand nous sommes défiés en tant que nation, quand nous sommes potentiellement attaqués, pour entretenir un sense à notre existence.
And you promised me the truth, or at least some attempt to find it, not whatever the hell this is.
Vous m'avez promis la vérité, ou d'essayer de la trouver, mais absolument pas ça.
- No way.
- Absolument pas.
You're absolutely right.
Vous avez absolument raison.
He's absolutely adorable.
Il est absolument adorable.
May I say, you look absolutely breathtaking.
Puis-je dire que tu es absolument stupéfiante.
- Absolutely.
- Absolument.
Man, she was desperate to shut me up.
Elle voulait absolument me faire taire.
If you must marry again, have my friend Labros.
Si vous devez absolument vous re-marier, choisissez mon amis Labros.
That's right.
Yeah, I definitely need to talk to him.
Je dois absolument lui parler.
That's definitely going on Facebook.
Ça va absolument sur Facebook.
- Sure do.
- Absolument.
Yep. Absolutely.
- Oui, absolument.
- Do you mind? No. Not at all.
- Non, absolument pas.
I absolutely did not.
- Absolutely!
- Absolument.
- Absolutely not.
- Absolument.
Why do you insist on making me ugly?
Pourquoi tu veux absolument me rendre laide?
I bet you will have a baby boy.
- Absolument.
There is absolutely no way that Andre Hannan could exert 300 pounds of pressure with his bare hands.
Il n'y a absolument aucune chance pour que Andre Hannan puisse exercer une pression de plus de 130 kg à mains nues.
And we certainly don't want her doing that, do we?
Et on ne veut absolument pas ça, n'est-ce pas?
And if they're at the doctor's office, they definitely won't be at the evidence locker.
Et s'ils sont au cabinet du docteur, ils ne seront absolument pas au casier des preuves.
I am absolutely good to go.
Je suis absolument prêt à partir.
A girl you have absolutely no ties to, probably never see me again.
Une fille que vous avez absolument aucun lien, probablement jamais me revoir.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's worth fighting for, isn't it... [gasps]
ça vaut la peine de se battre, n'est-ce pas? Absolument.
- I believe that totally.
Je le crois absolument.
Yeah, yeah, definitely.
Look, you seriously need to fix me up before noon.
Écoutez, vous devez absolument me réparer avant midi.
Not to mention that Dr. Stroman is dead set against it.
Pas la peine de dire que le Dr Stroman est absolument contre cette idée.
For her sake and Dmitri's, yes, absolutely.
Pour son bien et celui de Dmitri, oui, absolument.
- Yes, I do.
- Absolument.
It's really important we get this filled in because we need to get the process started. Yeah.
Il faut absolument qu'on remplisse ça pour lancer le processus.
None of us, none of us have even the tiniest idea what she's been through, what it's been like.
Absolument personne n'a la moindre idée de ce qu'elle a vécu, de quoi ça avait l'air.
You're absolutely certain that a Dylan Hawthorne was never mentioned by White?
Êtes-vous absolument certaine qu'un Dylan Hawthorne n'a jamais été mentionné par White?
Yes, by all means, we must make it to the cellar.
Absolument, ça irait mieux dans la cave.
Definitely, yeah. - Yeah?
Oui, absolument.

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