And died translate French
10,259 parallel translation
One after another the girls were cut in half and died.
L'une après l'autre. Coupées en deux et tuées.
Two good cops died and now he's a fugitive.
Deux bons policiers sont morts et maintenant il est un fugitif.
- Yeah, and then Dozerman just came in and died.
On travaillait, séparément. Oui, et Dozerman est entré et est mort.
But if you can travel to the past, you could know how your lives were and how you died.
Mais en voyageant dans le passé, vous pourriez savoir... comment s'est passé votre vie et... et comment vous êtes morts.
The entire system was losing power and you both soon would have died, had I not taken action.
Le système perdait toute son énergie. Sans mon intervention, vous étiez voués à une mort certaine.
But she went home anyway, and then she died.
Mais elle est rentrée, et elle est morte.
realized he had to use the bathroom, so he walked downstairs, urinated, and then walked back to the exact place he was lying before and then died.
Il s'est tranché sa propre gorge, prêt à mourir, a réalisé qu'il devait aller dans la salle de bain, alors il est descendu, a fait pipi, et ensuite est retourné à l'endroit exact où il était allongé avant. et après est mort.
You told me that she went to this school and that she joined Kappa and that died when I was two and not much else.
Tu m'as dit qu'elle était venue dans cette école qu'elle avait rejoint les Kappa et qu'elle est morte quand j'avais deux ans, rien de plus.
When I was six years old, my father died, and my mother made me kiss the body at his funeral.
Quand j'avais 6 ans, mon père est mort, et ma mère m'a obligée à embrasser son corps à ses funérailles.
Maybe we can drop the baby off in front of the emergency room, and then run away, and then we can just act like what's-her-name died of natural causes.
Peut-être qu'on peut jeter le bébé devant le service des urgences, et s'enfuir après, et ensuite on peut agir comme si peut-importe-son-nom est morte de causes naturelles.
I ask you to reunite one legendary rock and roll outfit so that guys will show up to my patch, and you're all like, "Oh, some guy died."
Je te demande de réunir un légendaire groupe de rock pour que les garçons viennent à ma fête, et t'es là genre, "Oh, un gars est mort."
Do you expect us to believe that when your dad told you that your mom died in a fire, you would just accept it and move on with your life?
Je ne fais pas ça. Quoi? Il y a deux heures, tu disais "Empoisonnons cette garce!" Bien,
My sister and brother-in-law died in 9 / 11.
Ma sœur et mon beau-frère sont morts le 11 septembre.
After his parents died, he was put in the foster care system until he was 18, and that's where the paper trail ends.
Après leurs morts, il a été placé dans le système d'adoption jusqu'à ses 18 ans, et la piste se finit là.
They probably told another kid he was clumsy and then he died of polio.
Ils ont probablement dit à un autre gosse qu'il manquait de souplesse et il est alors mort de la polio.
My mother told me he died fighting for his country and his king.
Ma mère m'a raconté que mon père est mort pour sa patrie et pour son roi.
Your father was called Enric, your mother, Carma, and you are an only child because your mother almost died birthing you.
Ton père s'appelle Enric, ta mère Carma, et tu es fille unique car ta mère a failli mourir à l'accouchement.
The captain died in Flanders and at the same time she died in a mysterious and inexplicable manner.
Le capitaine mourut dans les Flandres et au même moment elle mourait de façon mystérieuse et inexplicable.
No, I haven't heard anything about my mother for a long time. and my father died in Gelves ten years ago.
Non, je n'ai plus de nouvelles de ma mère depuis longtemps et mon père est mort à Gelves il y a dix ans.
He told us the story of what happened on the Roman bridge in Salamanca and that his father died in the Battle of Gelves.
Il nous a raconté ce qui lui est arrivé avec l'aveugle sur le pont romain et que son père est mort dans la Bataille de Gelves.
Leiva traveled to 1844 and his son died January 12, 1842.
Leiva a voyagé vers 1844 et son fils est mort le 12 janvier 1842.
One of the greatest minds in the colonies has died, and you are going to answer for it.
Un des plus grand esprit des colonies est mort, et vous allez répondre de ceci.
We're not gonna get that apartment and Mrs. Jacobsen died for nothing.
On n'aura pas l'appartement et Mme Jacobsen sera morte pour rien.
Fred Cole and the guys in my detail died because I went to Iran.
Fred Cole et les hommes de ma sécurité sont morts parce que je suis allée en Iran.
Hey, Gail, I hope you can cook, because your husband's food tastes like if a skunk crawled into another skunk's ass and took a shit in it, and then both skunks died.
J'espère que tu sais cuisiner. Ton mari nous sert l'équivalent de deux putois enfilés l'un dans l'autre en état de décomposition.
It seems that your fiancé left that crash unharmed, and then he took the identity of one of the passengers who died.
Il semblerait que votre fiancé ait survécu à l'accident et qu'il ait pris l'identité d'une des victimes.
Got swept up in life and then died doing this shit.
Il a fumé sa vie, et a crevé pour ce genre de connerie.
Her parents died and left her 5 million bucks.
Ses parents sont morts et elle a hérité de 5 millions de dollars.
He was one of Henry's most trusted first-valets... whom, according to the other servants, encouraged Henry to seek solace and absolution within Scripture, and who fled the moment Henry died.
C'était l'un des valets en qui Henry avait le plus confiance... qui, à croire les autres domestiques encourageait Henry à chercher réconfort et absolution dans les Saintes écritures, et qui a fuit au moment où Henry est mort.
And he was so very young when our brother died.
Et il était si jeune quand notre frère est mort.
After my son died... And my daughters started getting the symptoms...
Après la mort de mon fils... mes filles ont commencé a avoir les symptômes...
- Okay, so, the Lithuanian president's child died after being bitten by a venomous snake, and the Belarus diplomats didn't show up for the funeral.
- Donc, l'enfant du Président lituanien meurt après s'être fait mordre par un serpent venimeux, et les diplomates biélorusses n'attendent pas aux funérailles.
And if he died, he died.
S'il mourrait, il mourrait.
So Kreshenko died, word got out, and now we're off to a decade of death and destruction?
Alors, Kreshenko est mort. tout le monde le sait, et maintenant, on en est à une décénnie de mort et de destruction?
When he died. Sean was dead just long enough for something to hitch a ride, and when his mother brought him back,
Quand il est mort, une chose s'est accrochée à lui, et quand sa mère l'a ressuscité,
Since Mom died, he's been... angry... bitter, self-destructive... oh, and... drunk- - he's drinking way too much.
Depuis que maman est morte, Il est... en colère... amère, autodestructeur.. Et soul- - Il boit beaucoup trop.
Because we hacked into her brain after she died and read her memories.
Parce qu'on a hacké son cerveau après sa mort et qu'on a lu ses souvenirs.
We talked about his car accident and about the crazy texts that Branch sent both of us the night before he died.
Son accident de voiture. Et les textos que Branch a envoyés la nuit de sa mort.
And, uh, I-I don't think Pete would have survived if they'd made him serve his full sentence, so thanks to Jerry... he got to enjoy a little bit of freedom before... before he died.
Peter n'aurait pas survécu s'il avait dû faire toute sa peine. Et donc, grâce à Jerry, il a pu profiter d'un peu de liberté avant... Avant de mourir.
Awesome part is, based on the eggs and the webbing, the victim died about seven days ago.
Le truc génial, c'est que, basé sur les œufs et sur la toile, la victime est morte il y a 7 jours.
I get that, but... I mean, she could have died, and you're acting like you wouldn't have even cared.
J'ai compris, mais... elle aurait pu mourir, et tu agis comme si tu ne t'en serais même pas souciée.
Alvin and I were in love 35 years ago, and we were in love the day he died.
Alvin et moi étions amoureux il y a 35 ans, et nous étions amoureux le jour où il est mort.
After my father died, she got into a fight with his widow, broke into this woman's house, stole his ashes, and now she's built a shrine in his empty apartment.
Après que mon père soit mort, elle s'est battue avec sa veuve, a fait irruption dans l'appartement de cette femme, à volé ses cendres, et maintenant elle construit un sanctuaire dans son appartement vide.
We get a flat tire, and... you meet the man who looks like the man who died between your legs.
Nous avons eu un pneu crevé, et... tu as rencontré cet homme qui ressemble à l'homme qui est mort entre tes jambes.
[sighs] And that's how they all died.
Et ainsi ils moururent tous.
Well, Ray, there were these things called dinosaurs, and when they died, they turned into oil, somehow, and that's what your car uses for food.
Il y a eu ces choses appelées dinosaures, et quand ils sont mort, ils sont devenus du pétrole, et c'est ce que ta voiture prend comme nourriture.
And if that happens, my partner died for plane fare.
Et si cela arrive mon partenaire sera mort pour un billet d'avion.
No, one of you picked up those scissors and stabbed her not once, not twice, but 12 times before she died.
Non, tu as pris les ciseaux et tu l'as poignardé, pas une fois ni deux, mais 12 fois.
And then once they set up the water-filtration system in the village, nobody died.
Et puis un jour ils ont installé le système de filtration de l'eau dans le village, plus personne n'est mort.
And this brother of yours supposedly died in Paris under mysterious circumstances.
Et votre frère est supposément mort à Paris dans de mystérieuses circonstances.
You had mentioned that before Henry died, he had gone to lunch and returned upset.
Vous avez mentionné qu'avant qu'Henry meurt, il était allé déjeuné et en était revenu bouleversé.
died 275
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and dangerous 40
and drink 28
and don't worry 302
and don't be late 24
and drunk 16
died in 24
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and don't come back 66
and dangerous 40
and drink 28
and don't worry 302
and don't be late 24
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and don't say 42
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and done 40
and don't call me 18
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and dinner 20
and don't 39
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you 86
and do you know what 33
and dinner 20
and don't 39
and david 20
and d 51
and damn it 17