And who knows translate French
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Except the only person who can lead us to Dragan is the Turk and who knows where they're keeping him.
Sauf que la seule personne qui puisse nous mener à Dragan est Le Turk et on ne sait pas où ils l'ont emmené.
I mean, I must be, because I've been here with you and who knows who else you've been with!
Je veux dire, je dois l'être, parce que j'ai été ici avec toi et qui sait avec qui d'autre tu as été!
And who knows when I'll have the chance again.
Qui sait quand j'aurai la chance de le refaire.
And who knows when the last time this little guy ate?
Et qui sait depuis quand celui-ci n'a pas mangé?
- [Chuckles] - The aztec leader with 4,000 concubines and who knows how many kids and who practiced human sacrifice.
Le roi aztèque qui avait 4 000 concubines et qui sait combien d'enfants.
There are only four days left in the quarantine... and who knows what happens to Yuri then.
Bientôt la fin de la quarantaine. Qui sait ce qui lui arrivera après?
Brick was holding us hostage, and who knows?
Brick nous retenait en otage et qui sait?
And who knows the name of the delicious paste that collects here in the pancreas?
Et qui sait le nom de la délicieuse pâte... qui s'accumule dans le pancréas? - Tomalli!
And who knows kids'toys better than kids?
Et qui connait mieux les jouets pour enfants que les enfants?
And who knows what men want more than I do, baby?
Et qui sait ce que veulent les hommes plus que moi, bébé? Quoi?
Yes, your idiotic solo costume isn't working, and mine is killing so hard that I met someone, and who knows?
- Oui. Ton stupide costume fonctionne pas, alors que le mien déchire tellement que j'ai rencontré quelqu'un, et qui sait?
And who knows, maybe one day, the big 5-0.
Et peut-être un jour, ce sera 50.
And he knows the only reason Jimmy Cannon has survived this whole time is because he doesn't leave anybody alive who wants to hurt him.
Et il sait que si Jimmy Cannon a pu tenir aussi longtemps, c'est qu'il se débarrasse de tous ceux qui le menacent.
And the monster that you're protecting has hurt and killed who knows how many people.
Et le monstre que vous protégez a blessé et tué qui sait combien de personnes.
I mean, Andrew will be in town for another week, and then he's off to who knows where.
Andrew est en ville pour une semaine, et il repartira je ne sais où.
'And, who knows, in years to come, you might prove that theory wrong.
Et qui sait, dans les années à venir, vous prouverez peut-être que cette théorie est fausse.
You should swing by the cultural centre and sign over that land to us now or who knows what they'll discover.
Passez faire un tour au centre et léguez-nous cette terre ou qui sait ce qu'ils vont découvrir.
We need an expert in here, someone who knows what they're talking about. And quietly.
Il nous faut un expert discret qui connaît ce sujet.
All this time, you're the one who busted Larry, and nobody knows.
C'est toi qui as balancé Larry, et personne le sait.
Who knows... maybe one day Bandit and I'll be roping together again, eh, buddy?
Peut être qu'un jour Bandit et moi on reprendra le lasso ensemble, hein, mon pote?
He suspects you stole his watch, who knows what he read about you in that book Jasmine wrote, and you make it no secret that you only date man with money.
Il croit que tu as volé sa montre, qui sait ce qu'il a lu sur toi dans ce livre que Jasmine a écrit, et ce n'est pas un secret que tu sors avec un homme qui a de l'argent.
And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are. Uh-huh. And that once you're done pretending to be a nitwit... you'll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize.
Et je suis presque sûr que je suis le seul à savoir combien tu es intelligente. tu finiras par partir écrire un incroyable théorème de maths qui te fera gagner le prix Nobel.
Well, maybe not. But I'll bet he does want to know that he's got a mom who knows what she wants and where she's going, someone who's not changing her mind every other minute.
- C'est vrai, mais je parie qu'il veut une mère sûre de ses choix.
Who knows the difference between a metaphor... and an oxymoron?
- C'est pas grave. - La différence entre une métaphore.. .. et un oxymore?
And frankly, you're the only one who knows what's at stake here.
Et franchement, vous êtes le seul à savoir ce qu'il se passe.
And, you know, who knows if my brother weren't gay, maybe I'd feel the same way but...
Et qui sait, peut-être que si mon frère n'était pas gay, je penserais la même chose.
For some time now I have been assured of your innocence by one who was reared with you and grew up by your side and knows the sincerity of your soul :
De votre innocence depuis longtemps me donna Fassuranoe quelqu'un qui, nourri avec vous, et avec vous grandi, connaît la pureté de votre âme :
And only Pope's brother Michael knows who they are.
Et seul Michael connaît leur identité.
His wife - - his wife knows exactly who he was with, and she won't tell me.
Sa femme sait exactement avec qui il était, et elle ne veut pas le dire.
I just got an order this morning, requires an 18-wheel solution and somebody who knows the truck routes to
J'ai eu une commande ce matin, nécessitant une roues de secours et quelqu'un qui connait les routes pour camions jusqu'à
It's our "salute to bacon" week, and I'm the only person who knows how to work the defibrillator.
C'est la semaine "salut du bacon", et je suis la seule personne qui sait se servir du défibrillateur
And everyone knows who they are.
Et on sait qui ils sont.
Who knows how long Howard was in Haven and I never knew about it.
Si ça se trouve, Howard est resté ici longtemps.
I just need to sit down and talk to somebody who, like, who knows about this whole insemination process.
et c'est... j'ai besoin de m'assoir et parler avec quelqu'un... qui connais le processus complet d'insémination.
who knows an amazing amount about packing and shipping crawfish, so you will talk to me.
Ensuite je suis venue jusqu'ici, aux côtés d'un camionneur qui connaît une quantité impressionnante de choses sur l'import-export des langoustes, donc tu es obligée de me parler.
A morally stable individual, who knows the difference between right and wrong?
Qui connaît la différence entre vrai et faux?
What if it's someone who "knows what we did" and it "made them sick" And now they're "going to tell"?
Et si c'était quelqu'un qui sait tout, que ça rend malade et qui va le dire?
I want to tell you everything and... who knows how... much time we have until Sutton walks through that door and I have to give back these glass slippers.
Je veux tout te dire et... qui sait combien... de temps il nous reste avant que Sutton ne franchisse le seuil et que je doive lui rendre ses pantoufles de verre.
You're in, and then you're out, and then... who knows what you want?
Un jour tu dis oui, un jour tu dis non, et puis... qui sait ce que tu veux?
We'll say she went to live with her friends in paris and she wants her little boy to stay here, where she knows he'll be safe with his daddy who works so hard, and his mima who loves him so very much.
On dira qu'elle est allée vivre avec ses amis à Paris et qu'elle veut que son petit garçon reste ici, où elle le saura en sécurité avec son papa, qui travaille si dur, et sa mamie, qui l'aime énormément.
And the only person who knows where he is, is dead.
Et la seule personne, qui sait où il se trouve, est morte.
The person who knows what to say and always has something to trade.
La personne qui sait quoi dire et qui a toujours quelque chose à offrir en échange.
And a woman who knows remorse when she sees it.
Et une femme qui comprend les choses quand elle les voit.
A leftie journalist who sleeps with the right. And intimate with ETA. She knows where to go.
Une journaliste de gauche qui couche a droite et a ses entrees a l'ETA...
She's Smithsonian and who the hell knows who this guy is.
Elle est du Smithsonian et je sais même pas qui il est.
And then who knows what will happen to all the ones who reside in here?
Qu'arrivera-t-il alors à tous ceux qui habitent ici?
Josh knows Massey has secrets, and he's the only person who can bring the school down.
Josh connaît ses secrets, et a les moyens de faire fermer l'école.
They're bulging because I'm wondering how you can be all charming and colin firth-y with this guy and Nancy Donahue and God knows who else.
Elles enflent car je me demande comment tu peux ressembler à Colin Firth avec ce gars et Nancy Donahue et Dieu sait qui d'autre.
and Walker who the fuck knows where?
Et Walker on ne sait où..
- But anyone who knows high-end hookers in the city doesn't know who she is, and you came down here to tell me that?
Mais tous ceux qui connaissent des escort-girls en ville ne savent pas qui elle est, et vous descendez ici pour me dire ça?
A friend is someone who knows you and still likes you, in case that's something you can't fathom.
Un ami, il te connaît, mais t'apprécie toujours. - Au cas où tu l'ignorerais.
and who is she 20
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and whose fault is that 58
and who is this 65
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who might that be 34
and who 69
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who knows 2337
and whose fault is that 58
and who is this 65
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who might that be 34
and who 69
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who knows 2337
who knows where 18
who knows why 23
who knows what else 17
knows 86
knows what 35
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and what about you 352
and welcome 74
and what are you doing here 62
who knows why 23
who knows what else 17
knows 86
knows what 35
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and what about you 352
and welcome 74
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what are you going to do 22
and what 818
and whatever you do 86
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what's more 117
and what do you want 78
and what do you think 83
and why 465
and what are you going to do 22
and what 818
and whatever you do 86
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what's more 117
and what do you want 78
and what do you think 83
and why 465