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But he's wrong translate French

408 parallel translation
Since there's no distemper, but the loss of hair is abnormal, It must be something that he ate is wrong.
Sa perte de poils est, en effet, anormale. Il a dû manger quelque chose...
He's a great guy, but Phelps is the wrong kind of a name for a guy like me, eh, Finnegan?
C'est un chic type, mais Phelps est un nom qui ne me convient pas, hein, Finnegan?
He may be all wrong, but I think he's all right.
C'est peut-être un batârd mais une bonne bête.
He's... He's had so many wrong'uns, but I believe... he's picked the right one this time.
Il en a eues tellement qui n'allaient pas... mais je crois... qu'il a choisi la bonne, cette fois.
But listen, girls, suppose he's wrong?
Mais écoutez, les filles. Supposons qu'il se trompe?
Ismay hopes to save himself by cutting off communication... but he's wrong again.
Ismay espère se sauver en coupant la communication... mais il a tort.
Gentlemen, you're wrong about my friend here. I haven't known him long, but in his way, he's a remarkable fellow, and not lacking in talent.
Je le connais depuis peu mais dans son genre, c'est un garçon remarquable et qui ne manque pas de talent.
- No, but I wish I had, because if he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
Non, mais s'il te fait du mal, je le tuerai!
He's done wrong, but try to understand.
Il a mal agi, mais comprenez-le.
You're smart, but that was wrong. He's the one who has to come and apologize.
Merci, mais c'est â lui de venir s'excuser.
But I was wrong, he's a real nice father He was looking for him all over the place
Il a cherché son fils partout, et l'a retrouvé.
He doesn't have to leave, he knows he's wrong, but he's just too stubborn to admit it.
Il n'a pas à partir, il sait qu'il a tort, mais il est trop têtu pour l'admettre.
- But he's in the wrong department.
Il se trompe de service.
But anyone who came along, right man or wrong, if he was gentle, considerate.
Mais tout homme qui vous approche, s'il est gentil, attentionné...
But he's wrong.
C'est faux!
But he's all wrong.
Mais il se trompe.
I think he was wrong, but that's just a case of different opinion.
Je crois qu'il avait tort. Nos opinions diffèrent.
Captain Spencer has the right idea but I believe he's going about it the wrong way.
Le capitaine Spencer a raison, mais sa méthode est mauvaise.
- But... - He's sleeping! - What's wrong with him?
Le mettre en maison de correction.
But he's wrong.
Mais c'est faux.
He may be wrong, but at least he's entitled to tell his story.
Et le droit d'utiliser tous les moyens, il peut se tromper, mais rien ne l'empêche de s'exprimer.
How wrong he is! I thought he'd have gone on. But what's done...
- Je croyais qu'il continuerait, mais enfin.
I may be wrong, but I don't think he's tied us into it yet.
À moins de me tromper, je ne crois pas qu'il nous ait relié à l'affaire.
But even if he's wrong, we will go with him.
Mais même s'il se trompe, nous le suivrons.
I hope I'm wrong, Sir, but with that suitcase I'd say he's one of the replacements.
Ça doit être un officier envoyé en remplacement.
He's right, Señor Chance, but is no good to say such things to the wrong people.
Il a raison. Mais qu'il ne le dise pas à vos ennemis.
But that's how man is different from animal : he can suppress the wrong feelings.
il peut réprimer ses mauvais sentiments.
He wasn't wrong but he calmed down.
Il avait pas tort, mais il s'est calmé.
He was wrong to play a joke, but the last thing I want is to cause such harm!
J'admets qu'il a eu tort. Je ne veux pas qu'on le renvoie comme ça. S'il a une famille...
But, Inspector, I doubt he'll call again when he realizes he has the wrong child.
Mais il ne rappellera pas... S'il constate son erreur.
Why is he here? I may be wrong, but he's Matilde's new fiancé.
C'est le nouveau fiancé de Matilde.
Sure, an immoral guy is a guy who knows he's doing wrong, but he keeps on doing it anyway.
- Bien sûr. Un homme immoral... sait que ce qu'il fait est mal, mais continue à le faire.
But there's something wrong and I'll feel a lot better after he's checked you over.
Mais quelque chose cloche, et je me sentirais beaucoup mieux s'il t'auscultait.
Yes, that's me. I'd have ended this whole thing successfully if he hadn't got the wrong window, but let's be patient.
Si, et j'aurais mené à bien ses affaires... s'il ne s'était trompé de fenêtre.
Yes, but supposing, just this once you're right, and he's wrong.
STEVEN : Mais supposons, juste une fois, que vous ayez raison et qu'il ait tort.
# But he's doin'her wrong
" Mais il la trompe
But if he's got a bill of sale, you could have the wrong man.
Mais s'il a la facture là-haut, ce n'est peut-être pas lui.
But he's wrong.
Mais il se trompe.
What he's done may seem wrong but he is Roger Korby. Whatever he does.
Ses actes sont peut-être condamnables, mais il reste Roger Korby.
I think he's all right, but if something goes wrong, I'm counting on you, Pete. See you.
Ça ira, mais si ça tourne mal, je compte sur toi, Pete.
He thinks he knows best all the time, but this time he's wrong.
BEN : Il croit toujours avoir raison, mais là il se trompe.
- Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I know he's looking for another.
Excusez moi si je me trompe, mais je sais qu'il en cherche une autre.
But he was wrong.
Mais il s'est trompé.
He says you're a fool, not a scumbag. But he's wrong.
Il dit que t'es plutôt un con qu'un fumier, mais il se trompe.
There's something wrong with his liver, but still... He's an inveterate enemy of the Reich.
il a un problème au foie mais n'empêche que... c'est un ennemi profond du Reich.
But he knows now it's wrong.
Mais il sait maintenant que ce n'est pas bien.
He's not much given to correspondence. but he has yet to be wrong about a stock.
Il n'est pas féru de correspondance, mais il ne se trompe jamais.
Yes, but if he did nothing wrong, he wouldn't be in trouble.
S'il n'avait rien fait de mal, il n'aurait pas d'ennuis.
He called it wrong, but... that's how it stayed.
Il m'a accusé à tort, mais c'est resté comme ça.
No, that's the wrong name. But he was about, uh... Well, average height, curly hair.
Il était de taille moyenne et avait les cheveux frisés.
No matter who he is will feel one's own mistake then But where does it know wrong finally
Chacun sait vaguement qu'il se trompe, mais il ne sait pas ce qui ne va pas.

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