Wrong answer translate French
551 parallel translation
That's the wrong answer.
- C'est la mauvaise réponse.
That's a very tiresome question, darling, and fully deserves the wrong answer.
Mauvaise question, qui ne mérite pas de réponse.
That's the wrong answer.
Mauvaise réponse.
- Wrong answer.
Mauvaise réponse.
When you asked me if I was running from you, I gave you a wrong answer... but I was coming to Bradford.
Quand tu m'as demandé si je te fuyais, j'ai menti. Mais je comptais venir à Bradford.
They figure you just added it all up wrong and got the wrong answer.
Ils pensent que tu as tout mélangé de travers et tiré les mauvaises conclusions.
Chews his nails and moans about the police bothering him, but no hint of a wrong answer.
Il se ronge les ongles et se plaint que la police le harcèle, mais pas le début d'une mauvaise réponse.
Lfl give the wrong answer, will you kill me?
Si je réponds mal, tu me tues?
On the first wrong answer from Miss Solitaire, you will snip the little finger of Mr Bond's right hand.
A la première mauvaise réponse de Mlle Solitaire, tu couperas le petit doigt de sa main droite.
Starting with the second wrong answer, you will proceed to the more... vital areas.
A partir de la seconde erreur, tu continues avec les parties plus... vitales.
Always the wrong answer.
Toujours à côté de la plaque.
Wrong answer.
Mauvaise réponse.
Madam, it was the wrong answer.
Madame, ça n'était pas la bonne réponse.
Wrong answer.
- Mauvaise réponse.
That was the wrong answer.
Mauvaise réponse.
Wrong answer, McFly!
Wrong answer!
Mauvaise réponse!
That's the wrong answer!
Mauvaise réponse!
Every time I ask a question I get an answer, but it's the wrong answer.
Chaque fois que je pose une question j'ai une réponse, mais la mauvaise.
They're great. There's no wrong answer.
Toutes les réponses sont permises.
You were a bit wrong in your answer.
Tu t'es un peu trompée dans ta réponse.
Tell me. What's wrong? Answer me, darling.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu as, réponds mon chéri.
Anybody can get off at the wrong floor. [Knocking] Well, answer the door.
Tout le monde peut se tromper d'étage.
- You were wrong to answer.
Tu as eu tort de lui repondre, la 1re fois.
What's wrong, Dorian? Why don't you answer me? ls there something else?
Mais pourquoi, Dorian, y a-t-il une raison que j'ignore?
There must be something wrong, operator. I can't get an answer.
Ça ne répond pas, opératrice.
Tug. Answer me. What's wrong?
- Tug, réponds-moi.
- And don't answer back. What's wrong with him today?
Il n'y a pas de monsieur qui tienne, hein!
No answer means you know it's wrong to deliver improper letters.
Pas de réponse veut dire que vous savez qu'il est mal de délivrer les mauvaises lettres.
Now, if I tell my aides, "This is an entrechat", "This is a chassé", they'll always answer, "Yes, sire", even if I'm wrong.
Je peux dire à mes officiers : "Ça, c'est un entrechat, un chassé." Et ils répondent : "Oui, Sire" même si je me trompe.
Front doorbell rings, and I knew something was wrong right away because I had to answer the door, and there was mr.
C'ètait M. Stern.
- You were wrong to answer.
Tu as eu tort de lui répondre, la 1re fois.
We've been looking the wrong way for our answer.
On a cherché dans la mauvaise direction.
Parfois, c'est la seule alternative.
I tried to find out what was wrong but she never had an answer except to say that... that something was oppressing her.
J'essayais de comprendre mais elle n'avait pas de réponse sinon que quelque chose l'oppressait.
If this should go wrong, you are to blame, and you will be the one to answer for it.
Je ne sais pas. TAVANNES : Si ça tourne mal, vous serez tenu pour responsable
~ And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong ~
Et ça n'aurait aucune importance Que je me trompe du tout au tout
- That's the wrong answer, Frankie.
- Ce n'est pas la bonne réponse, Franckie.
And it's the wrong answer.
Et c'est la mauvaise réponse.
I think it's an answer to you. And you're using Lucy to get at it. I don't care what you think, because you're wrong.
Effectivement, le fait qu'il lui a fallu si longtemps pour qu'il soit ici sa signifie qu'il ne tient pas à eux.
If you know I'm wrong, you must know what the correct answer is.
Donc vous connaissez la réponse.
'Arthur's next question is very complex and difficult'and Zaphod's answer is wrong in every important respect.' Is it safe?
La prochaine question d'Arthur est plus complexe qu'elle y parait, et la réponse que fait Zappy est fausse, à tous points de vue.
Right or wrong? - Why should I answer?
Qu'est-ce qui m'oblige à vous répondre?
Wrong Answer!
Mauvaise réponse.
There's something wrong with Blair. He's locked himself in his room, and he won't answer the door.
Blair s'est enfermé chez lui et refuse de répondre.
Wrong answer, babe.
T'as tout faux, beauté.
Wrong answer.
Tu mens.
Sir, the private believes that any answer he gives will be wrong! And that you will beat him harder if he reverses himself, sir!
Le 2e classe croit que quoi qu'il réponde, il aura tort et que vous l'étrillerez encore plus s'il retourne sa veste!
Would it be very wrong of me to answer Monsieur Danceny's letters?
Ce serait mal de répondre à M. Danceny?
I ask him if what I'm doing is right or wrong. I'm still waiting for an answer. And until I get one, I'll be out here.
J'attends toujours une réponse et jusqu'à ce que cela arrive, je serai ici, en attente, à observer
All marriage means is you answer the phone in the morning, and if it's my grandmother, you don't pretend it's the wrong number.
Le mariage signifie Que tu pourrais répondre au téléphone... le matin et si c'est ma grand-mère.
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answer your phone 51
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answer it 300
answers 108
answer the question 474
answer me 1429
answer him 69
answer my question 103
answer the phone 120
answer your phone 51
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answer it 300
answer her 25
answer the door 38
answerphone 16
answer that 36
answer me this 70
wrong 1364
wrong place 64
wrong guy 28
wrong number 137
wrong way 70
answer the door 38
answerphone 16
answer that 36
answer me this 70
wrong 1364
wrong place 64
wrong guy 28
wrong number 137
wrong way 70