But we have translate French
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You arrived at his shop that morning, went into his office, but we have a witness who says Spooner was never there.
Vous êtes arrivée au magasin ce matin-là, êtes allée à son bureau mais on a un témoin qui dit que Spooner n'était pas là.
I know, but we have to be smart about this.
Je sais, mais il faut être malin.
I want to help my family, too, but we have to be smart about this.
Je veux aussi aider ma famille mais nous devons faire les choses intelligemment.
But we have another question, and that is Connie from Diamond Bar.
Nous avons une autre question, posée par Connie de Diamond Bar.
- but we have to...
- mais on doit...
We have little choice but to do as they say.
Nous sommes obligés de leur obéir.
But first, we should have a higher level convo.
Mais d'abord, on devrait avoir une conversation très importante.
"Raj, I got you this before we split up, but couldn't return it " and thought you'd like to have it.
" Raj, j'ai acheté ça avant notre rupture, je ne pouvais pas le rendre et j'ai pensé que tu aimerais l'avoir.
I know we haven't kept in touch as much as I'd have liked and that is totally my fault, but this is a big day.
Je sais qu'on s'est perdues de vue et c'est entièrement ma faute. Mais c'est un grand jour.
Sorry to interrupt, but I think we might have a problem.
Désolé d'interrompre, mais je pense que nous avons un probleme
I don't know, but we may have to move up our timetable.
Je ne sais pas, mais il va falloir accélérer notre calendrier.
No one ever showed you anything but the worst we have to offer.
Ils ne t'ont jamais rien montré, que le pire qu'on puisse offrir.
We have lots and lots of suspects but no motive.
Nous avons de plus en plus de suspects mais aucun mobile.
We don't have much to go on, but I'll run your description.
On n'a pas grand chose, mais j'entrerai la description dans le système.
I am. But we still have a few days left, so I'd like to run through it twice tomorrow, see if we can get our time down.
Mais il nous reste quelques jours, j'aimerais répéter deux fois demain,
I'm sorry, but we don't have time to wait for your parents, okay?
Désolée, mais on n'a pas le temps d'attendre tes parents.
But before we go in, I just want to say I should have talked to him before he came.
Mais avant qu'on y aille, je voulais juste te dire j'aurai du lui parler avant qu'il vienne.
Look, I know that there's nothing we can really say, but we just want you to know... you don't have to go through this alone.
Je sais qu'il n'y a rien qu'on puisse dire, mais on voudrait que tu saches... tu n'as pas à traverser ça toute seule.
You didn't have much of a family, and neither did Lucious, but together we built this one.
Tu n'avais pas vraiment de famille, et Lucious non plus, mais ensemble on a construit celle-là.
But we no longer have to adhere to the size restrictions of the house.
Mais on n'a plus à se soucier de la petitesse de la maison.
Eh, no, uh, but first things first, before we find him, we must have a way to defeat him.
Non, mais commençons par le commencement, avant de le trouver, il faut trouver un moyen de le vaincre.
But I hope you have a good plan, because we don't have magic and we have no idea where you grandfather is.
Mais j'espère que tu as un bon plan, parce que nous n'avons pas de magie et nous n'avons aucune idée de où est ton grand-père.
Maybe. But if your first move is to have them come after their partner money, then I must have been wrong that we were on good terms.
Jackson était ici, Burns était ici, et Kleiman était vers la porte.
We may have agreed to ten cents on the dollar, but if this goes south, we're coming after you for every penny you've got. ♪ ♪
Et c'est tout.
I miss Juliette, but I'm sure glad we have Eve on our side right now.
Juliette me manque, mais je suis très contente d'avoir Eve à nos côtés.
- Agreed, but we don't have time. - No, you're right.
D'accord, mais on n'a pas le temps.
I don't know why I thought referencing them would help illustrate my point, but what I'm saying is... what I'm saying is we have value.
J'ignore pourquoi je les ai cités. Bref, on a des valeurs.
Hey, the kid may have small hands and short arms, but one thing we now know he can do is the boy can run.
Le petit a des petites mains et des bras courts, mais on sait qu'il peut courir.
But it's great and we have so much fun and the camaraderie of the cast feels a lot like the camaraderie we had over on the other show, and both of them were very lovely experiences.
Mais c'est génial et on s'amuse beaucoup et la gentillesse du casting me rappelle vraiment celle de l'autre série, et les deux étaient des expériences géniales.
Uh, but I think... the... the biggest connection that I have with Josh, personally, is that we're both big kids.
Mais je pense que... le plus gros point commun que j'aie avec Josh, personnellement, c'est que nous sommes tous deux de grands enfants.
But I know one thing is that we could not have done this without each one of you.
Mais si je sais bien une chose, c'est qu'on ne pourrait pas en être là sans chacun d'entre vous.
No, no. It's next week, so you still have time to buy my gift, but I was thinking we could, you know, kick things off with dinner.
Non, c'est la semaine prochaine, donc il te reste du temps pour m'acheter un cadeau, mais je pensais qu'on pourrait commencer avec un dîner.
Uh, no, but then we'd have to intubate her.
heu, non, parcequ on doit aussi l'intuber après.
So, we have plenty of the 60 / 40 tin-to-lead ratio solder, but the spools look a lot like the 63 / 37 tin-to...
On avait plein de soudure 60 / 40 étain-plomb, mais les bobines ressemblaient beaucoup au 63 / 37 étain -...
But we're gonna have to put the spare on before we go back.
Mais on va devoir installer la roue de secours avant de rentrer.
You know, I want to be upset, but we did kind of have fun working on the prototype.
J'ai envie de m'énerver, mais on s'est plutôt amusées à travailler sur le prototype.
Okay... we have less than half an hour but that should be more than enough.
Ok... On a moins d'une demi heure. mais ça devrait être plus qu'assez.
In Russia, we have connections to get printing supplies, but here we do not.
En Russie, nous avons des rapports obtenir des ressources de l'impression, mais ici nous ne faisons pas.
But we'll have to stay in the shallow end.
Mais on devra rester là où j'ai pied.
We'll have surprise, but not for long.
On va avoir l'effet de surprise, mais pas longtemps.
That's a good start, but they're not gonna listen to anything we have to say until we give them a viable suspect.
C'est un bon début, mais ils n'écouteront rien de ce qu'on dit avant qu'on leur donne un suspect viable.
But there's nothing about the offer that says we have to open up again in Paulie, does it?
Mais... Il n'y a rien dans l'offre nous obligeant à rouvrir à Paulie, si?
We'll put a good word in for you, but sorry, guys, you're gonna have to do time.
On parlera pour vous, mais désolé, les gars, vous allez faire de la prison.
You may have set the table, but we're paying for the groceries and we're cookin'the meal.
Tu as peut-être mis la table, mais nous avons acheté les ingrédients et cuisiné le repas.
I'm stalling, but we ought to have a strategy in place.
Je retarde, mais on doit avoir une stratégie en place.
Look, we may not have seen it at the start, but the people have spoken and you truly are the thought leader that we always knew you were.
On � tait un peu sceptiques au d � but, mais le peuple a tranch �. Quant � toi, tu es sans conteste le fameux leader d'opinion qu'on a toujours soutenu.
Yeah, hey, we appreciate the extra attention, but don't you fellas have a receptionist?
Merci de nous porter autant d'attention. Vous avez un standard?
Okay, look, we don't have to discuss this ad nauseam, but we thought saying nothing seemed equally stupid. So we're saying something.
On ne va pas en parler pendant 107 ans, mais ne pas revenir l � - dessus aurait � t � tout aussi b � te.
Surely, those resources could be put to better ends, but I, for one, think there is no better end than a reminder of what we are capable of when we stand together united, a reminder of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice
Bien sûr, ces fonds pourraient être mieux dépensés, mais je pense personnellement, qu'il n'y a pas de meilleure dépense qu'un rappel de ce dont nous sommes capables quand nous sommes tous ensemble, unis.
We believe you're a speedster, but you're gonna have to explain that part about Flashpoint again.
On croit en ta rapidité, mais tu vas devoir nous expliquer à nouveau la partie sur le Flashpoint.
But first we have to find Sara.
Mais d'abord nous devons trouver Sara.
but we haven't 20
but we have a problem 16
but we have no choice 18
but we have to go 29
but we have to 43
but we have to go now 16
but we have to do something 17
but we have to try 26
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but we have a problem 16
but we have no choice 18
but we have to go 29
but we have to 43
but we have to go now 16
but we have to do something 17
but we have to try 26
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but we can't 95
but we do 80
but we will 86
but we're good 22
but we 242
but well 40
but we did 52
but we won't 29
but we don't have a choice 20
but we just 21
but we do 80
but we will 86
but we're good 22
but we 242
but well 40
but we did 52
but we won't 29
but we don't have a choice 20
but we just 21