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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Doesn't bother me

Doesn't bother me translate French

514 parallel translation
"It doesn't bother me a bit really ; a fellow has to expect those things, you know."
Cela ne me touche pas, je m'y attendais, vous savez.
He doesn't bother me, Daddy.
Il ne m'importune pas.
Their hostility, Principal, doesn't bother me at all.
- Cette hostilité, M. Le directeur ne me gêne pas du tout.
When you like someone, working doesn't bother you.
Tu me plais. Y a pas de honte à travailler, dans ce cas.
It doesn't bother me that the master trusts Ramigani.
J'ignore si Ramigani mérite la confiance de mon maître.
I'm toting some lead inside me, but it doesn't bother me any.
J'ai pris quelques balles, mais ça ne me gêne pas.
It doesn't bother me.
Oui, d'accord.
Now, listen. The condition of the street doesn't bother me one way or the other.
Vous savez, je me moque un peu des travaux dans notre rue.
Doesn't bother me.
Ça ne me gène pas.
Your old school friend certainly works fast. It doesn't bother me very much.
Votre vieil ami ne s'est pas gêné.
If you want my opinion, I also dislike pianos, it's nothing to do with the noise that doesn't bother me, but, when you move, pianos and cupboards always damage the staircases and scratch the walls.
Si vous voulez que je vous dise, Ies pianos m'agacent aussi, pas à cause du bruit, c'est pas ça qui m'agace, mais, pendant Ies déménagements, Ies pianos et Ies buffets c'est ce qui abîme Ie plus Ies escaliers et Ies murs.
Doesn't bother me much.
Moi, par exemple.
I said it doesn't bother me, uh... what's happened recently between you and Daisy... and it doesn't matter whether you clear Daisy or don't clear her.
J'ai dit que ça ne me dérange pas... ce qui s'est passé récemment entre vous deux... et je me fiche si tu innocentes Daisy ou pas.
Doesn't bother me at all.
Pas le moins du monde.
Please go on, it doesn't bother to me.
S'il te plaît, continue. Ça ne me dérange pas.
I've been denounced so much, it doesn't bother me anymore.
On m'a tant décrié que ça ne me touche plus.
There are those who'll say I don't paint like one either. But that doesn't bother me.
On m'a déjà dit ça en regardant mes œuvres!
- It doesn't bother me, Sue.
Ca ne me dérange pas, Sue.
Cut your throat, because it doesn't bother me a bit.
- She doesn't bother me.
- Elle ne me gêne pas!
That doesn't bother me.
Ne t'en fais pas! J'en ai pas besoin.
- That doesn't bother me, Mr. Chatelin.
ça me gêne pas M Chatelin! Oh ben!
Work doesn't bother me. It's being without it that does.
Je préfère travailler dur que pas du tout.
He panics when it comes to gas. Gas doesn't bother me a bit.
Il s'affole à propos du gaz, mais le gaz ne me gêne pas.
Rue Etoile doesn't bother me at all.
La rue de l'Etoile me gêne pas du tout.
He doesn't bother me. I seem to bother him.
C'est plutôt moi qui le tracasse.
- It doesn't bother me much.
Mais'e ne m'en fais as ourca.
- Doesn't bother me anymore.
Ça ne me gêne pas.
I can drink any amount at all, and it doesn't bother me a bit.
Je peux boire autant que je veux et ça ne me fait rien.
- It doesn't bother me, really...
- Ça ne me dérange pas...
It doesn't bother me.
a! ? a me laisse indifférent.
The sun doesn't bother me.
- J'en ai pas peur.
Cette affaire de code d'honneur ne me fait ni chaud ni froid.
It doesn't even bother me to say it.
Ça n'est peut-être même pas la peine que je te le dise.
Oh, it doesn't bother me.
Ça ne me dérange pas.
Actually it doesn't bother me at all.
Tatata, tatata... ça m'agace.
It doesn't bother me.
Ça ne me dérange pas.
That doesn't bother me.
Je m'arrangerai de la cuisine.
It doesn't bother me, though, Sam.
Ça ne me dérange pas, Sam.
It doesn't bother me at all.
Ça ne me dérange pas.
It, er, doesn't bother me anymore.
Je sais maintenant.
If Phyllis doesn't wanna go along, save me the bother of getting an extra ticket.
Si Phyllis ne veut pas venir, vous pourrez prendre sa place.
It doesn't bother me.
Peu m'importe.
It doesn't bother me, Herr Hauptmann.
Vous ne me gênez pas.
I want you to take a long last look at the blue sky, the green grass the trees and the river, all of which I loathe personally which is why a juicy stretch in a cozy French prison doesn't bother me at all.
Je veux que vous regardiez bien le ciel bleu, l'herbe verte, les arbres et le fleuve. Je les deteste tous, donc un sejour dans une douillette prison fran  aise ne me derangerait pas du tout.
He doesn't bother me at all.
Il ne me gêne pas du tout.
Ruza will also be staying. She doesn't bother me.
Rouja peut rester, elle ne ène pas.
It doesn ´ t bother me.
Ça ne m'ennuie pas.
Your cursing doesn't bother me.
Tes injures me laissent froid.
I'll expect you at my place, and if you don't come, I'll say it in front of everyone, it doesn't bother me.
Je vous attends chez moi et si vous ne venez pas, je m'expliquerrai devant tout le monde, ça ne me gêne pas, à moi.
- Well, she doesn't bother me and I don't bother her.
Elle ne me dérange pas. Je ne la dérange pas.

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