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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Don't touch

Don't touch translate French

10,498 parallel translation
You're not my father. Don't touch me, bastard. If I gotta treat you like a child and drag you by the ass, that's my job.
Î : î _ î _ i - î, Î ; z _ _ fîfiî-ï ïfîzf : rfïî''Î'Î, _'îî _ 7 = _ Je suis pas ton père, mais si je dois
- Don't touch me!
- Ne me touche pas.
I'm sorry. Don't fucking touch me.
Me touche pas.
Agh! Don't touch me!
Ne me touche pas.
I said don't touch me! Why don't you just listen to me, okay?
Mais écoute-moi, d'accord?
Don't touch my mother!
Ne touche pas ma mère!
Don't touch me!
Ne me touche pas!
- Don't touch me.
- Ne me touchez pas.
Don't touch me!
Ne me touche pas.
Don't touch anything.
Ne touchez à rien.
Don't touch me like that.
Ne me touche pas.
Don't touch me.
Ne me touche pas.
What do you mean "don't touch me"?
Comment ça?
- Don't touch me.
- Ne me touche pas.
Don't touch that.
Ne touchez pas ça.
Don't touch me, I have a diplomatic passport.
Ne me touchez pas. J'ai un passeport diplomatique.
Well, how'bout if we hop in the healing pool... - Okay. -... and I'll give you some touch therapy, so you don't seem too weak for the master.
Pourquoi ne pas aller dans la piscine de guérison... et je te ferai quelques massages pour que tu sois forte devant le Maître.
Tony, don't touch my feet.
Ne touche pas mes pieds.
- Don't touch me!
- Ne me touche pas!
I don't know what it is, but until we do, I will burn this building down before I let anyone touch that beautiful brain.
Je ne sais pas quoi, mais en attendant, je brûlerai cet hôpital avant de laisser quelqu'un toucher ce cerveau magnifique.
- Don't you fucking touch me.
- Ne me touche pas!
He said, "don't touch me."
Il a dit, "ne me touchez pas".
Don't touch me.
- Ne me touche pas.
Don't touch me!
Me touche pas! Ne me touche pas!
Don't touch him.
Ne le touche pas.
- No, don't touch it.
- Ne le touche pas.
Mr. Hill... - Don't touch me!
- Ne me touchez pas!
Hey! Don't touch me.
Me touche pas.
Don't touch it!
N'y touche pas!
Don't touch it, okay?
N'y touchez pas.
Don't fuckin'touch me.
Ne me touche pas putain.
Don't let them touch you!
Ne les laissez pas vous toucher!
Don't touch me unless you love me, all right?
Me touche pas sauf si tu m'aimes.
Don't you fucking touch me.
Me touche pas.
Don't you... touch me!
Ne me... touche pas!
Don't you touch me!
Ne me touche pas!
- Don't you touch me!
- Ne me touche pas!
- No, don't touch me! He is this patient's brother.
C'est le frère du patient.
That's why he's the only animal we don't touch.
C'est le seul qu'on ne touche pas.
- No, I don't... Touch me with it, I'll knock the teeth out of your head.
Non... tu me touches avec ça et je t'éclate les dents.
Don't touch anything.
Ne touche à rien.
We can... - Don't touch me! - No, no, no, no, no.
Ne me touchez pas!
I mean, i don't touch the stuff - - not anymore.
Tu es intelligente.
No, don't touch me.
Ne me touchez pas.
Don't touch her!
Ne la touchez pas!
Don't touch him!
- Ne le touchez pas!
Don't fucking touch him
Ne le touchez pas!
I don't touch Corrigan or anything else.
- Je laisse Corrigan.
- Don't touch my hair, bro! - Don't touch my bloody girl, mate!
Don't touch it, don't move it until we get there.
Ne la touchez pas, ne la bougez pas jusqu'à ce que nous arriverons.
Don't... don't touch that.
Non! Ne touche pas à ça!

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