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Touching me translate French

884 parallel translation
It felt like hands touching me!
On aurait dit que des mains me touchaient...
I could feel his hands... touching me.
Je pouvais sentir ses mains... me toucher.
I felt eyes touching me like fingers.
Des yeux qui me touchaient comme des doigts.
- Always the same, no! - He's touching me!
- Pas toujours les mêmes.
- It's like him touching me.
- Comme quand il me touche.
Maybe I ought to find out first if luck is touching me.
Je vais d'abord voir si j'ai de la chance.
And now you're touching me?
Ne commence pas avec tes mains.
- Daniele's touching me in the dark!
- Daniele me touche dans le noir.
You're touching me. Keep off.
Tu me touches!
I woke to Richard touching me.
Richard me touchait à mon réveil.
- Stop touching me.
- Arrête de me coller.
You were touching me in the night and petting me again.
Vous m'avez touche la nuit. Vous m'avez encore carressé.
- This bloody bastard's touching me up.
- Ce maudit bâtard me touche.
- Somebody's touching me!
- On me touche!
There's nothing touching me, Jubal.
Ça me touche pas.
Who's that touching me?
Qui me chatouille?
Ben, I can't stand you talking to me. I can't stand you touching me. I can't stand you!
Ben, je supporte pas de te parler, que tu me touches, je te supporte plus!
Can't you do it without touching me?
Q.G. de Séoul. Ici, le sergent Pryor.
Get out. Stop touching me.
Ne me touche pas, va t-en, je t'en prie.
- Always touching me.
- Toujours à me toucher!
Stop touching my balls!
Arrêtez de me toucher les couilles!
I don't want anyone touching them.
- Je me fous de ta femme.
Captain MacMorris, I beseech you now, will you vouchsafe me, look you, a few disputations with you, partly to satisfy my opinion and partly for the satisfaction of my mind? As touching the direction of the military discipline.
Capitaine MacMorris, voulez-vous échanger quelques propos, en partie pour satisfaire mon opinion et pour celle de mon esprit,
You eyes have a colour I find touching.
Vous avez des yeux d'une couleur qui me touche.
His affection for me was positively touching.
Son amitié pour moi était touchante. JI me vénérait comme un héros.
So please you, something touching the Lord Hamlet.
Il me parlait du seigneur Hamlet.
Touching this vision here, it is an honest ghost, that let me tell you.
Pour le spectre, je vous jure qu'il est honnête.
It looked like you didn't want the cops to see you. - Your faith in me is touching.
Je dois appeler les gendarmes pour te présenter?
I considered it both seemly and touching that my dear wife should visit me as she did this morning, to make her farewells. Your arrival, on the other hand, appears to me unseemly and tasteless in the extreme.
Autant j'ai trouvé touchante et bienséante la visite d'adieux de ma chère femme ce matin autant je trouve, par contre, votre visite extrêmement déplacée.
Your faith would be touching, if I were capable of being touched by it.
Votre foi me toucherait presque.
Touching, your faith in me, Matt.
Ta confiance est touchante, Matt.
Who's touching you?
- Ne me touche pas, circule!
Now, let's get this straight. Fifty imperials against Prince Anatole that I drink a bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth, balancing on the outside ledge without touching the sides of the window.
50 "impériales" contre le prince Anatole Kouraguine que je bois toute une bouteille sans l'ôter de ma bouche, debout, sur le bord de la fenêtre sans me tenir à rien!
Your concern for my men and me, Mr Blaise, is very touching.
Votre intérêt pour mes hommes et moi me touche.
Give me one reason besides your touching concern for my safety.
- À part ton souci pour ma sécurité.
Matter of fact, it's the most touching thing that has happened to me in a long time.
Il ne m'est rien arrivé d'aussi émouvant depuis des années.
the touching bit, about the poor old man fighting a lone battle? I wasn't joking. He is alone.
Les bénéfices me suffisent.
Mr. Broderick, bear in mind that it's not me you're touching but Sylvia.
N'oubliez pas que ce n'est pas moi que vous touchez mais Sylvia.
That was clever of me. Without even touching her.
alors, j ´ ai été trè s habile, puisque je ne I ´ ai pas touchée.
When I saw her touching lovingly those limbs, I knew she can understand, my complicated soul.
Quand je l'ai vu toucher délicatement les membres de ces mannequins, je reconnus en elle une âme sœur qui saurait me comprendre.
T'Pring. Parted from me and never parted. Never and always touching and touched.
T'Pring, toi qui m'as quitté sans jamais me quitter, toi qui m'as toujours touché sans jamais me toucher.
Spock. Parted from me and never parted. Never and always touching and touched.
Spock, toi qui m'as quittée sans jamais me quitter, toi qui m'as toujours touchée sans jamais me toucher.
They can only kill me once for touching her.
Ils ne peuvent me tuer qu'une seule fois.
So he said to me, he said, "Lieutenant Columbo, you must be touching a sore spot, so you just keep right on trying"
Il m'a dit : "Lieutenant Columbo, " vous devez avoir touché un nerf sensible, continuez. "
This is really touching but if you run away, I will kill her and I don't like this.
C'est émouvant, mais attention, si tu t'échappes, je la tue. Je n'y tiens pas. Je me bats contre des hommes.
Very touching. Makes me glow.
Je suis tout ému.
She was so polite I had to laugh. It was very touching.
Elle était tellement polie que ça me faisait rire.
When I took her hand, not as you take the hand of an old friend or a child, I thought about the pleasure of touching it, and it bothered me.
Quand je lui ai pris la main, non pas comme je prendrais la main d'une vieille amie ou d'un enfant, j'ai pensé au contact et au plaisir de ce contact, et ça me gênait.
I see you coming... and touching me...
Je te vois venir... et me toucher...
- Such grief is touching.
- Une si grande peine me bouleverse.
You see, reverend, I am crazy, and doctor Franz, a scientific genius, left his glorious career to take care of me. Touching, isn't it?
Vous voyez mon Père, je suis fou, le Dr Franz un génie, a laissé amour, honneur et célébrité derrière lui.

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