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And he's got an opportunity for that first Point Thruster here.
Il a l'occasion de profiter du premier Point Thruster.
We've got a tight three-man race in this competition.
La course est serrée entre trois hommes.
Look, Terry, he's got a smile on his face.
Regarde, Terry, il sourit.
If I can deliver like that on every piece of the course moving forward, if I can move forward, I feel like I've got a really good chance in this game.
Si je peux assurer ainsi tout au long du parcours, si je peux avancer, j'ai de vraies chances de gagner.
He's got a lot of ground to make up if he wants to move on.
Il doit assurer pour continuer.
Hey! He's got a great vertical.
Excellent saut vertical.
- He does. As he parkoured his way over to the Digestive Track, it got a bit claustrophobic.
Il s'est frayé un chemin jusqu'au Digestive Track, mais c'est devenu un peu oppressant.
But even though my body's small, I can win if I've got a big heart.
Mais même si mon corps est petit, je peux gagner si j'ai du cœur.
But I'm tough, I got a lot of grit, and I don't give up.
Mais je suis coriace et je n'abandonne pas.
Got an opportunity for another shot at a Point Thruster.
Il a une nouvelle occasion d'essayer de prendre un Point Thruster.
She got the pole!
Elle a attrapé la barre!
Not at all. I think I got very far for a girl.
Je suis allée loin, pour une fille.
It is still anyone's game, but Santiago's got to make a move now!
C'est toujours possible pour les deux, mais Santiago doit se bouger!
Right now, he's got 30 points, and he is on to Throat Erosion.
Il a 30 points et affronte Throat Erosion.
He's got himself 40 points as he moves on to Faceplant.
Il a gagné 40 points et se dirige vers Faceplant.
You got it. Aimed right for the middle of the coil, perfectly done.
Il a atterri en plein centre, c'est parfait.
He's got 60 points now, and he's on the last obstacle of Level 1, the Mag Wall.
Il a maintenant 60 points, et il est au dernier obstacle du niveau 1, le Mag Wall.
Thaily looked like she was going to crush the Beast... but when she got to Throat Erosion, it was curtains for the telenovela star.
Thaily semblait sur le point d'écraser The Beast... mais une fois à Throat Erosion, ça a été rideau pour la star de telenovela.
- He's got himself 50 points...
- Il a gagné 50 points...
- He's got it!
- Il a réussi.
But he's got two hands on one handle!
Mais il a les deux mains sur une seule poignée!
I graduated high school, got married, and had a child.
J'ai eu mon bac, je me suis mariée, et j'ai eu un enfant.
She's got 30 points going into Throat Erosion.
Elle a obtenu 30 points et affronte Throat Erosion.
He tried to rush the jump and got no lift at all.
Il s'est précipité et il n'a pas pris de hauteur.
A little wind got knocked out of him there.
Ça lui a un peu coupé le souffle.
- He's got strength.
- Il en a la force.
He's got the lowest point total thus far, so if he wants to move on, he's gonna need to put on quite a performance here.
Jusqu'ici, il a le score le plus faible. S'il veut passer au niveau 4, il va devoir réussir une belle performance.
In order to be a better person, you've got to give it your all.
Pour devenir une meilleure personne, il faut se donner à fond.
He's still in it, but now he's got wet feet.
Il s'accroche, mais il a les pieds mouillés.
And he got it. - Ahhh!
Il l'a attrapé.
With phenomenal parkour skills, Ludwig Hefele, he's got the speed...
Avec un incroyable talent pour le Parkour, Ludwig a la vitesse...
He's got his hand on the second shelf!
Il a posé la main sur le deuxième palier!
And he's got the opportunity to advance to the finals and win $ 50,000 and the title, Ultimate Beastmaster.
Et il a la chance d'aller en finale pour gagner 50 000 $ et le titre d'Ultimate Beastmaster.
- He got the rope that time!
- Il a eu la corde cette fois-ci!
Once he got the Point Thruster and reached 60 points...
Quand il a eu le Point Thruster et a atteint les 60 points...
He got that Point Thruster in Level 1, and he's now coming up on the first Point Thruster in Level 2.
Il a eu le Point Thruster au niveau 1, et il arrive au premier Point Thruster du niveau 2.
He's only got one more gear to go.
Il n'a plus qu'un plot.
Oh, no. He got turned around on the coils, lost his footing, and ended up in the fuel.
La structure a pivoté, il a perdu l'équilibre et a fini dans l'essence.
- So disappointing. He stumbled and got up, but just didn't have enough momentum to make the jump.
Il a trébuché, s'est levé, mais n'avait pas assez d'élan pour le saut.
He's got a decision to make here.
Il a une décision à prendre.
I think I've got what it takes to be the Beastmaster because I'm a runner, jumper, thrower, swimmer, biker, lifter, and so my background goes 25 years in athletics and training, and I feel like this Beast is starting to surface
Je pratique la course, le saut, le lancer, la natation, le vélo, la muscu. J'ai donc 25 ans d'expérience d'athlétisme et d'entraînement, et The Beast fait ressortir tout ce que j'ai fait au fil des années.
He's got the other pipe now, but, oh, man, he stopped!
Il a l'autre tuyau, mais il s'arrête!
And he's got it! He's got it!
Il a réussi!
Magnet got me.
Le Mag Wall m'a eu.
and got onto the transfer wall...
Puis elle a franchi le mur de transition...
Oh, he got it!
Il a réussi!
He got it!
Il a réussi!
He got the Point Thruster!
Il a eu le Point Thruster!
Taeyoon Kim took a beating from the Beast, but he moved fast, got the extra points, and now he's in first place.
Taeyoon Kim a pris une raclée, mais il est allé vite, a eu les points bonus, et le voilà en première place.
The Japanese athletes have got to be feeling a lot of pressure tonight.
Les athlètes japonais doivent ressentir beaucoup de pression ce soir.
He got it!
Il l'a eue!
got any 17
got a sec 45
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
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got a secret 29
got a match 36
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got any money 37
got a sec 45
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
got a gun 16
got a secret 29
got a match 36
got a smoke 21
got any money 37
got anything 42
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got a minute 191
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