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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / He can hear you

He can hear you translate French

545 parallel translation
He can hear you.
Il entend tout!
If not, you're gonna start crying. And you're gonna cry loud so he can hear you.
Sinon, tu te mettras à sangloter... de façon qu'il t'entende.
- Why do count? Think he can hear you?
- Tu crois qu'il t'entend?
Yeah, he can hear you. See? He's waving.
Ils nous entendent, ils font signe!
And another thing - don't talk about him like that when he can hear you.
Et autre chose : ne parle pas de lui comme ça quand il peut t'entendre.
He can hear you.
Il t'entend.
- He can hear you
Il est aux toilettes.
He can't hear you.
Il ne peut pas t'entendre.
"Can you hear this?" says Jones, and he lets go a broadside.
"Et ça, vous entendez?" dit Jones. Et il fit feu de toutes ses pièces.
He now would be very interested to hear God, you can imagine, this was a sensation, glamour and gloom of a famous actress...
Il aimerait avoir de ses nouvelles. Pensez... "Splendeurs et misères" d'une chanteuse!
Louder, Ernest, he can't hear you!
Plus fort, Ernest il n'entend pas.
- He can't see you and he can't hear you.
- Il ne peut ni vous voir ni vous entendre.
- He can't see you and he can't hear you.
- Ni vous voir ni vous entendre.
Will you please remember? He can't see you and he can't hear you.
Rappelez-vous, il ne vous voit pas et ne vous entend pas.
With an independent air You can hear the girls declare - "He must be a millionaire" EUGENE : "He must be a millionaire"
Vous avez tout fait pour amortir ma chute
When he gets riled, you can hear the passengers praying for miles.
Quand il s'énerve, on peut entendre les passagers prier à des kilomètres.
Please. He can't, he can't hear you.
Il peut pas, il t'entend pas.
I'm afraid he can't hear you, captain.
Je crains qu'il ne puisse vous entendre, capitaine.
As he waves to the crowd, you can hear the tremendous cheer!
Il fait signe à la foule dont vous pouvez entendre l'acclamation!
Hey, down there, if you can hear me, yell "Roger!"
Hé, si vous m'entendez, dites "bien reçu"!
If you're putting on this act for Brad, he can't hear you.
Si tu fais ce numéro pour Brad, il ne t'entend pas.
He can't hear you!
- Il n'entend pas.
Then he can hear what you have to say.
Pour entendre ce que tu as à dire.
He can't hear you.
Il ne peut pas vous entendre.
If you've been smart enough about it... you can wind up by telling him exactly what he wants to hear.
Si on a su être habile, on finit par lui dire ce qu'il voulait entendre, sans erreurs.
He can't hear you.
Il ne t'entend pas.
He can't hear you. He never will.
Il ne vous écoutera jamais.
Maybe he can't hear you.
Il ne t'entend peut-être pas.
He can't hear you anyway.
Il n'entend plus rien.
He can't hear you.
Il est trop loin.
Can't you see that he can't hear us?
Évitons le scandale.
That's why now that he's back, so he can hear me, I'm asking you to see me, to be with me, alone and as often as possible.
Maintenant qu'il est de retour, il peut entendre, je vous demande de me voir, d'être avec moi... seule et aussi souvent que possible.
You can hear what a fraud he is.
Vous entendez? C'est un faux!
Can you hear what he's sayin'?
Tu entends ce qu'il dit?
He can't hear you!
CLARA : Il n'entend pas.
If you hear from him, would you tell him to get back here as soon as he can?
Si tu le vois, dis-lui de revenir au bureau le plus vite possible.
He can hear you, Jim, but he doesn't understand.
Il vous entend, mais il ne comprend pas.
Fortunately he can't hear you.
Heureusement qu'il ne t'entend pas.
If he can't hear, how's he going to know if you're shouting?
S'il n'entend rien, comment saura-t-il qu'on crie?
And when he can find - shoot, so I can hear where you are.
et tire quand tu l'as trouvé j'entendrai où tu es.
Well, how can he show it when you pop out every time you hear his voice?
Comment le pourrait-il? Tu disparais à chaque fois que tu entends sa voix.
- give me that rifle - hish,.. you sceare hem he can hear'snt, but you going miss him by three fields
- Donnez-moi ce fusil! - Vous allez la faire fuir. Elle ne nous entend pas.
After a while you can't hear anything down there, they say. Who knows, maybe he was abscent-minded or concerned about something.
Qui sait, peut-être qu'il avait la tête ailleurs ou qu'il était préoccupé par quelque chose.
He can hear everything you're saying in here.
Il entend tout ce que tu dis.
He can't hear you.
Il t'en-t'entend pas.
- He can't hear you.
- Il ne vous entend plus.
If I can't hear you, how's he going to?
- Si je ne vous entends pas, lui non plus.
Oh, Charlie, you stupid bungler. You can't whistle, and he can't hear you.
Espèce d'empoté, vous n'arrivez pas à siffler, et il ne vous entend pas.
- To, Pauline! - You can hear when he speaks.
- Tes idées de propre et de sale...
- He can't hear you, Mr Pendleton.
- Il ne vous entend pas.
He can't hear you, you schmuck.
Il est sourd, idiot!

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