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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / He lives here

He lives here translate French

465 parallel translation
Nanny : He lives here.
Il habite ici
No, sir, we checked it thoroughly. He lives here, all right.
Non, monsieur nous avons vérifié soigneusement, il vit ici.
He lives here too.
Il vit ici.
Since he lives here, we were needed here.
S'il habite ici, c'est nous qui faisions défaut.
I understand he lives here.
Il me semble qu'il vit ici.
He lives here too. Grandpapa. Sweet.
Un grand-père charmant...
He lives here.
Il vit ici.
He lives here, eats here, sleeps here and works here.
Il y mange, dort et travaille.
He lives here.
- C'est à moi que tu le dis?
- He lives here in Washington, doesn't he?
- Il vit à Washington, non?
- He lives here?
- II habite ici?
He is not a gentleman, he lives here and is paid. He's a domestic.
Ce qui n'est pas gentilhomme, vit ici et est payé s'appelle domestique.
- He Lives here in Jerusalem.
- Il vit à Jérusalem.
Says he lives here.
Il dit qu'il vit ici.
He lives here.
Il habite là.
I know him. He lives here, in the tailor's house.
Je le connais, il habite le même immeuble que le couturier.
Maybe he lives here.
Il habite peut-ętre ici.
He lives here with her, like any normal married couple.
Il vit ici avec elle, comme n'importe quel couple.
This is Comrade Yelkin, our local delegate. He lives here.
Le camarade Yelkine, le délégué local. ll habite ici.
- But he lives here?
- Mais il vit ici?
- I believe he lives here.
- Il habite ici, n'est-ce pas.
He lives here, inSão Paulo, near Pirituba, where he got a workshop.
Cet maison est enSão Paulo, à côté de Pirituba, où il a un atelier.
He lives here?
Il vit ici?
He lives here now.
Il habite ici, à présent.
I'm not so sure but what he's seeing more of Paris than people who've lived here all their lives.
Il voit plus Paris... que certaines personnes qui ont vécu ici toutes leurs vies.
Shinza lives here, doesn't he?
Shinza vit ici, non?
He lives in the Emerald City, a long journey from here.
Il habite Emeraudeville. ( Test trés loin d'loi.
Well, next door neighbor, he lives 20 miles from here.
Enfin, mon voisin, il vit à 32 km d'ici.
Look, he lives in here and I live in here.
- Il vit ici et moi là.
He says a friend lives here.
- Une amie à lui vit ici. - Je suis son frère.
He lives down the road here a piece.
Il habite dans le coin.
Why not go to the police? He lives right here.
Si tu en es aussi sûr, va à la police!
Choya, as long as he lives... you've got nothing here but room and board.
Choya, tant qu'il est en vie, tu seras ici comme dans une pension.
As long as he lives, I must walk here with my eyes on the ground.
Tant qu'il vivra, je devrais marcher tête basse.
He lives here.
Il habite ici.
Sidney lives so much in moral twilight... that when I told him you were coming here today, he predicted disaster.
Sidney est tellement cynique, qu'il m'a dit que ce serait un désastre.
He lives right over here.
Il habite juste là.
Too many people saw him here So long as he lives, he is a threat
Il a vécu une expérience qui troublerait plus d'un esprit.
- My father doesn't live here, he lives in Charleroy.
Mon papa ne travaille pas ici, mais à Charleroi. - Où ça?
Och, he eats here, but he lives in the old lirlyard where he's no'permitted, but that hard to catch.
Il mange chez moi, et il vit au cimetière où il n'est pas admis, mais pour l'attraper!
- He lives here.
- C'est ici qu'il vit.
And now your friend who lives here, uh, the one from Texas... he has disappeared into thin air.
Et maintenant, c'est votre ami qui habitait ici... Celui du Texas qui a disparu! Pffffooouu, volatilisé!
He lives next to your place, and I'll put the tracks here... and that'll make you go crazy.
Il est juste à côté et on y mettra les rails... et ça te rendra fou.
Now, the name of the party is James Dennis Robinson and he lives somewhere close by here.
Le monsieur s'appelle James Dennis Robinson, et il habite près d'ici.
- And he lives near here?
- Et il habite près d'ici?
- Yes, my brother drives a gharry. He lives only two minutes from here.
Mon frère est chauffeur, il habite à deux pas.
He's not crazy. He's just very old, and he thinks a photographer named Sam Hunt lives here.
Il est juste vieux et pense qu'un photographe, Sam Hunt, vit ici.
He lives quite near here, and you'll find he has a very pleasant house.
Il loge tout près, sa maison est très agréable.
Whenever I recall his voice, he lives, hers here beside me surely, safe and sound, though he did fly, he's only playing hide-and-seek.
"ll revit. Il est là. " A mes côtés, sain et sauf
He is my friend and lives up here.
C'est un de mes voisins et il habite au-dessus.
He lives around here but she never introduced me to him.
Il habitait dans le coin mais elle ne me l'a jamais présenté.

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