I thought you said translate French
4,939 parallel translation
I thought you said your mom could swing it?
Je croyais que ta mère pouvait arranger ça?
I thought you said you don't charge people to be here. No, no.
- Vous avez dit que vous ne faisiez pas payer.
I thought you said D-day Doris.
J'ai cru que tu avais dit D-day Doris.
I thought you said don't touch anything.
Vous aviez dit de rien toucher.
I thought you said you had this handled?
- Je croyais que tu gérais?
I thought you said this place was just sand.
Je pensais que tu avais dit que cet endroit n'était fait que de sable.
Look, I thought you said you knew where we were going!
Je croyais que tu connaissais.
Yeah, we... I thought you said "All this mental work was exhausting?"
Vous disiez ce travail mental épuisant.
- Anyway, I thought you said someone took him.
Je croyais que quelqu'un l'avait pris.
- I thought, sir... I thought you said...
Je croyais que vous aviez dit que...
So I thought you said you were going to get my stuff back.
Je pensais que t'avais dis que t'allais récupérer mes affaires.
I thought you said she was your friend.
Je pensais que c'était une amie.
I thought you said you disabled the alarm.
- Tu n'avais pas désactivé l'alarme?
I thought you said you threw that in the river.
Je croyais que tu l'avais jeté dans le fleuve.
I thought you said it was a yo-gurt mat.
Je croyais que tu parlais d'un tapis de yo-gurt.
I thought you said they want to keep it?
Je croyais qu'ils voulaient qu'on continue.
I thought you said it was too soon.
Je croyais que c'était trop tôt.
Fin : I thought you said there wasn't a hardware store?
Je croyais que vous aviez dit qu'il n'y avait pas de magasin de bricolage?
I thought you said you were staying at Hanna's last night.
Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu restais chez Hanna la nuit dernière.
I thought you said- - ( stops herself )
Je croyais que tu...
I thought, I mean, not that I'm blaming you, because we don't blame in this family, but I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy.
Euh, je pensais que... Enfin, sans te blâmer, parce qu'on ne blâme pas dans cette famille. mais je pensais que tu avais dit que ce ne serait pas trop lourd.
I thought you said you wanted to make friends.
Tu ne voulais pas te faire des amis?
I thought you said the legend wasn't real.
Je croyais que ce n'était qu'une légende!
I thought you said he wasn't coming?
Tu as dit qu'il ne viendrait pas?
( WHISPERING ) I thought you said he was gay.
Tu disais qu'il était gay.
I thought you said you didn't want to talk to me ever again.
Je pensais que tu ne voulais plus jamais me parler.
I thought you said he didn't know anything about Panama.
Je croyais que t'avais dis qu'il ne savait rien à propos de Panama?
I thought you said you dated every eligible guy.
Je croyais que tu étais sortie avec tous les garçons intéressants.
Well, I thought you said she was killed in the'70s.
Je pensais que tu avais dit qu'elle avait été tuée dans les années'70.
- I thought you said Suzanna...
- Tu as dit que Suzanna...
I thought you said we were going home.
Qu'est-ce que cette femme a sur toi?
I thought you said Javier was backing off.
Je croyais que tu avais dis que Javier aller arrêter.
I thought you said he was cute.
Je croyais que tu avais dit qu'il était mignon.
I thought you said we were safe here.
Je croyais que tu avais dit que c'était sûr ici.
- With extra shrimp and extra parm. - I thought you said you were nauseous.
Mais tu es bien trop jeune pour donner à des jeunes filles d'aussi gros cadeaux.
I thought you said never approach guys.
Je pensais que tu avais dit qu'il ne fallait pas approcher les gars.
But I thought you said operating was too risky.
Mais vous disiez que l'opérer était trop risqué.
I thought you said you weren't drinking anymore. No.
Je pensais que tu avais dit que tu ne boirais plus.
Wait. I thought you said that he was really affectionate and sweet.
Tu m'as dit qu'il a été super gentil après.
I thought you said it was a whole other hole.
Tu n'as pas dit que c'était deux trous différents?
I thought you just said you're pregnant.
J'ai cru que tu avais dit que tu étais enceinte.
You know, when you came to me, asked me for a job, I said "yes" because I thought it would bring us closer together.
Tu sais, quand tu es venue à moi pour me demander un travail, j'ai dit "oui" parce que je pensais que cela nous rapprocherait.
I thought about what you said, and you're right.
J'ai pensé sur ce que tu m'as dis et tu as raison.
But I thought that you said that...
Mais je pensais que tu avais dis que...
Well, when you said that you were gonna take me To the theater, I thought you meant to see a play.
Quand tu as dit que tu m'emmenerais au théâtre, je pensais que tu voulais dire aller voir une pièce.
I thought you guys said you'd been here before.
Je croyais que vous aviez dit être déjà venus ici avant.
I thought you were upset, because you were acting really weird, but then you... you built, like, this tent over our bed out of blankets, and we made s'mores on the stove, and then inside the fort on our bed, you said,
Je croyais que tu étais contrarié, tu avais un comportement si étrange, mais après tu... tu as construit cette tente avec des couvertures au-dessus du lit et on a fait des chamalos grillés, et à l'intérieur du fort de notre lit, tu as dit,
I thought about what you said.
J'ai pensé à ce que vous aviez dit.
So, I said, "have you thought about wrestling?"
Alors je lui ai dis "vous avez pensez à faire de la lutte?"
I thought you just said it was locked.
Je croyais que vous étiez satisfaite. Oui.
I'm telling you, the second... the second they said your name to me, I just thought that I could just turn your life around.
Je te le jure, à la seconde où ils m'ont dit ton nom, je me suis dit que je pouvais changer ta vie.
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought you 107
i thought about it 224
i thought as much 65
i thought i'd lost you 79
i thought you were at work 20
i thought you were different 43
i thought i heard something 89
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought you 107
i thought about it 224
i thought as much 65
i thought i'd lost you 79
i thought you were at work 20
i thought you were different 43
i thought i heard something 89