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I told him everything translate French

279 parallel translation
Well, madame, in order to save my home, I confess I told him everything.
Pour sauver mon mariage, je vais tout vous dire.
I told him everything.
Je lui ai tout raconté.
I told him everything.
- Bien sûr. Je lui ai tout dit.
So I told him everything!
Je lui ai tout raconté!
You see, when I found out about you and Erich, I went to your husband and I told him everything because I was unhappy and desperate
Quand votre liaison avec Henri a commencé, je suis allée tout raconter à votre mari.
Yeah, I told him everything.
Je lui ai tout raconté.
Of course he knows! I told him everything.
Je lui ai tout dit...
I told him everything that would make it possible for him to come here.
Je lui ai dit tout ce qui était possible pour qu'il vienne ici.
- I told him everything.
Oui, je lui ai tout raconté.
Gilbert is what? I told him everything, you can't imagine.
- C'est tout?
- I told him everything!
- Je lui ai tout dit.
- I told him everything!
- Je lui ai tout dit!
I told him everything, I'm getting a divorce.
Je lui ai tout dit. Je vais divorcer.
I had a hard time convincing him, I told him everything that came into my head.
J'ai eu du un d ces mal à le convaincre, je lui ai raconté tout ce qui me passait dans la tête.
I told him everything, as you wished No, I embellished the things for KARASAWA
Makiko Isaku se nourrit en grande partie de son narcissisme!
Of course I told him everything!
Bien sûr que je lui ai tout dit!
I told him everything.
Je lui dis tout.
Before he left I told him everything.
Avant qu'il parte, je lui ai tout dit.
And so I told him everything, and let him pay for the drinks.
Et je lui ai tout raconté. Et puis je lui ai laissé les consommations.
So Why Not Be Honest With Each Other. So We Were. I Told Him Everything.
Je lui ai donc tout dit.
I've told him everything! "
Je lui ai tout dit!
He came to me, and i told him i knew nothing. He wouldn't take it and went for me, said he knew everything.
Il est venu, j'ai dit que je ne savais rien...
I've told him everything is a fake.
Que tout est factice.
I told you that an hour ago, but you had to give me the argument about "everything comes to him who waits".
Mais tu m'as claironné : "Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre."
I hope you forgive me speaking my way, but I've served you for many years. I think it would be better if you called in. Inspector Krogh and told him everything.
Excusez-moi, mais je suis à votre service depuis longtemps et... je crois que vous devriez tout dire à l'inspecteur Krogh.
Look - he do everything I told him.
Il fait tout ce que je lui ai dit.
I've told him everything I know, and you too.
Je vous ai tout dit.
If I sent for him, told him everything...
Je peux le convoquer, lui expliquer...
Major Hammond is innocent of everything and he would not be here now except that I went to him and told him my husband and his men were torturing his brother.
M. Hammond est innocent. Et il ne serait pas ici si je ne l'avais pas prévenu que mon mari torturait son frère.
- Do you need one? Donald's a husband who's believed everything I've told him... since I was five years old.
Mon mari croit tout ce que je dis depuis l'âge de 5 ans.
- I've told him everything.
- Vous savez tout.
Everything else I'd told him.
Pour le reste, je lui ai laissé une lettre.
I told him that everything works out if it has a purpose.
Je lui ai dit qu'on pouvait tout surmonter. Il suffit d'avoir une chose dont on puisse se réjouir.
I told him nearly everything. I want it to sell, don't I?
Je lui ai presque tout dit, pour que le livre marche.
You know, I told him this would happen one of these days, the way he leaves everything unlocked.
Je lui ai dit que ça devait arriver à force de tout laisser ouvert.
If I were you, I'd pester him until he told me about everything.
Si j'étais toi, je l'obligerais à parler.
I told him to take care of everything, send me the bill but to keep my name anonymous.
Je lui ai demandé de s'en occuper, mais de ne pas mentionner mon nom.
I told him people charge everything - hotels, department stores.
Tout se paye à crédit aujourd'hui : l'hôtel, le restaurant, les grands magasins.
You told me you wouldn't tell anyone I couldn't support not to tell him After telling Sugimoto everything
Tu m'avais dit de ne rien dire mais je ne pouvais plus supporter de ne rien dire après avoir tout dit à Sugimoto je lui ai demandé pardon
Just tell him everything I told you.
Vous verrez, il me croira. À présent, tout est changé.
I told him I kept a diary detailing everything I did, day-by-day.
Je lui ai dit que je gardais un journal détaillant mes actes, jour après jour.
I'll wager this young rat's told him everything.
Je parie que ce rat lui a tout dit.
I told him everything.
Je lui ai tout dit.
I would like to remind my illustrious colleagues of our astonishment when during the first meeting convened by His Majesty, we were told that the only necessary and urgent thing that needed to be done was tracing immediately Maestro Wagner and trying everything in our power to convince him to move to our country.
Songez, honorables collègues, à notre stupeur lors du premier Conseil convoqué par Sa Majesté où il nous fut dit que la seule mesure urgente était de retrouver le maestro Wagner afin de le convaincre à tout prix de venir s'installer dans notre pays.
When I told Hans I wanted to leave him, He said everything will be fine once we get an apartment in New York.
Hans a dit que tout s'arrangerait quand nous aurions un appartement à New York.
Il m'a compris quand je lui ai expliqué qu'on faisait de bonnes affaires ici.
Miller wouldn't even let anyone touch the light switch because I told him to leave everything just the way it was.
Miller a interdit qu'on touche aux interrupteurs parce que j'ai dit de tout laisser en état.
I told him I knew everything.
Je lui ai dit que j'étais au courant de tout.
And I suppose he told you how my father cheated him out of everything but his shirt with Ferrus, huh?
Et je suppose qu'il vous a parlé de la façon dont mon père lui a volé tout ce qui concernait Ferrus, hein?
I already told everything to him.
Je lui ai déjà dit.
I told you you could give him everything but you.
Tu peux tout donner... sauf toi.

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