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If you don't leave translate French

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If you don't leave it this trip, you never will.
Si tu n'abandonnes pas après ce voyage, tu ne le feras jamais.
If they see you first, you'll lay where they leave you. We don't stop for funerals.
S'ils te voient les premiers, tu n'auras pas de funérailles.
You could leave me to make a fool of myself alone, if you don't mind.
Vous pouvez me laisser me ridiculiser seule, si vous le voulez bien.
But, Harry, if you don't want me to leave I'll refuse. - Beatrix.
Mais si vous le désirez, je refuse de partir.
Don ´ t you see? If you tell her what ´ s going on, she ´ II leave the Group, leave GrandeIa and become yet another unemployed artist?
Vous voyez pas que si vous lui racontez ce qui se passe, elle quittera le groupe, elle quittera le Grandela et ça fera une artiste de plus au chômage?
If you don't, you'II still leave town.
Sinon, vous quitterez tout de même la ville.
Well, why don't you leave her in peace too if her memories will?
Laissons-la en paix, elle aussi. Si ses souvenirs le veulent bien.
This conversation is much too witty for me, so, if you don't mind, I'll just leave you two up here to laugh at each other's jokes.
- Votre conversation est trop intellectuelle. Je vous laisse donc tous les 2 rire de votre plaisanteries.
If you don't leave here, I'll introduce Officer O'Hara to Mr. Spenalzo.
Sinon, je présenterai O'Hara à Spenalzo!
Why don't you leave the light on if you're frightened.
Laissez la lumière allumée si vous avez peur.
Then if things don't work out, you can always leave.
Si ça ne fonctionne pas, tu peux toujours partir.
All right, if you don't come right away, we'll leave you behind.
Si tu ne viens pas, on va te laisser là.
If you don't want anything else, sir, I think you'd better leave.
Si vous ne désirez rien d'autre, vous feriez mieux de vous retirer.
If you don't need me, I'II leave now.
Si vous n'avez plus besoin de moi, je me retire.
If we don't put the fear of God into law-breakers, you couldn't teach, you could ride, or leave the cabin.
Si ces criminels ne craignaient pas Dieu vous ne pourriez pas enseigner.
If you leave, don't come back.
Si vous partez, ne revenez pas.
But if you don't leave me alone I'll wind up kicking babies.
Mais si tu ne me laisses pas tranquille je vais devenir violent.
If you don't leave voluntarily, the gendarmes will come... and take you and your dog by the nape of your necks and throw you on the train.
Vous, prenez garde!
the rest of you, If you don't want to cooperate, leave now. All right.
Les autres, si vous n'en voulez pas, partez maintenant.
I mean, if you don't wanna see us then what do you wanna leave your card for?
pourquoi déposer votre carte?
- No, I don't. The members of the hospital staff want to find out if you're well enough to leave.
Nous voulons découvrir si vous êtes en état de partir.
Fresh air, sunshine, and, if you don't like it, you can leave.
De l'air pur, du soleil. Vous pouvez toujours partir.
When I'm finished with you, you'll leave Vienna. It should see you through tonight at Sacher's Hotel, if you don't drink too much in the bar. Here's some army money.
Quand ce sera fait, vous aurez bonne mine!
If you don't leave Rut alone, I will quit!
Laissez rut tranquille ou je démissionne!
If you don't want it, you can still leave.
Si tu n'en veux pas, tu peux encore partir.
If you don't, I'm forced to leave you.
Alors, c'est moi qui dois vous quitter.
I don't know what would happen if you ever had to leave Mr. Hudig.
Que serait M. Hudig sans vous?
Mayor or not, if you don't leave I'll cane you so hard, you'll go bald!
Dehors! Je lui en ai fait trop voir.
There's something I'd like to ask you before you leave, if you don't mind.
J'aimerais vous demander une chose avant que vous ne partiez.
- I'd like to leave, if you don't mind.
- Je suis prête à partir.
If you love me, you should tell your family that you don't want that marriage that you would leave the house to live with me
Si tu m'aimes, dis-le à ta famille. Ose dire que tu refuses ce mariage, Que pour moi, tu quitterais la maison.
If you're legally free of him, why don't you just leave him?
Vous êtes adulte, pourquoi ne pas le laisser?
I give you three minutes to leave this house, if you don't want my servants to throw you out.
Tu as trois minutes pour sortir... ou je te fais chasser par les valets.
If you don't trust my words, I can also leave.
Si Monsieur doute de mon honnêteté en tant que régisseur, je peux m'en aller...
Bring the gentleman if you don't want to leave him, but do come!
Emmène ce monsieur, si tu ne peux plus t'en séparer, mais viens!
This is just to say hello and leave my stuff here, if you don't mind... while I look for a place of my own.
Je suis passée dire bonjour et laisser mes affaires, si ça ne te dérange pas... pendant que je me cherche un appartement.
I swear if you don't leave me alone I'll scream!
Si tu ne me laisses pas, je hurle.
I swear I'll get up. I'll get dressed. I'll leave the house, if you don't promise.
Sinon, je te jure que je m'habille et que je sors.
Today I kill you if you don't leave.
Ça va être ta fête aujourd'hui si tu ne t'en vas.
If you don't want me, I will leave.
- Oui, j'irai... j'irai.
If you don't leave, you'll be severely punished, Mr. Cooper.
Si vous ne partez pas, vous serez séverement puni, M. Cooper.
If that's the way you feel, then why don't you leave?
Si c'est ce que tu penses, pourquoi tu ne pars pas?
If you don't like the work then you should leave
Si tu n'aimes pas ce métier, alors quitte-le.
And if I don't leave you?
Imagine que je reste.
And if you don't like that, you're free to leave this house!
Et si cela ne te plaît pas, tu es libre de quitter cette maison!
- You be quiet mother! - If you don't leave, you've had it.
Dégage, sinon, tu vas vraiment souffrir!
So if you don't mind, he'd like to leave after this set.
Si ça te va, il aimerait partir après ce morceau.
If you don't leave with that group at 12 a. m you're gonna be in more trouble than you ever did see.
Si vous ne partez pas avec ce groupe à midi, vous allez avoir de gros problêmes.
You're gorgeous! If you don't leave now, I'll smash you with my bag!
Laissez-moi ou je vous jette mon filet à la tête!
Or spend the night with me if you don't want to leave!
Si tu ne veux pas, passe la nuit avec moi!
If you see me lay my cap down, leave at once. Don't go home.
Si je pose mon calot, pars vite et ne rentre pas.

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