If you don't stop translate French
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And also... as you said, I've been shutting you off for last 20 years. But if you still have thoughts of me as your son, and if you don't want to lose your one and only son forever, please stop, I beg you.
Et aussi... Alors je vous supplie d'arrêter.
If you don't stop yelling, you'll tip him off yourself.
"Si tu continues à hurler, c'est toi qui vas le rencarder."
If you don't stop the show, I'll have you arrested.
Si vous ne cessez pas le spectacle je vais devoir vous arrêter.
- If you don't stop, I'll call the captain.
- Arrêtez, ou j'appelle le capitaine.
- Shubin, if you don't stop... - Hello, Excellency?
Arrêtez, sinon...
Not that I'm complaining, but if you don't stop being careless and breaking china, there won't be much chance for her to have the clothes every girl ought to.
Je ne me plains pas! Mais je t'en prie, ne casse plus de porcelaine. Cette enfant a le droit d'avoir de jolies robes, comme les autres.
We haven't met but don't let that stop you if you're hungry.
On n'a pas été présenté mais que ça vous empêche pas de manger.
Grace. If you don't stop selling your soul to the devil by believing in those horoscopes.
Grace, cesse de vendre ton âme au d ¡ able en croyant à ces horoscopes ¡ d ¡ ots!
And keep on walking. And don't stop if you know what's good for you.
Ne vous arrêtes pas de marcher, c'est dans votre intérêt.
You don't care if they stop or not.
On se fiche pas mal qu'ils s'arrêtent.
Say... I'd like to stop on the way and phone, if you don't mind.
J'aimerais m'arrêter en route pour téléphoner.
I've never been a violent man... but if you don't stop this lunkhead cop of yours from chasing my soldiers around... I'll
Je ne suis pas un homme violent... mais si vous n'empêchez pas cet idiot d'agent de chasser mes soldats... je vais-je vais -
You don't know how insulting I'm going to be if you don't stop playacting.
Tu verras comme je serai insultant si tu ne cesses pas ton cirque.
If you don't stop calling me, I'll come over there and, regardless of your sex, I'll smack you in the nose!
Si vous n'arrêtez pas de m'appeler, je viendrai vous corriger.
Well, then I'll stop saying it. I mean, if you don't like it, if you don't want me to.
J'arrêterai si ça te plaît pas, si tu veux pas que je le dise.
I'll tell you something else. If you don't stop being so easygoing with money you'll land in the gutter before you're through. Or back on that farm where you came from milking cows and cleaning out henhouses.
Si tu continues â dilapider ton argent, tu retourneras lâ d'où tu viens, dans une ferme, â traire les vaches et â garder les poules!
If you don't stop playing, Olympe will drop dead.
Arrête de jouer sinon Olympe va tomber raide.
- If you don't stop I'll jump out.
- Arrêtez, ou je saute.
If you don't stop nagging, I won't help you arrange matters with Boopie.
Si vous continuez, je n'interviens pas auprès de Boopie.
If you don't stop hollering, you're liable to get big muscles all over your face.
Si t'arrêtes pas de brailler, tu risques d'avoir le visage musclé.
- If you don't stop bothering me, I'm going to punch you in the nose.
Je t'ai pas dit... d'arrêter?
If you don't stop being a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy.
Assez de gloutonnerie! Vous deviendrez comme Mammy!
The plague on you if you don't stop arguing like lawyers.
Vous devriez avoir honte de vous disputer comme des avocats.
And if you don't stop screamin'at him, it's liable to happen right here... and then you'll be sorry.
Et si vous n'arrêtez pas de lui crier dessus, ça va arriver. - Et vous le regretterez.
- If you don't stop...
- Si tu n'arrêtes pas...
- But it's true because if you stop breathing you're dead and you don't have to feel anymore but when they stop your love you're alive and you keep on feeling.
C'est vrai, quand on ne respire plus, on est mort et on ne ressent plus rien, mais quand on vous retire l'amour, on est en vie et on continue à ressentir.
I think if you don't stop playing detective, somebody gonna kill you.
Si vous ne cessez pas de jouer au détective, on va vous tuer.
Dorothy, don't you think it might be more appropriate... -... if you wrote invitations after the trial? - Oh, do stop fussing.
Tu ferais mieux d'attendre la fin du procès.
If they see you first, you'll lay where they leave you. We don't stop for funerals.
S'ils te voient les premiers, tu n'auras pas de funérailles.
Stop, stop, if you don't want me to retaliate by reciting all the tributary branches of the Amazon.
Arrêtez! Vous voulez que je vous énumère les affluents de l'Amazone?
If you don't stop throwing lyrics at me, I'll cram them down your throat!
Arrête tout de suite les chansons ou je te les fais avaler!
- Si tu ne cesses pas d'embrasser Kitty...
If you don't stop looking at me like that, I won't be responsible for what happens.
Si vous me regardez ainsi, je ne réponds plus de mes actes.
If you don't stop, I will.
Si tu continues, je le ferai.
Well, that's what you'll be doing if you don't stop this clowning. Clowning?
Vous le ferez aussi si vous n'arrêtez pas vos singeries.
You know, you're gonna ruin your appetite if you don't stop eating between bites.
Tu vas te ruiner l'appétit, si tu manges entre chaque bouchée.
Don't know if I'd blame you, a man that killed your partner but that won't stop me from nailing'you.
Je ne vous en voudrais pas : il a tué votre associé. Mais je vous coffrerai.
Stop right where you are Mr. Norten, if you don't want to go over with me.
Restez où vous êtes si vous ne voulez pas me suivre!
I can't unhook you if you don't stop wiggling.
Je ne peux pas vous détacher si vous gigotez.
You'll get them back if they don't stop clicking.
Vous les reprendrez, si ça n'arrête pas.
If you don't stop talking about him, I'm going to jilt you myself.
Ne parle plus de lui, sinon je te quitte aussi.
Even if I don't stop you, there'll be others who will.
Même si je ne vous arrête pas, d'autres le feront.
If you don't stop carrying on with Germain, beware!
"Si tu ne cesses pas toute relation adultère avec Germain," " gare à toi.
Ted, you're not gonna have any eyebrows left if you don't stop it.
Ted, arrête de t'arracher les sourcils.
If you don't stop it immediately... - I'll have to get this officer to do it for you. - Alright.
Je ne cherche pas le scandale, mais interviens, ou ce policier le fera à ta place!
If you don't stop this I'll have you arrested!
Arrêtez ou j'appelle la police.
Don't stop here if you're looking for a room.
Inutile de rester si c'est pour une chambre.
Kid, if you don't stop I won't continue to read the cards.
Si tu commentes, j'arrête tout.
If you don't mind, let's stop at the school for a moment.
On va s'arrêter un instant à l'école.
And if you don't stop with that joke, where do you stop?
Où s'arrête-t-on si on ne réagit pas à une blague?
But that you know, if you don't stop her, In a way, you'll be committing murder.
Maintenant que vous savez, si vous ne l'arrêtez pas, en un sens, vous commettez un meurtre.
if you want 1750
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't eat 20
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you don't mind 1583
if you don't mind me asking 146
if you want to talk to me 22
if you 535
if you can't beat' em 19
if you like 1152
if you're hungry 89
if you don't eat 20
if you don't 701
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you're reading this 32
if you don't talk 19
if you please 567
if you need anything 442
if you ask me 829
if you're 71
if you don't believe me 187
if you don't know 82
if you want it 177
if you're reading this 32