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It wouldn't be fair translate French

184 parallel translation
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Ce serait injuste envers vous.
No, it wouldn't be fair.
Oui, ce serait pas honnête.
"No, no, Mavis, you are a great artiste, and it wouldn't be fair to deprive the world of your genius."
"Non, non, Mavis, vous êtes une grande artiste... et il ne serait pas juste de priver le monde de votre génie."
It wouldn't be fair to take her away from her work.
Ce serait injuste de lui demander de quitter son emploi.
It wouldn't be fair to him.
Ça ne serait pas honnête envers lui.
That wouldn't be fair, and you know it.
Ce serait injuste, tu le sais.
It wouldn't be fair to Mr Whipsnade to leave like this.
Ça ne serait pas juste de laisser tomber M. Whipsnade comme ça.
It wouldn't be fair to Mr Whipsnade. - Or his daughters.
Ça ne serait pas juste envers M. Whipsnade... ou ses filles.
I'll never get married. The kind of a lover I am, it wouldn't be fair.
Je ne me marierai jamais.
It wouldn't be fair dragging you in no further.
Ce serait injuste de vous impliquer davantage.
Well, that's sweet of you, John. But I don't feel that way about you, and it wouldn't be fair.
C'est gentil, John, mais je ne suis pas amoureuse.
He said it wouldn't be fair to his wife for us to see each other any more because... I'm obviously the kind of girl that takes these things too seriously.
Il a dit qu'il serait malhonnête vis-à-vis de sa femme de continuer à se voir, car D'après lui, je suis le genre de fille qui prend ce genre d'histoire trop à cœur.
It's just that it wouldn't be fair to you.
Simplement, ce serait injuste envers vous.
It wouldn't be fair otherwise.
Sans ça, ce ne serait pas juste.
It wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be fair!
Ce serait injuste!
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Ce serait injuste pour vous.
Ah, it wouldn't be fair.
Ce ne serait pas juste.
- It wouldn't be fair and square.
- Ça ne serait pas juste.
It wouldn't be fair to ask any more of you.
Ce serait injuste de vous en demander davantage.
Give up? But it wouldn't be fair.
Mais ça n'aurait pas été honnête.
It wouldn't be fair.
Ce serait injuste.
It wouldn't be fair of me to marry you.
Je n'ai pas le droit de t'épouser.
That might be emotionally satisfying to you, but it wouldn't be exactly practical, and hardly fair.
Cela vous apaiserait peut-être, mais ce serait impossible, et surtout injuste.
I don't think I will, but it wouldn't be fair to his memory, do you think?
Je ne me remarierai pas mais... Ce ne serait pas honnête envers lui.
It wouldn't even be fair if there was Pepsi-Cola down there.
Le prix serait injustifié même si on découvrait du pepsi cola.
It wouldn't be fair to take her away from me now.
Ce serait injuste de me l'enlever maintenant.
Ce ne serait pas juste. Juste envers qui?
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Ce serait trop dur pour vous.
But he claims he thought it wouldn't be fair to her, married to nothing but the memory of a selfish slob.
Il a refusé que sa vie soit brisée pour lui, un égoïste.
It wouldn't be fair to marry you now, do you see?
Ce serait mal de ma part de t'épouser.
No, it wouldn't be fair.
Non, ce ne serait pas juste.
It wouldn't be fair to keep them here.
Ce n'est pas juste de les garder ici.
Wouldn't it be nice to go to a fair, to have a ride on a merry-go-round.
Si on allait à la foire, toi et moi? On ferait un tour de manège.
But it wouldn't be fair to involve you.
Nous ne voulons pas vous impliquer.
It wouldn't be fair to leave you here all alone.
Ce ne serait pas juste de vous laisser seul ici.
She's paid half the fee and it wouldn't be fair at all to her.
Elle a payé la moitié des honoraires, ce serait incorrect vis à vis d'elle.
It wouldn't be fair to the knights.
C'est absurde. Ce ne serait pas juste pour les chevaliers.
You guys are so good, it wouldn't be fair unless you bowled handicapped.
Des as comme vous, normal qu'ils aient un handicap.
It wouldn't be fair to you.
Ce serait pas juste envers toi.
No, it wouldn't be fair, to me or the dog.
Non, ce serait pas bien... pour moi comme pour le chien.
To be fair, I wouldn't believe it if you told me.
Tu me l'aurais raconté, je ne t'aurais pas crue.
It wouldn't be fair.
Ce serait pas fair-play.
It wouldn't be fair to be this old and have to raise children.
C'est injuste d'être vieille et d'élever des enfants.
It wouldn't be fair to them.
Ce ne serait pas juste.
It wouldn't really be fair.
Ça serait pas juste.
I felt I was too much of a child myself and it wouldn't be fair.
J'étais encore enfant moi-même.
If anyone ever found out, well, it'd be awful and it wouldn't be fair.
Si quelqu'un l'apprenait, ce serait horrible et injuste.
After all that Westley did for her... if she didn't marry him, it wouldn't be fair.
Après tout ce qu'il a fait. Ce ne serait pas juste autrement.
But, father, I can't. It wouldn't be fair.
- Ce serait injuste.
It wouldn't be fair to Mikey.
Ce ne serait pas juste pour Mikey.
Wouldn't it be fair to say you were rather well acquainted with Ms. Polhemus?
Est-il exact de dire que vous étiez très lié avec C. Polhemus?

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