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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Lsn't it

Lsn't it translate French

190 parallel translation
lsn't it strange I'd give a lot to undo it?
Pourtant, j'aimerais vraiment faire marche arrière.
Yes. lsn't it terrible? They had to rush him off to Florida.
On l'a expédié en Floride!
- But this is much too soon. - lsn't it? - Much too soon.
Il arrive un peu vite!
It's me. lsn't that silly?
C'était moi! Que je suis bête!
- lsn't it?
- Non?
It's kind of a tough day before Christmas, ain't it- - lsn't it?
Pas un jour facile avant Noël, pas vrai... N'est-ce pas?
- l'd give my body if it'd do any good. - lsn't there anything?
Je donnerais ma vie si ça pouvait aider.
- lt's wonderful. lsn't it, Ann?
- Fantastique, n'est-ce pas?
- lsn't it?
- D'accord?
lsn't it strange you always seem to be fighting with the underdog?
Toujours du côté des opprimés!
- lsn't it exciting?
- N'est-ce excitant, Evvy?
- lsn't it exciting?
N'est-ce pas excitant? - Au combat!
- lsn ´ t it sweet?
- N " est-ce pas merveilleux?
Look. lsn't it perfect?
Regarde. C'est parfait!
- lsn't it? - Yes.
- Tu ne trouves pas?
- lt's our day. lsn't it wonderful?
- N'est-ce pas fantastique?
"'lsn't it a nifty one? 'You often hear them say
"Comme il est pimpant l" Disent-ils souvent
- lsn't it wonderful?
- C'est merveilleux.
- lsn't it there? - No, but I expect they'll find it.
D'un bas ou d'une écharpe...
lsn't it time you got started?
Nettoie d'abord.
Those necks are broken. lsn't it- -?
Ces cous sont brisés. Est-ce...?
- lsn't it? - To lmmacolatella?
A l'lmmacolatella?
- Krasheninnikov. lsn't it so?
- Krasheninnikov? N'est-ce pas?
- That's marvellous! - lsn't it?
- C'est formidable.
It's lovely. - lsn't it nice!
Quelle merveille! C'est tellement beau!
- lsn't it true? - We're not in the dark ages!
Professeur, on n'est tout de même pas au Moyen Age!
- lsn't it time we had a new deck?
- A quand un nouveau jeu de cartes?
It's the effort that's most important, not what we achieve. lsn't it?
Le plus important, c'est l'effort, pas la réussite, non?
Been thinking about it ever since I went inside. "I'll never come back!" lsn't that what you swore to me?
Tu as dit que tu ne reviendrais jamais, non?
lsn't it wonderful?
N'est ce pas merveilleux?
lsn't it a beauty today? Shit, yeah. You cooking eggs for Edie?
il fait beau aujourd'hui putain oui.t'as préparé les oeufs pour Edie?
lsn't it nice it's on Sunday this year?
C'est un dimanche.
- lsn't it?
- N'est-ce pas?
- Yeah. lt's on. lsn't it great?
- Elle est en route, génial non?
- lsn't it?
- Ah bon?
- lsn't it surprising?
- N'est-ce pas surprenant?
Look, Crystal. lsn't it beautiful?
Regarde, Crystal. C'est beau, non?
lsn't it dangerous?
C'est dangereux d'émettre?
- lsn't it a bit late to say that?
- C'est un peu tard, non?
lsn`t it?
Ce n'est pas le cas?
- lsn't it?
- Vraiment?
- lsn't it? I have such a weakness for beautiful clothes.
J'ai un faible pour les beaux vêtements.
lsn't it?
N'est-ce pas?
- lsn't that surprising? - To me? Yes, it is.
Oui, cela me surprend.
Every time you gave it to me I returned it. lsn't that right?
Et je vous le rendais à chaque fois pas vrai?
- lsn't that how it's always been?
- C'est pas ce que tu fais toujours?
- lsn't it a great day?
- Belle journée, hein?
It's a mountain, Lucy. lsn't it?
C'est bien une montagne, hein?
- lsn't it true?
- C'est pas vrai?
- lsn't it amazing how life works out?
- La vie est bien faite, non?
- lsn't it obvious what I did here?
- N'avez-vous donc pas compris?

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